3 of 8-Practices of Powerful People-PERMISSION
Jonathan M K.
Head of GTM Growth Momentum | Founder GTM AI Academy & Cofounder AI Business Network | Business impact > Learning Tools | Proud Dad of Twins
First practice-PRAXIS-Has to do with your daily rituals and building momentum.
Second practice-PRAISE-Has to do with your energy and how to influence change around you.
Now.. its#3 PERMISSION... This is a HUGE and OVERLOOKED concept that once implemented in your life, will shift things dramatically.
What do I mean by permission? Lots of things.. so let me try and explain all aspects of what I mean. This particular practice is more of a psychological one as opposed to spiritual like the last practice on PRAISE.
As I have worked with over 500 people in one on one coaching environments and group classes, I found this concept coming up over and over again in various forms.
I found 2 areas where people needed permission. They are:
1-Using permission in your communication with self
2-Using permission in your communication with others
Now to fully understand this one about self, we have to go back to when we were kids from ages 5-10. Think about how many times you had to ask if it was ok for you to:
-Go to the bathroom
-Get some more food
-Stay up late
-Watch TV
Then in the adolescent years, from 11-18 we have to ask if we can:
-Have a cell phone
-Go on a date
-Get a car
-Get a job
Is it any wonder, that we as adults having spent most of our developmental years always asking some authority figure for permission to do anything, that we subconsciously hold ourselves back from doing something because we feel we need permission before we can go forward?
All of a sudden, we are out of high school, on to college, on to a career and family. We have the freedom to do what we want which is amazing, but also terrifying. I find that most people STILL look for permission and validation of what they yearn to do with their lives or business.
Even though the only person we answer to when we are adults, is ourselves ultimately? Those doubts in our heads that hold us back usually come from our PERCEPTION of our authority figures and what they think of us. Whether or not our parents or whoever was positive or negative, our perception of them is what determines the beliefs we hold.
For example, I had a client, a woman in her mid-50s who had issues losing weight. She went to doctors, nutritionists, natural medicine, diets, exercise, and could not lose her weight. She finally came to me after learning from a friend my style of coaching and asked me for help.
The first month were all a discovery process learning what was holding her back from releasing the weight. We finally had a breakthrough session where a part of herself was afraid of losing weight because with the lost weight she believed she would lose the approval from her dad and her husband. She had a belief from her dad, that she would be "too beautiful" because beautiful women were stuck up and arrogant, which was looked down on in their family. Therefore, if she lost weight, she would be then, "too beautiful" and be criticized in her mind by her dad.
Her dad had passed away so she was not able to have an in person conversation, but I took her through my "permission exercise" where she basically asks in meditation and receives permission from her dad to let go, release the weight and move forward.
Right after that, in 3 months she dropped 30 lbs doing the exact same activities she was doing before, but now had the PERMISSION to do so.
How often are you aware of wanting permission from a boss, from a parent, friend, coach, or someone of authority in your life? Do you need permission subconsciously to earn more than your parents did? To be more successful? Are you looking for someone to tell you its ok to move forward?
Ask yourself these questions:
-Where do I feel like I am held back in my life? In Business?
-What is the ceiling that you hit over and over and can't seem to get past?-What does the "doubting negative Thomas" voice in your head say to you?
-Who's voice does that sound like? Mom? Dad? Coach? Teacher? Friend? -What would it take for you to have PERMISSION to break through whatever it is that holds you back? A conversation? OR just realizing that you have been held back and can now move forward?
Lets talk about the second half of this, which is:
2-Using permission in your communication with others
Now I go into this a little bit more with resolving conflict in my earlier article which you can read here..
Even though we grew up always asking permission, there is a part of us that hates being told what to do. The part that aches for freedom, that wants to choose whatever want. It is THAT part of someone else you want to be in alignment with when having a conversation. To give them a CHOICE in communication.
I just had a meeting with an ex-CEO who is now on my team at FranklinCovey. He is one of the nicest, genuine men I have ever met and quite brilliant. Now, I have been around and worked with super successful people all my life, politicians, CEO's, musicians, speakers and authors, but what I love is when someone talks to me like I am a human being, not just another fan, vote, employee, or otherwise.
This man on my team, gave ideas and then GAVE PERMISSION to me and the group to give feedback on his ideas and to be able to disagree if needed. He knows the power of many heads working together, but also knows we needed permission to give feedback. His ideas were amazing, but with some tweaking we identified other areas that could be improved and he loved it. His humility and openness created an environment where we could create freely to find the best result for our team.
How often does your boss, your co worker, your spouse, your whoever, give you permission to disagree?
Another aspect is when you give permission to someone else to talk about something that may be hard to talk about...
For example, when coaching clients of mine, I ALWAYS ASK THIS:
"Do I have your permission to be blunt and call you on your self sabotage when I see it? Can I tell you what I think and be honest or do you want me to say what you want to hear?"
When put into that context, every single client and person I have worked with, ALWAYS says, "Yes please be honest"
I then had permission to say exactly what I thought about any given situation.
Now, on the flip side, when you give your opinion WITHOUT asking permission first... it comes across as demeaning, preachy, or bossy. When you ask permission of someone to tell them something, it gives them the CHOICE to say yes or no.
IF they say yes, then proceed, if they say no, then don't! Its up to them.
How many times do you have friends that do the same thing over and over again and you want to take them, smack their face and shake them and say "WAKE UP! CAN YOU NOT SEE WHAT YOU ARE DOING!?!?!'
I have had that feeling many times, now when I feel it, I ask my friend, "May I tell you what I think? And know I saw this out of love because it is blunt?"
They usually say yes. Sometimes they say no. I have found when I do this, friends know they can always come to me for an honest opinion and feedback.
Practice using PERMISSION with others, before giving advice, or your thoughts.. catch yourself and ask them..
"Would it be ok with you for me to share my thoughts?"
"I have some feedback to give you, are you open to hearing it?" "Can I tell you what I really think without you getting offended and know I say this out of all the respect and love I have for you?"
Or give others permission to be honest with you by saying:
"What do you think of what I just said? I want your honest feedback?" "Would you give me your honest thoughts? I am open to criticism"
I hope you can see how POWERFUL this can be for you personally and in your communication with others. Once you get this piece down, you will be ready for next week ;)
I touched on this lightly in my article about Being Calm, Complimentary, and Using Permission in this article you can read here.