3 Brilliant Brain Games to Boost Your IQ
Today, there are a multitude of cell phone apps that can handle almost any task. From helping you to secure your home to controlling your car. There are even apps available that claim to help raise your IQ.
We found three apps that may give your IQ a boost. These apps can also help to increase your memory, reduce stress, and even assist you in learning a new language. So let’s take a break from procrastination causing apps, like Candy Crush, and fire up those neurons with some free brain games.
1. Lumosity (IOS, Android)
Developed by neuroscientists, this free app claims to be “a personal trainer that helps you to exercise your brain.”
Once you create your account, Lumosity asks you a few questions about the areas that you feel you need to improve. You can choose mental work outs that are focused on specific neural activities such as memory, attention and problem solving. Based on the activities you choose Lumosity will create your personalized brain training plan. The app also suggests that you dedicate at least 15 minutes a day to this plan in order to see results.
2. Happify (IOS, Android)
We all deal with stress every day in one form or another and you’ve probably noticed how it can be very difficult to think when under a massive amount of stress. According to Psychology Today, chronic stress can cause long term changes in brain structure and its functions. Good thing there is an app like Happify to help reduce stress making it easier for your brain to run on all cylinders.
Happify is a scientifically designed app that was created after a decade’s worth of research into what makes people happy and reduces stress. The app works similarly to Lumosity in the way that there are activities and games that train your brain, but with Happify the focus is increasing your happiness. According to the Happify website, people who use the app see dramatic improvements in their positive emotions and overall life satisfaction. (SeeGraphBelow). Bottom line? A happy brain is a healthy brain.
3. Duolingo (IOS, Android)
Ever wanted to learn a new language but just never had the time or resources? You may want to consider learning now. According to The BBC, learning a second language reduces brain aging and could even offset the effects of dementia by several years. So consider learning a second language as the fountain of youth for your brain. Duolingo is the map to lead you there.
Duolingo is a language learning app that the creators say will remain free for everyone to use forever. So now you have the time to learn any of the languages Duolingo offers, which includes: German, French, Spanish, Portuguese, Italian, Dutch, Ukrainian, Swedish, Turkish and other languages. The best part is you can learn any of these languages by playing games, making the process fun and addictive.
Now it’s Your Turn
We hope these brilliant apps help to enhance your brain power. Know of a brain game app that we didn’t mention? Let us know in the comment section below.
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