At $3 Billion a Boat, Close the Hatches BEFORE you Dive
The National Interest posted a news story that sailed yesterday, February 22, 2020:
A favorite line from the author: "Also, it's a good idea, like, to close the hatches before you dive."
In the '60s, it was an unofficial-but-nationwide contest to complete the line, "It is as useless as a _______." There were many contenders, such as, "As useless as a fire in a match factory." The clearcut winner seems to have been, "screendoor on a submarine," as it is still submerged in the mind of many a Boomer.
There have been floods of "useless" actions and events in the last half-century. Perhaps it is time to reboat the competition and sail, again. Or... the effort to create new sayings might be... useless....
And, because it is Sunday....
Reader warning: do not view the clip, below, if you are offended by an issue of faith, or your sense of humor is... useless. For the tolerant, UP PERISCOPE on the wonderful harmonies!