The 3 Best Ways To Use Momentum To Your Career Advantage

The 3 Best Ways To Use Momentum To Your Career Advantage

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Momentum is the strength or force that allows something to continue or grow stronger or faster as time passes. It’s also linked to Newton’s first law, which states that an object in motion tends to stay in motion while an object at rest tends to remain at rest.

Professionally speaking, momentum helps you make progress through consistent action. When you’ve enjoyed a series of small accomplishments, it’s easier to sustain and build upon that winning streak. However, if you’re not taking action, you don’t have the same sense of movement and flow carrying your forward. And without momentum, you run the risk of career stagnation.

Here are the three best ways to create, build, and maintain momentum in your career:

1. Stay curious

Curious people proactively find ways to increase their knowledge base and tend to be lifelong learners because they’re receptive and open. Open to exploring new ideas, experiences, and possibilities. Open to meeting new people and learning new things. Open to leaving behind outdated mindsets and limiting beliefs to make room for their highest and best self and newfound wisdom to boost their career momentum. And it’s that openness—that curiosity—that fuels growth.

2. Focus on your flow state

Have you ever found yourself “in the zone?” You’re so totally immersed in, enjoying, and energetically focused on what you’re doing that time seems to slow, nothing distracts you, and your senses are heightened? That feeling is what positive psychologist Mihály Csíkszentmihályiand calls your flow state.

When you’re in a state of flow, you’re also effortlessly creating momentum, so it makes sense to pay attention to what puts you there — whether that’s something physical, a mental challenge, or a creative endeavor — and do it often. According to Csikszentmihalyi, “The best moments in our lives … usually occur if a person’s body or mind is stretched to its limits in a voluntary effort to accomplish something difficult and worthwhile.”?

3. Regularly challenge yourself to try something new

If you keep doing the same things, you’ll never grow. So instead, jumpstart your career momentum by creating a habit of taking professional risks. They need not be huge, but they should make you a little uncomfortable. When you challenge yourself to try something that scares you—leading a pitch to a new client, presenting your department’s quarterly objectives, or asking your boss for more responsibility—you’ll move beyond words to action. And when you successfully master that challenge, you’ll have newfound confidence. You’ll gain positive attention for your fearlessness and initiative. And your decision to take a leap of faith can be the catalyst for further growth.

What happens if you fall short of your goal? Don’t think of failure as a loss; you either win or learn. Plus, the more you try, the better the chances of your success. And as Wayne Gretzky famously said, “You miss 100% of the shots you don’t take.”

By continually putting yourself out there by taking action, you’ll build career momentum, an essential element for growth, progress, and success.









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When I'm not actively creating momentum?(this newsletter and the other kind), I'm a?social media ghostwriter.?(Yep, that's a thing.) I help leaders?craft their stories?to communicate and connect better by magnifying their reach and impact. (Think personal branding and thought leadership.)?Contact me?if you'd like my help.

David Brier

Join the Elite 1% That Rise Above the Noise. ?? Slayer of the Mundane ?? Author of the #1 Amazon bestseller “BRAND INTERVENTION” responsible for $7B in sales

2 年

Amy, what a great list of three. Love #3. Growth means learning, all the time. We can't learn doing the same thing over and over. We need to challenge ourselves, constantly, to try something new.

Sandra Duarte

Business Consultant ? Co-Founder & CEO ? Youth & Leadership Mentor ? Executive Coach ? I equip business leaders and individuals with strategic insights for profitable outcomes & transformative management solutions

2 年

Great insights from the article Amy Blaschka Thank you for sharing!??

Steve Wohlenhaus

CEO ?? at Weatherology ?? Author ?? Podcast Host ?? Speaker ?? Entrepreneur ??

2 年

Your insight is always sensational my friend! Amazing thoughts Amy Blaschka ??

Gary Frey

??A MacGyver for CEOs who want to save money, make money, stay out of trouble, & have FUN??

2 年
Tracey Gillies

Spiritual and Energy Healer - Unlock your next level of healing & spiritual expansion

2 年

Love the article Amy Blaschka ?? Staying curious about what today has to offer creates momentum and progress.


