The 3 big benefits of values-based recruitment
Key Appointments UK
Multi-disciplined Recruitment Specialists - Sourcing Talent; Facilitating Success
There’s a lot of talk about values-based recruitment (VBR), as more and more companies realise the benefits of a recruitment process that places more emphasis on attracting candidates with beliefs and values that align with theirs.??And the values-based approach is not just the reserve of big corporations and cool start-ups.??It’s a way for all businesses to get to know the person behind the CV, and for the candidates to get to know the culture behind the brand.?
In today’s market, with more vacancies than candidates (ONS), it’s more important than ever to appeal to and retain the right candidate for your company. And while salary, location and benefits might still be priorities, these days candidates are also looking to work for an organisation whose values match theirs.?
When you hire a someone purely based on them having the right credentials, you get a skilled worker. When you hire someone based on their skills, experience, passions, outlook and character, you get a keeper. To help you get ahead of the game and understand more about the pay-off of values-based hiring, here are three of the big benefits to this approach.
Better engagement
When a candidate or co-worker feels connected to the culture of a business – through its values, reputation, mission, what its brand stands for – it gives them a stronger, shared sense of purpose and the feeling that they belong. This feeling will filter out into the wider workplace creating a positive atmosphere that will boost engagement and morale.?
Sharing a sense of connection and purpose with co-workers can also strengthen working relationships, which in turn improves teamwork and collaboration. In fact, there are many positive benefits of having a happy, engaged workforce, not least of which is increased productivity.
Greater productivity?
Workers will invest more in their work and put more effort and energy into the role when their values, principles and outlook align with their employer’s. And when people care in this way about the work they do, they commit more to it and are more productive. They want to make a bigger difference in a firm that feels like a good fit for their personality and values, where they feel they belong and are proud to be a part of the team.?
In return for this sense of belonging, care and extra effort among members of staff, the business will benefit from the resultant increased productivity while also having the satisfaction of a contented, loyal workforce.??
Stronger retention
When your recruitment strategy focuses on appealing to the right personality for your company culture as well as the right skills and experience, you are more likely to hire someone who will become part of your team for the long-term. When a member of staff feels at home among a like-minded team they won’t want to leave.
What’s more, contented employees will recommend their place of work to others, improving the company’s reputation and recruitment success.
If you would like some support with values-based recruitment, we can help. You can call Key Appointments on 0844 504 4666 or drop us a line at [email protected].