'The 3 Biggest Lies About Project Management' - Naked Leader Week

'The 3 Biggest Lies About Project Management' - Naked Leader Week

Time to read: Just 55 Seconds to stay sane

Time to listen: An additional minute

1. The very term ‘Project Management’!

Projects are too often scarily over managed – by spreadsheets, systems, or, heaven help us, Prince 2. Instead, identify only the critical path to the outcome and use simple checklists.

2. The very term ‘Project Management’ !!

Projects are rarely prioritised – and no, having 18 ‘Priority One’ Projects doesn’t work – its like, on a warm summers weekend, going to the beach, sunbathing in the garden, eating ice-cream, seeing a film, watching TV and having a cool shower, all at exactly the same time! Get real – prioritise 1 to n – and if you want to know how to do that listen to the audio. If you don’t, then don’t.

3. The very term ‘Project Management’ !!!

‘Management’ implies an owner for each project – a named person accountable for the delivery of an outcome that delives at least 3 times more ROI. And while that single person does not have to do all the work, of course, they cannot delegate the ownership.

With my love, best wishes, and a link to our Brand new web site – www.nakedleader.com



AND... to catch the new audio bonus feature of my additional thoughts on this blog, just click on the link here: https://youtu.be/bX46QrMu7AE

#nlweekly #nakedleader #projectmanagement


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