This will be the 2nd Chapter in a Series entitled; "The Circular Firing Squad of Public Internet Marketing".


For those of us who have managed complex marketing/advertising campaigns, we all know that touchpoint options have increased exponentially within the digital marketing era. This Public Internet based mar-com era, has ushered in a new realm of interactivity & direct-responsiveness, which is good. This was largely non-existent, within the prior mar-com era dominated by static mediums such as TV, Print, Radio, Rail, Airport, Stadium, Trade-shows, Packaging, etc. With today's mobile device capabilities, we now can transform these PHYSICAL WORLD touchpoints into this same type of opt-in, interactive, direct-responsiveness---as exists within the digital world. And, yes, this does include TV, print, radio, rail, airport, stadium, in-store-signage. Even packaging. Here at Didgebridge, we believe that all of these impression-creating-touchpoints, should now be "Opt-in", mobile-video, interactive---providing marketers with CONSENSUAL, 1.2.1. PRIVATE networks with that consenting consumer, or B2B decision maker. And here's why mar-com privacy is so important for marketers. Currently, within the "Public Internet Ecosystem" of marketing---none of the viewer engagements are PRIVATE. Let's call these LEADS. As soon as interaction occurs by any viewer (LEAD) within this Public Internet Ad-Ecosystem-my LEAD has now been shared with all my competitors. And these competitors will now re-target my LEAD. Which I invested my precious marketing $ to attract. Pretty crazy, right? To demonstrate this craziness, lets use trade-show-booths as an analogy. Lets say your company has invested $2.0 million annually for your trade-show booth, which will be revealed at McCormick Place in Chicago. You'd done your advanced PR to attract booth traffic. First day of show, booth foot-traffic is excellent. Booth meetings are taking place. You are very pleased with these LEADs. And you are trying hard to capture them and develop a plan with your Team, to effectively re-communicate. That will likely take place at days-end during your 5pm "Booth Huddle" with your Team. Your VP of Sales & CMO now come to you with what they think is a great idea. Its this. They have just taken the day's precious LEADS (meetings in your booth)----and emailed this PRIVATE data base to ALL of your competitors. Now, they also have your LEADs!!! Crazy, right? Nope. Not within the world of Public Internet Ecosystem marketing. Actually, that's exactly what is happening with every PUBLIC-INTERNET campaign today. Most marketing campaigns call-out the following; "Click on our ad". "Visit our website below." "Follow-us on Facebook". As this interaction occurs, your competitors are saying; "Thank you, for this Lead!" And they begin to eagerly re-target them. Thus, the "Circular Firing Squad" of Public Internet-Based-Advertising. I would not be calling out these shortcomings to Public Internet-Based advertising, if my colleagues & I did not have a solution. Otherwise, we would merely be "Problem Finders". Not "Problem Solvers." As marketers, we think it logical that all marketers should receive the following info--from all mar-com touchpoints. In particular, the myriad physical world touchpoints, which historically have not been interactive. These should now become PRIVATELY interactive: (TV, radio, Print, Rail, Airport, Stadium, In-store, Trade-Show booth signage. And packaging.):

*Which touchpoints are generating highest level of ENGAGEMENT. (Not impressions)

*Who are these opting-in highest-engagement leads? (Brand-Avids, we call them)

*How can I consensually, re-communicate with Brand-Avids--via PRIVATE networks?

*How can I PRIVATELY integrate video into these PRIVATE networks? (No YouTube!!)

*How can I keep these 1.2.1. networks PRIVATE---not mineable/accessible by competitors?

*How can I own/control these 1.2.1.networks? (Not Facebook, Amazon, or Google?)

Here at Didgebridge, this is what we provide. Sounds so logical doesn't it? It is simple for us to now do. But, it has NOT been simple for us to build. This technology is called Intellismart (R). Intellismart campaigns. Intellismart touchpoints. Wonder what your shareholders would think of this, as they further scrutinize ROI from each campaign during 2021? Simply let me know, if you'd like to discuss. Thanks for taking the time to read this. Even if we never speak, I do hope my thoughts are helpful. Public Internet Ecosystem marketing is broken. We're trying hard to fix it.


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