Scott Aaron
Expert Authority Mastermind | Creator Of Linked Leads Generation? | Best Selling Author | Speaker | Marketing Podcast Host | Client Acquisition Expert | Human Connection Expert | Personal Branding
So, in today's newsletter edition, we're going to be going over today are the top 3 benefits of going live on LinkedIn, and this is something that has constantly been talked about. This is something that people continue to reach out and ask me about, this is something that people are still afraid to do. Now whether people want to realize this or not, video is still king.
?No matter what you may hear, no matter what other experts may say, no matter what other people in your circle may be talking about, video is where it’s at. ?
They may be saying that long form posting is the way to go. They may say that doing Instagram reels are the way to go. They may say that doing TikTok videos are the way to go. Listen, nothing beats going live and creating that connection with your audience, and LinkedIn Live is one of the best ways to do that.
?The crazy thing is anything that you do once that's difficult, becomes easier as you go so in reality, yes, it may be overwhelming to think about going live on LinkedIn. Yes, it may be a daunting task to go live on LinkedIn. And yes, it absolutely may feel uncomfortable.
Everything is uncomfortable in the beginning, so what I want to help you understand and what I want to help you move forward with is understanding the 3 top benefits of doing at least 1 LinkedIn live video per week.
?1. Going live on LinkedIn once a week, builds instant credibility and trust: ?
?Something that we are always talking about. Something that we are always looking to achieve is credibility and trust with our audiences.
Credibility and trust are built over time and when you have the ability to go live on LinkedIn, and educate and inform your audience on things that they need to know, in relation to what they do for a profession, or the industry that they're a part of, people start to look at you with that notion of credibility, and being that credible source where they're going to go and get their information.
?In addition, when trust is formed and when you have the trust of your audience, a whole new world is opened for you. Going live on LinkedIn just one time per week is going to earn you that credibility, and it's going to earn the trust of your network.
?So, they're going to come back to you repeatedly for more information.
?2. Going live one time a week on LinkedIn positions you as the expert in your space:
?Something that I always tell people is to be a “salmon in a world of fish”. Go against the grain. Go against the current. Don't go with the flow, go against the flow. Carve your own path, blaze your own trail.
?There's a lot of people in this same space that you are in. Whether you're a coach, whether you're a consultant, whether you have a mastermind, whether you're building an online business, there are other people out there just like you.
?But what are you doing that's truly different from everyone else? What are you truly doing to separate yourself from the other people in your space?
?Going Live once a week on LinkedIn does position you as the expert. You want to be looked at not only as that credible source, but as the expert in your space. Now there's a lot of people that consider themselves LinkedIn experts. Are they? I don't know.
?They could be but whenever I see someone in the space of calling themselves a LinkedIn expert, that is not doing all the things that is required to be an expert in your space which is providing value added content each day.
?Doing LinkedIn lives, producing LinkedIn polls, adding editions to a LinkedIn newsletter that you've created, never ever selling, or pitching to your audience about a product, good, or service that you have, that is what I feel truly define someone as an expert.
?When they're not doing those things, and when they're giving without expecting anything back in return, while going live once a week on LinkedIn, where others in your space are not going live, it is going to position you as the expert in the space.
?3. ?Going live once a week on LinkedIn will generate you and your business more leads and more sales over time:
?The absolute truth is every single week without fail after I produce a LinkedIn Live, which I now do two times a week, I have someone that reaches out to me to find out how I can help them better utilize and leverage LinkedIn.
?Do you want to know why? Because each week, I hop on LinkedIn live and I provide value added information and education on things that people need to do to move their business forward, and if I strike a chord with someone on a specific day where they want to learn how they can leverage LinkedIn to generate lead, to generate more conversations, to produce value added content like I am, they're going to go to a trusted source.
?They are going to go to a credible source, and they are going to go to the person who is positioning themselves as the expert in that space. When you go live just one time a week on LinkedIn, you are going to achieve all those things.
?You are going to achieve that credibility. You are going to achieve the trust of the network that you're building. You are going to position yourself as the expert in your respective space, and you will with all those things aligned in the right order absolutely generate more leads and sales because of the way that you are showing up each week on LinkedIn.
So, in review, make sure that you go live just one time a week on LinkedIn because that will build instant credibility and trust, it will position you as the expert in your space, and it will absolutely generate more leads and sales over time when you are consistent each week in doing so.
?Which of the tips mentioned helped you the most?