#3 The Beginning of Data Company Era
Every company now in 2017 is a data company. That's right. Given the profusion of data and information available, it is impossible to deny that each business becomes a data-driven enterprise. Just as in the 1990s every company was focused on website development and in the 2000s in software development, in the next ten years we will make a breakthrough in the intelligent use of data.
In the last two years, the evolution of the generation of data was not precedent, in the same way, the process of these data, increased considerably, with equivalent reduction in costs. This reality is forcing companies to a new behavior, data driven business. This new scenario requires new competencies of managers and employees. Mastering business data science. For this to occur, we need to understand that artificial intelligence and the art of storytelling through data can be a new asset for gaining competitiveness.
The best way to anticipate is to consistently put the big-time philosophy among all employees. Automation and increased power analysis should be priorities for the next few years of management. Every collaborator must know how to work with algorithms and develop data science projects. There is a lot of knowledge accumulated by universities and research centers that can help with this task, we just need to open that box and let new ways of looking at the world happen.