3 B2B Video Marketing Ideas That Could Benefit Your Campaign
Marcus Johnson
Managing Director at Glacé Media - Producing promotional video content ideal for digital use
B2B video marketing can be so beneficial as part of your marketing campaign. For many, video marketing may be new territory. No matter whether you are a seasoned veteran when it comes to working with moving pictures or if it’s day one on the job, have no fear. Video content is your friend and has so much to offer you.
Rather than boring you on one specific subject, I’m going to throw at you three ideas of how B2B videos can spice up your marketing campaigns. Sometimes it just takes a little bit of inspiration to get a big idea rolling. So, here are some practical suggestions of what you can do straight away.
Add Some Excitement To Your Corporate Video
The classic blueprint for a corporate video is interviews with team members along with shots of the office and nice calming music in the background. Just like that sentence was, these videos have a habit of being boring. This is fine for the sole purpose of sharing information about your company, but a huge marketing opportunity is being missed out on.
The goal of reporting on your business’ achievements, goals and developments can still be reached in the form of a marketing-focused video. If the aim of attracting attention and showing off a unique side to your company is at the forefront of the plan, then so much more value can be gained from your video. Including company information is easy, any business can do it. But creating a piece of video that is unique and shows off your unique take on the industry is a skill. When you’ve mastered it, you’re really rolling.
This doesn’t mean you have to wear wacky hats and slide onto your office chair alongside a member of the Google generation. It means, take the shackles off, let the personality of your business shine through and pursue an angle that is unique. By doing so you’ll have content to use across all your marketing platforms, especially LinkedIn may I add. This will hit home so well with the B2B market on such digital spaces, plus you’ll also have a great piece of corporate content for those stakeholders out there.
Plus, who doesn’t like to be able to say they produced a video that was shared a zillion times online?
Get Your Face In Front Of Camera
Humanising a brand or business has always been a valid technique. People feel more comfortable when they are interacting with genuine people. Utilising 1, 2 or even 3 of the more confident people within your business to become recognisable faces on camera will contribute no end to this positive humanising effect.
This can be done in numerous ways. An approach I’d recommend that is highly effective from a technical perspective is to run various online video series alongside each other. If you have three team members that are keen to get on camera, give each one of them their own specialist series where they can talk about their chosen area.
You can start to get creative and play around with the formats. Maybe one person interviews a guest every week, whilst another does 60-second elevator pitches and the other simply talks to camera unedited for 10 minutes. No matter how you choose to approach it, you’ll be getting three friendly faces in front of your audience on a regular basis. They’ll be receiving plenty of insightful information, but most importantly they will be forming a bond with your brand.
If you can expand this approach to all of your marketing activities, you’ll be onto a winner. Reducing the barrier between your message and your customers and clients is key to increase the connection. They will feel closer to you and in turn, are more likely to listen to what you say and trust your advice. This is the basis of any strong relationship and if you can achieve this, the whole of your business will benefit.
Add Video To Your Social Ads
The third and final idea is to start including video content in your social media adverts. For many businesses, you’ll already have dabbled with social ads and there is a fair chance you have a decent marketing budget allocated to it. Even if this isn’t the case, the logic of sharpening your content before you throw it out there to your audience stands true even if you’ve not dived into the world of social ads as yet.
From a technical perspective, it’s been shown time and time again that if you incorporate video content into your social ads, you have a better chance of increasing your investment. Ok, so that’s that box ticked. I’m not here to get weighed down in technical elements though, what I believe is more impactful than this is the impact a great video can have upon the audience.
When launching a social ad campaign you’re looking to instigate a connection with your target market. You may have all sorts of business goals and aims, but the long and short of it is that you are paying money to get your message in front of people in the hope they will feel that you are a brand they belong to.
As fantastic as a well-intentioned graphic can be, it just can’t hit the audience on the levels a video can. Firstly, more information can be shared. Of course, it isn’t about information overload, but you have the ability with a video to expand on your message which is restricted by a still graphic. To add to this, you have all the tricks and powers that are inherent to the art of video production.
Videos have been inciting people’s emotions for countless years and social media audiences are no different. A well-crafted video can incite the emotions you want them to incite. I’m not talking about feature-length films here. Just introducing the elements of story and emotion to a ten-second video give your advert that extra emotive appeal and are therefore increasing its chances of being all that more effective.
So if you didn’t think introducing video content into your B2B marketing campaign was the thing to do before reading this, I hope I’ve given you a really tasty bit of food for thought. For those believers out there, I’d wholeheartedly encourage you to run with any of these ideas and make a success of them for your business. A video may just seem like a video on the surface, but when you dig a little deeper, you’ll realise the powers they embody can do so much more.