2nd Half Infrastructure

2nd Half Infrastructure

I have no idea what the 2nd half of my life looks like.

The first, and most obvious thing, of course, is that I have no idea just how long the 2nd half is.

Regardless, though, I’m in the 2nd half now.

And I’ve realized that, like anything that has operated for a while, it’s worthwhile to go deep and re-examine and upgrade the core infrastructure that supports day-to-day activities.

So, I’m really focused now on personal infrastructure at all levels.

  • Legal infrastructure (mostly updating my will and a few other things)
  • Financial infrastructure (streamlining where accounts are and making sure that investments are aligned with goals and properly diversified)
  • Health infrastructure (going deep on nutrition, gut health, metabolism, bone health, going to a chiropractor, getting exams-e.g. a colonoscopy, preventative screening of things like kneeds)
  • Exercise infrastructure (setting up daily habits for muscle, cardio, and flexibility)
  • Psychological and spiritual infrastructure (therapist, meditation, daily prayer)
  • Learning infrastructure (taking Spanish, listening to a few podcasts on subjects I’m interested in, etc.)
  • Giving Infrastructure (making sure I have a habit of community service)

None of these things, in and of themselves, create solutions to problems for others, which is really what is valued.

However, they are necessary precursors so that I can turn my attention to those problems.

If the infrastructure isn’t solid, the application and efforts upon which it relies won’t be solid.

Sometimes, it’s worth taking a step back to invest in infrastructure.

“Slow down to speed up.”

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