2x2: Types of team players
Here's a 2 x 2 on types of folks you might meet in an organisation. On one axis is attitude - positive or negative. The other axis is whether he or she is passive or active. What do you think?
A: Chiongsters (Singapore slang) or Doers
Folks who are positively inclined and proactive in finding solutions. If you’ve a problem, Mr Chiongster will generously offer you suggestions on possible solutions, give thoughtful recommendations as well as step forward to work with you to resolve the challenges. Everyone's Go-To guy! Rare species, embrace closely when you find one.
B: Thinkers
Ms Thinker comes similarly with a positive attitude. She would offer you suggestions and possible solutions as well as thoughtful recommendations for problems you might be facing. However Ms Thinker would stop short of volunteering to roll up the sleeve to be part of the team to work on the solution unless nominated or assigned. Still an A team member.
C: KPKB (Singapore slang)
Mr KPKB is not only negative but active trouble maker, Prince Machiavelli reincarnate. Mr KPKB will “help” you amplify your challenges and highlight your deficiencies. The preferred way to climb the corporate ladder by Mr KPKB is typically by stepping on others who have fallen.
D: FYC (For Your Consideration)
Ms FYC is generally negative but stays passive, and ensures that rear ends are well protected. Ms FYC will highlight your challenges and issues with the necessary stakeholders with necessary caveats and typically an email ending with “For your consideration”. Otherwise known as Ms Teflon.
Good conversation starter of the ‘what’ leading to more in-depth discussions about when, why and how. Personally I’d love to steal this when looking for an ice breaker or thought starter activity in a relevant setting. Tks for sharing!
Always A all the time also not so good! Must be able to move between A and B!
Desarrollo y transformación de personas y Cultura: cambios con más impacto y menos dolor | Formador | Facilitador | Coach Ejecutivo I Artista I Premio MAX Artes Escénicas | élanfactor - La Mirada que lo cambia todo
5 年Me recuerda a las categorías que tenía un tío mío de las personas: - los tontos tontos - los tontos listos - los listos tontos - los listos listos Espero que, en el mejor de los casos, fluctuemos entre los 2 últimos. Jaja
Pursuing my second act
5 年Interesting classifications of team players. Do you recommend having a mix of each type in a team if there is a choice?