3 common problems and solution of Iphone

3 common problems and solution of Iphone

Like any complex and sophisticated machines iphone can also cause quite a few problems. In maximum cases, though, troubleshooting and fixing them is a straightforward approach. So before you call apple support you can take up the onus of visiting your professional. Listed below are few things that you can try to get your devices and services just working again.

How do you restart, reboot and recover your iphone- It is a cliché for a reason, but at times simply restarting your iphone can clear up all your problems that range from battery drain to bad WIFI and Bluetooth malfunctioning. You can simply power down and power up. If required you can carry out hard reboot.

Reboot is not enough- At a simple reboot is not enough? If something has gone wrong seriously, put your phone in recovery mode. You can also use device firmware update mode. It will help to completely re-install the IOS. You have that particular option as well.

If you do not want to reset everything but just one or few things, you can carry out that particular aspect too. It is a simple task to reset the setting of the phone. You can remove the network connections and erase content. You can zap the keyboard dictionary, rearrange the home screen or dump location.

A question that might throng the minds of several is what if the phone, won’t charge, get terrible battery life, won’t shut down or won’t start up? Having problems with power is worst. It means you cannot rely on your iphone working for you, while you need it. Whether your iphone is not charging or draining too fast when charged, the good news is that you can fix it all by yourself.

Fixing problems- Fixing problem with Wi-Fi, Bluetooth and other connection can all be done by you- connections that won’t connect. Bluetooth needs to broadcast and establish a connection. The Wi-Fi needs to lock on a transit data. That is the job, so if your connection is not connecting here is what you need to look out for.

·        How to trouble shoot Bluetooth connections

·        How to trouble shoot home kit connections

·        How to trouble shoot air drop connections 

If you have an iPhone and facing problems then you can contact MrFix the iPhone Repair Shop in Edinburge.


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