3 calls to Unilever to make its commitment to inclusivity and living wage in its global supply and value chains truly lasting, effective and inclusive
Ruth Vermeulen
Strategy, Collaboration & Remedy to close Human Rights Gaps in Global Supply Chains
Unilever anounced today it commits to help build a more inclusive society. A great development.
Below 3 calls to Unilever to help make their commitments lasting, sustainable and truly inclusive of all workers.
It's great to see Unilever take a next step on sustainability and set social targets besides environmental, like living wage and income for everyone working at direct suppliers, and stresses that its own #purchasingpractices need to drive this.
3 calls to Unilever to make this effective, lasting and truly inclusive:
Make sure to:
1. Extend your commitment to include all chains in your supply and value chain, include suppliers and subcontractors of your suppliers.
2. Include precarious workers: indirect, irregular and agency workers.
3. Include basic worker rights for all workers everywhere, incl. the right to organise.
1. Extend your commitment to include all chains in your supply and value chain, include suppliers and subcontractors of your suppliers:
-Work with and enable your suppliers to make sure your commitments trickle down throughout your supply and value chain and include the suppliers and subcontractors of your suppliers.
-Living wage and income in your value chain includes responsibility for your whole supply and value chain.
-Making your purchasing practices sustainable are indeed crucial.
2. Include precarious workers: indirect, irregular and agency workers:
-Besides making sure indirect suppliers are included in your commitments, make sure indirect workers of you, your suppliers and their suppliers and subcontractors are included as well.
-Indirect, irregular and agency workers are the most precarious workers in your supply and value chain in need of living wage, security and rights to organize.
3. Include worker rights for all workers everywhere:
-Make sure both you and the partners in your value chain commit to Freedom of Association and Social Dialogue. Not only for direct own workers, but for indirect, irregular, agency workers as well.
-Both for realizing living wage long term, and ensuring flexible workers are secure and have decent employment standards and mobility, it is crucial workers are free to organize themselves and negotiate improvements collectively via trade unions. Especially precarious workers.
-Freedom of organization will enable workers in your supply and value chain to negotiate improvements and have social dialogue with their employers on improvements needed.
Including all parts of the supply and value chain, all workers, secure basic rights like #socialdialogue and #freedomofassociation are all central to making sustainable lasting progress on #livingwage for all workers.
#livingwage #supplychainresponsibility #UNGP's #Unilever #inclusive