3 B Principle
Management vs Development
Have you been to a zoo? A zoo or high security prison or dairy is an example of an environment of high management. This management, low or high, depends on the degre of risk involved. This environment must be controlled and if control is lost for a minute, people/ prisoners will escape. People need an escape not only from physical limitation but, limitation of mind by ways of entertainment or other forms of relief. If risk is zero, management needed will be zero too. Tendency of an escape ends. In other words, idea of management exists only for the undeveloped people. More we are undeveloped, more is the need of management. Management (because of its undeveloped nature or animals in zoo) is a competitive field. It is therefore difficult to be Bill Gates or Warren Buffet but, no competition for Vivekananda or Gandhi, or even Einstein. It is an intriguing to convince ourselves of the meanings of the terms Management vrs Development.
A prison with a five star facility is bound to be highly managed because it houses highly undeveloped people. Big industrial cities and corporations are highly vulnerable. And, people in it can't survive without a complicated mind and external protection of either military or other means of high security. Industrial activities only have increased the concerns of Environment and Occupational Health and Safety. A scientific study proved that residents of New York City live with high stress levels and have brain chemistry very different than those in Africa.
Management and Development are opposite and yet complimentary. If for some reason, we can't be developed, management is a solution. Management is a cost and it must continue to maintain a control. A management is, therefore, not naturally assured. If a prison gate is unattended for a minute, people will escape. But, our home is built of environment of trust; and as a result, development has no need of any management or no any form of risk control.
Conclusion is, that, Management can't exist without Risk. And, Development can't exist with Risk. "A man with a gun in hand" is not a developed person. This handicap can't give it liberation. A developed person or organization can't be managed. And conversely, no managed person or organization is said to be developed.
Management is a journey from Disorder to Order.
Disorder is risk or uncertainty and Order is a certainty or zero risk environment. management brings environment of uncertainty to a certainty. USA is a well managed nation as it has achieved state of an Order from Disorder. This is a protected country because, it is yet to be developed or free of risks.
Development is a journey from Order to Liberation.
Development is not Management. It is a zero risk or minus risk environment. Liberation is scale-up of the Order. As an example of development or liberation, an individual in Order is liberated to make a family in Order. A Family in Order is liberated or scaled-up to an Orderly Town, Orderly City and Orderly Country. This is how a development or natural or effortless liberation keeps taking place.
3 B Principle
Assurance is a function of Trust and Control. Control is X axis, and Trust is Y Axis. Assurance is any point on the line that joins (0,100) and (100,0).
Prison is (100,0) eg , 100% Control and 0 Trust. Home is (0,100) eg, 100% Trust and 0 Control. Paid Workplace is (50,50) eg. people can neither enjoy 100% Control nor 100% Trust.
When this model was first developed, the co-ordinates such as Prison, Workplace and Home were called 3B principle after first letters of three famous people viz., Bin Laden, Bill Gates and Buddha.
Risk= Control - Trust
Development means, Risk <0. Trust >Control
Management means, Risk >0. Trust < Control
Increase in control can't create trust. if control is used to increase trust it cannot succeed. Instead we should try to apply dy/dx or incremental increase in trust with incremental decease in control.
This model further explains different types of Control eg. Fear, Greed and Comparison, and depths of each one of these, and types of Trust eg , Knowledge, Transparency and Teamwork. Knowledge is antidote to the Fear. Transparency is antidote to Greed. Teamwork is antidote to the Competition.
This monograph is self explanatory.
Krishna Gopal Misra [email protected]