3. Clusters

3. Clusters

We are doing a series on the book “Linked: How Everything is Connected to Everything Else and What It Means for Business, Science, and Everyday Life” by Albert-Laszlo Barabasi.

In the previous article, we covered Regular Graphs/Networks.?

Regular Graph/Network: Each Node has the same number of Links.

Cluster: a group of things positioned closely together

Island: nodes unconnected from a Cluster

The graph accompanying this post shows a Cluster of blue Nodes and an Island made up of a green Node.

With a Cluster, every Node is connected to every other Node, either directly or indirectly.

A Node that is an Island has NO access to the Nodes in the Cluster.

We have now covered the basic definitions with these first three articles. The next article will cover our first complicated concept.

Next Article: 4. Random Network

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