3 Common Mistakes Moms Make When Weaning Their Babies
Weaning is an exciting period, especially for new moms, yet?one out of four?needs help to figure out how to wean their babies properly. As a mom looking to wean their baby, here are three common mistakes you want to avoid to transition smoothly from exclusive breastfeeding to complementary feeding.
1. Don’t wait for too long
Successfully weaning your baby requires that you start at six months when breastmilk no longer offers complete nutrients. However, you may want to wait longer to start, especially if your baby is not interested in solid foods.
Delayed weaning negatively affects your child as they become prone to food allergies and complications. Your child is also likely to become iron deficient, making him a fussy eater. So, could you introduce healthy foods to your child as soon as they turn six months?
You can start with soft fruits like apples, mango, papaya, and pears. Supplement the fruits with soft, healthy vegetables such as carrots, potatoes, and pumpkins. Puree these fruits and vegetables for better results, as babies cannot swallow lumps in foods at this stage.
2. Don’t introduce too many foods
Introducing too many foods is risky because allergies may arise, and you may fail to pinpoint which food caused the allergic reaction. For instance, some babies may be allergic to eggs and dairy products.
You want to introduce one food and monitor reactions before moving to the next. At the end of the weaning cycle, you will learn which foods your baby is allergic to and their favorite foods.
3. Don’t seclude your child’s meal times
Babies learn best by modeling. At the weaning stage, babies learn by watching others eat. One of the baby’s lead weaning methods is when your baby is interested in your food. Feeding your baby separately from everyone may sound like the right thing to make your baby focus on eating.
However, he also needs to learn what to do with the food you are offering. Watching other people eat is an excellent way to go. It will?teach your child how to eat, chew and swallow. It will also teach your child that eating is social and fun, not some kind of isolation.
Final thoughts
Weaning your baby should be an excellent time for you and your baby. To make it successful, don’t wait for too long to begin. Take it slow while introducing the foods, and let your baby eat along with other family members so that they can model eating habits. Remember that weaning is a gradual process requiring patience and consistency.