3 Books That Had An Impact On My  Life.

3 Books That Had An Impact On My Life.

The first book I ever read was a story book.

I was about 6 when I first read this book.

I actually enjoyed reading it.

Growing up with Dyslexic thinking, reading was challenging.

All the words seemed to blend into each other in one big mess.

Which later led to frustration, can you relate?

Now to clear things up, dyslexic thinkings means.

dyslexic thinking. [ dis-lek-sik thing-king ]. noun. An approach to problem solving, assessing information, and learning, often used by people with Dyslexia that involves pattern recognition, spatial reasoning, lateral thinking, and interpersonal communication.

I will share something surprising shortly…

…On how to digest a book in a much more powerful way.

You see…

I found that reading and telling stories was much more inspiring for me.

When that happens the creative part and emotional part of my brain becomes activated.

I am wondering…

Can you guess what that book was?

It was a Roald Dahl book.

The book was about a couple who were miserable, but loved playing mean jokes on each other, and making bird pies.

Yes, you guessed it.

The Twits.

A great story, crazy characters and very funny.

Who has read the book?

“Somewhere inside all of us is the power to change the world.” - Roald Dahl

3 Books That Had An Impact On My Life.

1- Book Name: Untethered Soul - Michael Alan Singer

Core Theme: The Journey Beyond Yourself

I first started reading this book when I was going through a spiritual awakening.

In other words when we start to become aware of our own conditioning of the mind.

Those intrusive thoughts that seem to have an opinion on everything.

…and stop us from being all we can be.

The 1st sign of awakening is when you start to experience the little voice in you mind.

You might be saying, what voice?

That's the voice.

In Action: Becoming aware of your mind's conditioning every day.

When you experience negative thoughts and emotions letting them go...

...right there like the steam from a kettle, lift the lid and let it go.

To then give space for clarity, love, presence, freedom and choice.

“There is nothing more important to true growth than realizing that you are not the voice of the mind - you are the one who hears it.”― Michael A. Singer

Coaching Questions For You.

  • Are you aware?
  • Who is it, that is aware of you being aware?
  • What do you notice now?

2- Book Name: The Path Made Clear - Oprah Winfrey

Core Theme: Discovering Your Life's Direction and Purpose

I remember walking around the fields with my granddad at young age.

He would get me to walk off the path and into the long grass.

After I had walked for some time, he would get me to look back at the trail I had created.

He would say few people create a trail, most follow the path.

If you create a trail that will make all the difference in life.

I believe we all have a purpose in life, we have some gift, some talent, some genius we have not yet discovered.

And it's our job to find out what that is, you have a legacy to fulfil.

In Action: If you are going through you life and career.

But deep down you know you're here for a deeper purpose.

Here to do more inspiring work, and here to make a more meaningful contribution to the world.

But you're not...

Then my invitation to you is to find out what that work is.

You might be fearful about stepping up as a leader.

But as The Ancient one said to DR strange.

“It's not about you.”

"There is no greater gift you can give or receive than to honor your calling. It's why you were born. And how you become most truly alive." - Oprah Winfrey

Coaching Questions For You.

  • Where are you going?
  • If you were to live from now on honouring what's most important to you, how would you live?
  • If you were to think beyond yourself, what do you want to create that would make a positive impact in the world?

3- Book Name: Living Service - Melissa Ford

Core Theme: The Journey of a Prosperous Coach

I remember handing in my notice to an executive 100k role.

There I was about 4 years ago at Waterloo station, back to square one.

But with some excellence experience, qualifications in coaching, NLP, Somatic and esoteric transformation.

How are you developing yourself?

I mean I had a few paying clients, but nothing much.

For years I was trying to use sales practice to grow my business which left me with inconsistent results.

Me and my wife are both coaches and have created a 6 figure coaching business.

Through devotion to coaching, personal development and the art of service.

A lot has changed for me over the years, one of the biggest shifts was working with My coach Melissa Ford.

And building my whole business and life around the concept of service.

Now what I mean by that is showing up as a coach and boldly serving others.

Knowing people will reject me, won't like me.

But showing up as a coach anyway and serving in profound ways.

Why? Because thats my job.

In Action: This means looking at our coaching business and evaluating is the business built out of fear.

And following the next 6, 7 or 20 step process. STOP.

And Instead look at your current systems.

Then define what does service mean to you.

Then start building your coaching practice around that.

Service now is who I am being, it's embodying service.

You see...

Some people pay me to work with them for 6 months, 12 months.

Some people pay me 6 months later.

Some never work with me, some ignore me, some refer me.

The point is, I serve and coach anyway.

”There is no right way to serve. There is your way. And you'll know you've found it when you feel an expansive feeling, and open heartedness, and bigger than me-ness." - Melissa Ford.

Coaching Questions For You.

  • What does service mean to you?
  • Look at your day, who needs your help?
  • Who can you serve or a offer coaching conversation to?

Also, if your a coach, invest in a coach, how do you expect clients to pay you if you don't pay for your own coaching.

Walk your talk. - Adrian Hales

Now back to my tips for reading.

  1. Read for insights vs information. Transformation comes from insights not knowing stuff.
  2. Take 60 seconds to flick through a book, find what your inspired by then search for the gold.

Name a book that had an impact on your life?

I finished writing this article at 11:11, Those that know, know. ;)


Ready to get clear on your next level in life, career or business? Or do you feel stuck, lost and unfulfilled? Are you Inspired to have a transformative conversation with me? Then message me on LinkedIn or [email protected]?


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