2D Object Tracking Tutorial with Kalman Filter (Matlab code)
I have written some notes about tracking a 2D object with Kalman filter, and I thought about sharing them. So here I am :).
You can download a pdf of this tutorial by clicking Here.
You can also download an m-file by clicking Here.
I may write another post in the future in which I'll explain the equations of the Kalman filter further and mention multiple applications.
1 Introduction
Let's assume we have an object that moves only on a plane, then its motion is defined completely by 3 variables: translation on the x-axis, translation on the y-axis, and a rotation by an angle theta around the z-axis. If we want to track the movement of this object in a specified time interval T in the plane, we must know its pose (x,y,theta) at every moment of time within the time interval T. We can measure the pose of this object at every instant of time. However; sensor's readings are usually noisy, and they can't give us an accurate value of the object's pose. One way to solve this problem is to use a Kalman filter to estimate the pose of the object at every time step in the time interval T.
2 Developing a model
To use Kalman filtering to track an object in a plane, we first need to model the movement of this object. We can't model accurately the object's movement, but we can have an acceptable approximation model of the object movement. Assuming that the motion on the x-axis is uncorrelated to the motion on the y-axis and the motion on both of the x-axis and y-axis are uncorrelated to the angular rotation around the z-axis, and by ignoring the jerk and all the higher derivatives of the pose, we can write the following discrete equations that describe the object's movements as shown below:
And we can write them as a state space model as following:
And it can be written as:
to account for the uncertainty that results from the inaccuracy of the model or the inaccuracy of the values of the accelerations (the inputs), we introduce a white noise to the model:
assuming w is a Gaussian distribution noise with a mean 0 and a variance
. In practice, the value of Q is unknown, and we will have to estimate it. Notice also how the off-diagonal elements of Q are zeros, this is due to our assumption that the motions on the x-axis and the y-axis, and the rotation around the z-axis are uncorrelated.
Now, since we are measuring the x, y and theta , we can write:
and v is the measurement noises that are introduced by the means of measurements. We assume that the measurements noises are modeled with a Gaussian distribution with a mean of 0 and a variance:
3 Kalman filter
3.1 The Kalman filter algorithm
The Kalman filter has two main stages: Prediction stage, and a correction stage. For the prediction state, we predict the state of the object as well as the covariance matrix (you can think of it as an indication of how well our estimation is, or as an estimation error). Before mentioning any equations, the (-) superscript indicates a predicted value and the (+) superscript indicates an estimated value. The prediction stage is illustrated by the following equations:
We need to calculate the values of the Kalman gains Before moving to the correction stage:
The correction stage:
And to estimate the covariance matrix:
At the beginning of the process, the Kalman filter must be given a correct initial state and an initial covariance matrix.
3.2 Some notes on the Kalman filter
Unlike other kinds of filters such as Markov filter, the Kalman filter requires us to provide it with a correct initial state of the object and a correct initial covariance. Therefore, if you can't provide an accurate initial pose and a covariance matrix for the Kalman filter, it will fail. This is considered a problem when dealing with an object that starts at a random unknown pose, or with an object which has a sudden and a great change in its pose, for example: someone carried the object away and put it in another place, this problem is known as the kidnapped robot problem.
1 Matlab Code for an example with results
1.1 The code
Ts=0.1; %define the sample time
A=[1 0 0 Ts 0 0; 0 1 0 0 Ts 0; 0 0 1 0 0 Ts; 0 0 0 1 0 0 ; 0 0 0 0 1 0; 0 0 0 0 0 1]; %define the state matrix
C=[1 0 0 0 0 0 ; 0 1 0 0 0 0 ; 0 0 1 0 0 0]; %define the output matrix
B=[0.5*Ts^2 0 0;0 0.5*Ts^2 0;0 0 0.5*Ts^2;Ts 0 0;0 Ts 0; 0 0 Ts]; %define the input matrix
x0=[0;0;0;0;0;0]; %define the initial conditions
sys =ss(A,B,eye(6),[],Ts); %define a system to generate true data
t=0:Ts:40; %define the time interval
%assuming that the uncertanities in the accelerations are equal, we define
%them as follow:
segmaux=5; %standard deviation ax
segmauy=5; %standard deviation ay
segmaualpha=5; %standard deviation angular acceleration
%In practice, these values are determined experimentally.
%define the input(accelerations):
ux=[zeros(1,30) 25*ones(1,20) -20*ones(1,20) 15*ones(1,length(t)-70)]+normrnd(0,segmaux,1,length(t));
uy=[zeros(1,10) 60*ones(1,60) -20*ones(1,length(t)-70)]+normrnd(0,segmauy,1,length(t));
ualpha=[zeros(1,30) 25*ones(1,20) -20*ones(1,20) 15*ones(1,length(t)-70)]+normrnd(0,segmaualpha,1,length(t));
%generating the true data:
%defining V:
measurmentsV=[200.^2 0 0; 0 200.^2 0; 0 0 300.^2];
%generating measurment data by adding noise to the true data:
%initializing the matricies for the for loop (this will make the matlab run
%the for loop faster.
%defining R and Q
Q=[segmaux.^2 0 0 ; 0 segmauy.^2 0 ;0 0 segmaualpha.^2];
%Initializing P
P=A*P*A'+B*Q*B'; %predicting P
Xest(:,i)=A*Xest(:,i-1)+B*u(:,i-1); %Predicitng the state
K=P*C'/(C*P*C'+R); %calculating the Kalman gains
Xest(:,i)=Xest(:,i)+K*([xm(i); ym(i); thm(i)]-C*Xest(:,i)); %Correcting: estimating the state
P=(eye(6)-K*C)*P; %Correcting: estimating P
%xlabel('time [sec]');
%ylabel('velocity [m/s]');
%legend('estimated velocity','true velocity')
xlabel('time [sec]');
ylabel('displacementx [m/s]');
legend('estimated displacementx','measured displacementx','true displacementx');
xlabel('time [sec]');
ylabel('displacementy [m/s]');
legend('estimated displacementy','measured displacementy','true displacementy');
xlabel('time [sec]');
title('angle theta');
legend('estimated angle theta','measured angle theta','true angle theta');
hold on
%simple animation:
for i=1:1:length(t)
axis([min(xtrue)-500 max(xtrue)+500 min(ytrue)-500 max(ytrue)+500]);
%viscircles([xtrue(i) ytrue(i)],20,'color','b')
%viscircles([Xest(1,i) Xest(2,i)],20,'color','r')
Data Scientist / Ex Data Scientist at Walgreens AI lab
4 年Hi, I'm still not sure what was your database can you share that with us too? thank you
PhD Candidate at University of Parma
4 年Hi Mohammad Al-Hisab, I have studied your article 2 years before, It was very helpful. But I also found more useful source code which I used for my project. I have used pykalman numpy and pandas python liabrary to import and estimate my data. The code is available in link. https://stackoverflow.com/questions/43377626/how-to-use-kalman-filter-in-python-for-location-data Dan Simon Research Paper https://abel.math.harvard.edu/archive/116_fall_03/handouts/kalman.pdf. He teaches Kalman Filter and provide a code. I debug his code in octave just by changing Kalman Filter update equation and it works. Few YouTube tutorial Kalman FIlter Implementation link as, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IHzRdGSmbiw https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9Ilb4_DJB_s https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rUgKnoiRoY0 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9Q8nEA_0ccg
Associate professor at SDGI
4 年Mohammad Al-Ahdab sir your 2D Object Tracking Tutorial with Kalman Filter (Matlab code) is nice, if you have second paper with, can you forward it. thank you.
Telecommunication engineer- istanbul
5 年hello is there any possibility to get the data? please? ?
PHD Student at Ardabil Azad University
5 年hi, that is very good. please says: what are datas??