3-2-1: The value of a schedule, intellectual humility, and the benefits of a good relationship
3 Ideas From
"Keep ignoring feedback and life will keep teaching you the same lesson."
"In sports, one of the primary sources of advantage is choosing how to play the game.
In life, one of the primary sources of advantage is choosing which game to play."
"The brilliance of the stars would be invisible without the vast darkness of space behind them.
Do not wish away the difficult portions of life. They provide the contrast needed to appreciate the joyful moments."
2 Quotes From Others
Poet and author Annie Dillard on the value of a schedule:
"How we spend our days is, of course, how we spend our lives. What we do with this hour, and that one, is what we are doing. A schedule defends from chaos and whim. It is a net for catching days."
Source: The Writing Life
Investor and businessman Charlie Munger on intellectual humility:
“A lot of smart people think they’re way smarter than they are, and therefore they do worse than dumb people. And it’s very common to be utterly brilliant and think you’re way the hell smarter than you are."
Source: Caltech Interview (December 2020)
1 Question For You
The benefits that arise from a good relationship—whether it be in marriage, friendship, business, or otherwise—are often produced over a long time span.
Is it more important to win this battle or to maintain this relationship?
By james clear.