'The 3 Biggest Lies that Organisations are Told – 2 of 3' - Naked Leader Week
And why it’s not our fault they are taken on board as facts
2. External Consultants, Advisors and Experts are better than your Internal People
The Truth: They are not. Everything that you need, to achieve anything that you want, you already have within you. All you need to know from external people is how to do it, for yourselves, and then ensure that your people have the confidence to do it for and by themselves. This is the Holy Grail of self-leadership.
Why has This Lie spread? Because organisations are conditioned into believing that ‘Digital’ or ‘Organisational Change’ or some other, latest fad, is a higher priority than people.
It’s not our fault – Leaders have an organisation to lead, with the day-to-day issues, challenges and opportunities that brings, especially in these times of uncertainty. So, their people are understandably focusing on the urgency of solving problems and creating opportunities.
An Alternative – The Root Cause of everything – your success and your failure, comes down to the behaviour of your people. The single most important thing to do is to ensure that your people actively choose to do what you really need them to do. Everything else is just noise.
With my love and best wishes to you all
And catch this week's article in vlog format by following the link here: https://youtu.be/LyN6BGhRs6Q