#29 Disillusioned with Movements
Francielly Constantine Senra from Noun Projecct

#29 Disillusioned with Movements

You can run into numerous Christian workers these days who have become disillusioned with movements. They got trained, they tried, and it didn’t work. They got disillusioned. Their number is growing. Others have not become entirely disillusioned but somewhat disenchanted. They got trained, they tried, and it hasn’t worked yet–––they still hold on to that hope. Sometimes the hope is stronger, sometimes the tension – between their ideal (a movement) and their sobering reality: no movement.?

If that is you, this blog for you. Or if you have such workers among your friends, your colleagues, under your supervision, or on your team. This blog offers a mental map that will help you name and navigate the tensions you find in yourself. This mental map has three essential elements: the tension between ideal and reality, the three circles of influence, and doable steps. This map has helped me personally in my own movement ministry over 20 years. And I have experienced great resonance wherever I’ve shared it, in personal coaching or at speaking engagements.

To read or listen to more about the mental map click here


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