2.Flexologist assisted stretching
Daniel Turner
Chairman, CEO, Director, Non Executive Director, Investor, Advisor, Flexible Working Advocate, Fundraiser
Next on my list of activities after the success of the float tank is assisted stretching. So this is what the Stretch Studio https://www.stretchstudios.com.au/ people have to say.
"Assisted stretching is a form of static stretching in which a ‘flexologist’ (professional assisted stretcher) exerts gentle force upon the limb to move it into a new position, holding it for a specific amount of time in order to lengthen and stretch the muscle fibre and tissue.This helps to create alignment in the muscle and body and contributes to improving flexibility, increased muscle control and an expanded range of motion.
Stretching activates the deep postural muscles. Flexibility within the joints and muscles decreases tension on muscles and relieves stress from the joints. It corrects muscle imbalance which can improve overall fitness and help decrease the risk of injury whilst exercising and in everyday life"
Now this one for me is a fairly straight forward activity. You lie down on a table similar to a massage table but with straps. Your 'flexologist' then manipulates you limbs using their body resistance and assisted by the straps. I have now completed two thirty minute sessions and have a third booked in on Thursday. Each session felt great; after the first I was very sore the next day, but after the second I had no issues. My wife even commented that my posture was improved. I'm looking forward the next session. I recommend this highly to anybody, particularly if you sit at a desk for long periods.
As for reducing stress and assisting lowering anxiety, I'm not sure. Anything that gets you out, about and moving must me good. But I think this ones marginal, but then I'm no expert.
Will I be continuing. Yes. I think it may not help my mind that much but my body feels better for it.
Next we push some boundaries. Cyrotherapy...
Ok I want to try this!