3 Common Mistakes In E-commerce Website
It is undeniable that a good E-commerce site is the first thing retailers need to think about when they want to increase online sales as well as customer satisfaction. For a better-designed website, in this article, a deeper insight into 3 common mistakes in E-commerce web design will be provided.
Never in human’s history did we witness such a powerful dotcom boom as in the present time. The Internet has had the world swirl in various fields, from education, vocation to retailing. Seeing the on-growing demands of fast, convenient purchase through virtual sources, many businesses now pour millions of dollars into E-commerce web design in order to enter the online retailing game.
However, sometimes not all of those dollars are well-spent. Many decision-makers make bad investments in poor E-commerce web designs, therefore, do more stagnancy than convenience to the customers. It’s not that the engineering teams are doing a terrible job – it’s just that there are some common mistakes in E-commerce designs that they are yet to take into account.
1. An unreasonable amount of information
Absorbing information is an innate capability of anyone, however, each person was born with a different level of information processing. If your customers cannot understand all the content you prepare, it would likely to demotivate them to read and miss the major, crucial information such as customer protection, refund policy, hot deal notifications, etc.
In another phrase, distraction is unavoidable while you put too many things on the website – and it’s never a wise move. It would probably cause a chain of ambiguity to the customers, therefore, unnecessary conflicts might later arise, some of which can be pretty complicated to address. Your brand image will suffer, not to mention the poor customer experience and retention rate. It will be hard to generate return customers – the bloodline of any business – later on.
On the other hand, too little information is not good as well. Most of the time, people wander different website to search for something to buy. They might not really have a clear intention of what they want nor what they are going to purchase at the moment. Hence, the job of your website is to lure them into actually buying something using your platform, or at least add something into their cart. The information (text, infographic, etc) shall be a firm foundation, an effective tool to persuade them to stay and convert visitors into customers, not the other way around. Unthinkably reduce the amount of information is just equal to limiting the accessibilities to the visitors, therefore, lower the efficiency of customer generation.
Before determining the amount of information going public, think strategically from a visitor/customer point of view: which kind of information might be their top of mind, which kind of information they would likely to skip. Get rid of redundant numbers and texts, keep only what matters. An adequate amount of information is somewhat the key to the success of an E-commerce venture, so make sure you take it into consideration and present it in a clear, simple, consistent and transparent way so that everyone can understand.
2. Sign-In-For-A-Purchase Request
It’s such a nuisance being forced to sign in just to buy some pieces of things. Customers, no, almost everyone hates to be asked to do something while we literally don’t want to do it. It’s such a pain in the neck. And if it were me, I would rather leave than to do what I was asked to do.
But what if I’m not the only one being that stubborn?
Many highly aware people nowadays refuse to hand in their personal identity because they are afraid of information breaches and cyber-crimes. They have a reason to guard against such situations – even facebook sells its user data away! Some others are just lazy and even an extra step of registering can cause them to bother. Therefore, they often seek a way that minimises their confidentiality and/or their energy. They want fastness. They want convenience.
As such, the moment you require them to sign in to make a purchase, the moment you declare your ignorance towards the customer experiences. Consequently, your customers will feel like they are not in your care, to the point that they may conclude they are not important to you. They will wonder why they have to invest their money and time in a brand taking them for granted, and as a result, they will probably turn their back. The power of substitutes on the market is harsh, so if you don’t compete and serve your customer well, brand loyalty is nothing but a nice saying. Your customers can go out looking for another supplier that respect them, and you are left with nothing but a “please sign in to buy this product” window.
You can take it flexible, letting your customers purchase the products without signing into the system. If they, after some sign-in-less payments, love your services, they would voluntarily register for better use. Even if they don’t, the fact remains that they do use your service (they just refuse to sign in) – and it’s a positive sign for another purchase in the future. That way, money still flows in your pocket, so why be hell-bent on that signing in?
3. No space for customisation
Customisation is such an interesting alternative phrase for “make yourself like no one else”. A phrase attached to uniqueness and exception. When I mention customisation here, I mean let your customers be unique, and let YOU be unique. This is indeed a pleasant selling point you should add in your E-commerce venture since it shows that customer distinctive preferences, as well as customer experiences, are respected and taken into account.
For example, we take pride in Baia Baia, an E-commerce website that is not only strong but also flexible, allowing both website owners and customers to design the interface in accordance with their preference. The idea comes from the ever-changing needs to identify ourselves from others, meaning that we humans always seek a touch of personalisation in life – and E-commerce website is no exception.
The question followed is how we can promote individuality in our product? Magento, the worldwide leading customisable E-Commerce platform is integrated into the Baia Baia site, that offers an all-in-one tool to take control completely all features/functionality of the site. The platform allows the site to be customisable from the look to functionality to fit the brand image, mission and user’s habits. Those let website owners differentiate them from others with various fresh, up-to-date looks throughout the site longevity.
Not only to the website owner, who is our business customer, Baia Baia also provides users with a number of customisation tools to change the website theme, the order of information, etc, that guarantee a sense of personalisation, making sure that they feel the most like their one-of-a-kind selves.