2D to 3D the start of the journey

In 2015 GemDT the journey #throwbackthrusday

As part of all journeys, you have to start somewhere, and in 2015 the 2D to 3D journey started, looking to reverse engineer legacy products with a long life span ahead of them, but using new technologies.

The rationale was to have a presence in the UK, to deliver a cost-effective service, using UK and European based engineers to compete with offshoring and deliver "Best in Class" service, at a price that justifies the investment.

From those humble beginnings, we started to look at solutions that would benefit from a legacy product in 3D. One of these areas was Augmented Reality. in 2015 just before PTC acquired Vuforia we embarked on a journey with Unity and Vuforia to develop the Augmented Reality Digital Inspection Tool (ARDIT) to look at how we could use AR in manufacturing to reduce cost, improve productivity and reduce scrap. The vision was born.

Ar has come a long way since then, and in 2016 this report validated our drive to use AR on a tablet, with Google Glass (remember them?) and other technologies.

Today we work with PTC, RealWear, HoloLens, and the new tech from Apple with built in LiDAR to embrace the technology and deliver 2D to 3D for legacy products to bring them into 2021.


Using Augmented Reality (AR) to provide work instructions to assembly technicians causes an instantaneous human performance enhancement (HPE).

·     Direct build-time speed increases by factor 3.5 times

·     Standard deviation is less than one third of doing the same task using traditional methods 

·     Errors are reduced by 92%.

For a wide array of assembly tasks, a high quality AR system can provide an instantaneous 70% reduction in the costs of value-added work, with no risk to your assembly and no installation down-time on your production line.

DSC has installed AR systems on many aircraft production lines. AR is a complicated subject and applies in different ways to different types of tasks. To the uninitiated, the application of AR seems daunting and risky. We often hear “I can see that AR is better than traditional methods to convey complex information – but how much better? I need a number.” For quite some time we have contemplated on how we might answer this question with sufficient fidelity without compromising any of our non-disclosure agreements.

We recently realized that we had been thinking about it all wrong. Because AR is commonly applied to rather complex assemblies, we had always envisioned that any fair comparison between AR and traditional assembly methods would, of necessity, need to be complex. That is not true. The test only needs to be a very strictly controlled experiment where an identical task is performed by a large number of people in two ways (with and without AR), with accurate measurements of time and errors. If AR is the only difference between the two, then the difference in the measured values represent the human performance enhancement caused by AR. The critical factor being measured is how information flows from the engineer to the technician – not what is contained in that information.

 Backing Up the Claims

The claims above seem phenomenal; way too good to possibly be true. We are fully aware that these claims seem absurd and unrealistic. This paper will start with reporting the statistical data that forms the basis of these claims. As we progress deeper into the paper we will get deeper “into the weeds” on how the experiment was conducted. It is our hope that you will be able to make your own assessment of how the results of this very controlled and measured experiment may apply to your situation.  

This paper has been sent to every participant in the experiment, who were all encouraged to log-in to a website and write their own comments on how they feel about the fairness of the trial, and the validity of the conclusions of this paper. DSC exercises no control over these comments except to limit the comments to people who have either participated in the experiment or are current users of one or more ProjectionWorks products. You are encouraged to read these comments as well. While at the website, please take time to watch the video of a player that is about 20 seconds faster than the mean for the drawing and about 1 second faster than the mean for AR.

The implications for such extreme HPE can be staggering. A relatively minor implementation can result in millions of dollars in savings. Technicians can freely move from station to station and perform work in a station that is completely new to them and produce error-free assemblies in about the same time as a person that works in that cell on a daily basis (which is less than half the time it takes that experienced person today). A 100% return on investment is typically measured in weeks.

Here are the main statistics:

Number of Players                                                           85

Average Build Time                                                          Delta 0.29x

·      by Drawing                   80.47 sec

·      by AR                              23.67 sec

Standard Deviation                                                           Sigma 0.32x

·      by Drawing                   21.61 sec

·      by AR                              6.97 sec

Rework (Errors)                                                                    Quality 0.08x

·      by Drawing      107      12.59%

·      by AR                     9       1.06%

The multipliers on the right are factors by which one can multiply your current process costs for labor and rework to approximate the costs of those same processes in an AR environment.

 Why do this?

The first question which is quite reasonably asked is “why do this as a game – why not use a real production aircraft assembly”? The most direct answer to this question is that NDA’s prevent the publication of the known success stories of AR implementation. On the infrequent occasions when some information is released for public dissemination, it rarely (actually never) has sufficient context to make an evaluation of how that might apply to another situation. Here are some examples:

“…saving 300 hours just on grip measurements alone…”

“…time savings per shipset … 111 hours.”

“During our first year of use, we had zero rework in the area where we use AssemblyWorks. A cost reduction of over $10M compared to the prior year.”

“Our bracket installation is now only 34% of the previous assembly method…”

“…a cumulative recurring flyaway-cost savings of more than $82M.”

“Fastener installation was reduced by 150 hours on the mid-fuselage…”

“…96 hours saved per ship set for the wing assembly…”

“AssemblyWorks reduced our nacelle assembly by 80 hours…”

“…layout labor costs have been reduced by approximately 50%, and rework is down by 99%.”

“On our first use, a 14 hour task was done in 4 hours with zero errors.”

“…we just completed our first panel using AssemblyWorks. It was the first one we ever made with no rework.”

When reading the quotes above, you may think to yourself that it seems very likely that all of those statements are reporting good news. But, you do not think – “well, that obviously applies to me – it will clearly make my process better too”. So, the purpose of these time trials is to have a laboratory-quality controlled environment where we can compare a large sampling of people performing an identical task twice – once with AR and once without. Their performance is timed in both cases and errors evaluated. The difference between the two is an objective measure the Human Performance Enhancement generated by the Augmented Reality technology. Significantly, we have no limitations on supplying all of the details necessary to provide a context for the statistical information provided so that the reader can determine to what extent these values apply to their own situation.

Of the 85 participants in this experiment, they identified themselves as the following:

Manager          21.4%

Engineer          55.4%

Technician      12.5%

Other                10.7%

The Experiment

Data was collected over two days of sampling the attendees of the AeroDef conference in Long Beach, California on 9-10 February 2016.  The first and most important thing to understand about the experiment is that we are always evaluating the same person do the same task two ways. It is not a case where maybe all the fast people did the AR method, and the slow people did the traditional method. All 85 of them did both methods. Here are the key things to know about the experiment.

First of all – THE MOTIVATION: the motivating factor for participating (besides the competitive fun of it) was the chance to win an iPad4 for the fastest player (one awarded each day). The participants score is the total time for the two trials added together plus a 10 second penalty is added for each error (this is the “charge” for rework). Thus, each player is motivated to perform their best in both cases, while being very careful not to make an error in either case. (One error would leave no chance to win.) We thought a $400 prize for a fun way for people to spend about 5 minutes of their life would provide a good motivation for people to try their best – and that seemed to prove true.

There were 10 variations of the assembly. These are very similar, but not perfectly identical. This is to prevent a person from watching a previous participant and having an advantage. Also, it minimizes any advantage of which method is performed second. There were 8 possible “part numbers”, of which only four were ever used in one assembly. There are 153 possible insertion points for the parts, but each variant had only 10 parts to install. There were quantities of 4, 3, 2, and 1 of the four part numbers used. In all of the quantity-3 cases, there were always 2 adjacent placements. 

Prior to starting, the participant would roll a pair of dice which would determine three things:

·      Which method would be built first (traditional drawing or AR)

·      Which variant would be built via traditional methods

·      Which variant would be built via AR

So, for each participant, of the 10 variant possibilities, it is purely by random chance what variant will be built by what method, and which will be first. In an informal exit poll of about 20% of the participants, there was unanimous agreement that the trials could not bias the outcome in favor of AR. This was, of course, by design. If anyone felt like the trial was biased at all or did not represent “the real world”, it would have the opposite of the intended effect.

The numbers in these charts and graphs are for “value-added” work only. Even a system that can assure 100% efficiency produces no yield at all when the resource is not being applied to the assembly. All of the time spent by a person walking from the assembly to the parts bin, selecting the right parts, and walking back to the assembly accomplished putting exactly zero parts into the assembly – thus added no value to the assembly during that entire time (we all love those spaghetti charts!).

This paper is limited to a discussion of value-added work specifically. The experiment was carefully crafted to minimize non-value-added work. It should be noted that AR is an enabling technology for systems that can eliminate non-valued-added work from the production line in some cases, or significantly reduce it in other cases. That is however, a topic for another paper. 

So, as you are considering the implications of the seemingly impossible statistics described in this paper, bear in mind that the measurements encompass the value-added part of the work exclusively. How the multipliers apply your situation must be factored with a ratio of value-added-time/total-time for your process.

As noted above, a dice roll determines which method would be used first. The results were:

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 The chart below demonstrates how using either method first affects the build-times. Both methods have a delta equal to about 12% of the standard deviation, indicating that the difference is “in the noise” of the statistics. The fact that the AR time actually increases when executed second, which is counter-intuitive, provides another indicator that the difference is statistically insignificant. Being first or second does not bias the data in an appreciable way.

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This next chart is not what we expected (hence the delta values are show as negatives). It would seem logical that after you played the game once, there would be a slight advantage for the second play. That was not the case. There were significantly more errors during the second try than the first for both AR and the drawing. Perhaps it is because the sample size of 85 is too small to be significant. If this is the result of fatigue; this is after less than 1.5 minutes of effort when drawings went first, and less than half a minute of effort when AR went first. Perhaps it was due to “pressure” to rush the second build from the feeling that the first effort was not enough. Until we have enough data to unravel this mystery, we will call this another statistically insignificant factor.

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The 9 AR errors were made by 4 of the 85 participants. In all four cases, the error was the same – the participant selected the incorrect part from the parts bin, and placed it in the correct position. The 107 drawing errors were made by 23 people – over a quarter of the participants made at least one error when building from a drawing. These errors were roughly equally composed of all three error types: the correct position was left empty, an incorrect position was filled, or a correct position was filled with an incorrect part number.

The graph below shows the times of the 85 participants (sorted by trial times). The flatness of the AR graph relative to the drawing graph (D Mean) indicates that there is much less variability in build-time associated with “who” builds the assembly. As noted earlier, the standard deviation is about one third for AR what it is when building from a traditional drawing. Load balancing a complex assembly line is made much simpler when the work force can move between work stations with absolutely no loss of capability. The knowledge of how to build the assembly should be stored in the AR system – not the heads of the technicians. That knowledge is shown to the technician at exactly the moment it needs to be known. Using this technique, every technician has the exact same knowledge (theoretically the perfect knowledge) – making everyone more valuable.

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We did not collect age data on participants, however we can say that the graph above which shows the times of the 85 participants (sorted by trial times) would track pretty close with age. Age 20 being the left side and 60-something being the right side of the chart. Note the sharp knee in the drawing curve (D Time) at the left side. The 20-somethings had the 6 fastest times, which were sharply better than others. However, they were not able to attain such markedly faster times using AR (only slightly faster). The winners both days were college sophomores. 

Using AR, we see a similar knee on the right where the slowest 6 participants were markedly slower than the norm. 

Although there is nothing statistically relevant here, some people wanted to know if the 10 variants were really of equal difficulty. This graph shows the 10 variants across the page. The bar graph along the bottom shows how many times each variant was built by which method (selection was by a roll of the dice). If one variant was particularly more difficult or easier than another, we would expect to see the two lines have a correlation (both being fast or slow) at that point. That is never the case. For example, variant 5 was one of the fastest for drawings, but the slowest for AR while variant 10 is the opposite. Variants 3 and 8 are peaks on the drawing graph, but near the middle for the AR graph.

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*report from DSC and Projectionworks. Full report available at [email protected]



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