3 Basic Rules of Life!
I am talking about the core of you. Who you are?
Inside your values your believe your flaws, and once you understand who really that person is, you would have made taken the first step in finding your unique self. And that is the best version of you.
Who am I really? most often. we don't allow ourselves the ability to dream beyond our imagination. We don't allow ourselves to think about the future because we are afraid of change. we are afraid to move away from what is familiar. Either that or sometimes, you know we are too rigid to let our dreams evolve loosen up.
You know, shake it off little bit "Change is the only constant thing in life" and you are never too old or never too experience to earn something new believe that you have everything already as your bramhastra in your will to be able to be and achieve your dreams, be fearless.
I wanted to become a Engineer what am I today? I am a recruiter, I am a singer, I am a actor, I am a RJ. How did I go from becoming an engineer to all these things? I made choices that I wanted for myself. So that is my rule no. 2 "Let your dreams fly" Give them big wings. Be who you want to be just by being fearless.
Now opportunities that's another important part of being fearless. There are very funny thing on these opportunities. They don't come very often they come far and few in between, but when they do, Do we recognize them? Our job is to recognize them and to make most of them.
I look back on all the things that I've done and I m Marvel at opportunities that came my way the day when I put my first step on stage, the day when I spoke for the first time in front of audience, the day when I entered the studio, the day when I started my first job at Consultadd Inc. the day when I hired a very first consultant. There was never a plan ever.
More like the universe sort of guiding me towards these opportunities. or I had to do was recognize them and make sure I work so hard that I squeezed every drop of these opportunities. This is called DRIVE, AMBITION
Each time the risks were huge, the stakes were high and the repercussions could have been to say not the least career ending. I don't know what will happen going forward but as of now I can say my risk and the gamble was worth it. you now why? because I backed up those risks with my 100% So, rule no. 3 "Be bold and take these Risks"
Now, the friends, family the people you work with the people around us are our greatest influencers in your journey to success. So you have to choose very wisely.