#29b Finalize Caravan Design of Electronic Expansion interfaces 11. to 13 and elements 14. to 20.
Christer Sandahl
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In blog #29a, I entered the Finalize design Pt.1.F. schedule, see blog #18 Tailoring the simplified Cpdm. I then identified 10 interfaces and elements from the architecture design, see blog #28 Caravan architecture design
Now here is another 10 interfaces and elements see the development above. I should maybe repeat the formalism to name interfaces and elements.
The system to be developed, is denoted with upper case A. Elements belonging to A., are given an ascending lower case letter, like A.a., A.b., and so forth. The element A.a. can be a container element, consisting of more hierarchical elements, then named A.a.a., A.a.b., etc. I f element A.a. contain an inward black-box, with its own level of development, from requirements to test, then this black-box is denote A.a.B. Note, don't use both A.a.b. and A.a.B. in the same architecture.
The system surrounding the system A. to be developed, is denoted E., and is called the environment to the Black-box A. If the system contains many hierarchical levels, they are denoted the same way as A., but the letters in revers order, like a.E., b.E., and so forth.
Interfaces located within the system A., are denoted A-1-, A-2-, etc. if such interface have started in the environment and penetrated into the Black-box A. it is however named after the outermost element it has ever located, in this case E-1- instead of A-1-.
See a lot of examples of used denotions in blog #28 Caravan architecture design.