from September 1st, 2021
Cynthia Wicks
there are 29 high school students in Afghanistan. September 1, 2021.
This week was bloody as the us pulled out of afghan.
People were hanging from airplane wings. The Taliban demanded that all Americans, I guess, leave. Or just leave if you will, while you can.
For some reason high school students were there, from Sacramento, CA.
Were they on a school trip? The US government must have known. They wouldn't have had permission to go,
on the same day, abortion was outlawed in Texas. The land of outlaws.
Vigilantes are allowed to sue, to put a bounty on the head
of known abortion performers, women, who could not have a child who didn't want to have permission to not bring a child into a life that was not prepared. To give birth to a life unknown to how it will be raised, who pays, and when a child is created as the product of violence, is somehow acceptable. That the violation of women at their most private level is more tolerable than ending the child's life into this madness. The punishment to perpetraitor is less than the surviving unborn, born from gates of violent trespass.
Who would force anyone to a life imposed, and then again, I know.
To support all life. The dream is that rich people who have always wanted a child will adopt. Give them a dream life. Too often mothers aren't able to give their child away, how could they? Then a life unplanned, more trauma
suicide, blame by fathers, why did they do this, the child would say. Why was I born unwanted? Then I picture the 29 high school students from Sacramento in hiding in Afghanistan. Nothing ever makes sense. There are no conclusions to be drawn, the best reason we have God I think is that so much happens that cant be explained, no scientists, historians, economists, none of it is explainable. So we give it to God as we understand him, to lighten the load. 29 teenagers are heavy, to carry around. I offer them to God to please keep safe. I offer the children who will be forced to be born.
I offer the disgrace of these events. Disgraceful actions are subject to interpretation. I type it in, not to find a solution to a problem, just that my burden cant be to suffer for the sake of others, I'm not a saint. I don't have to suffer so that others don't have to. I sometimes think I do, or even without knowing, I take on and worry, and give it to God, and hope that the universe, the void, the single voice of verse will translate.
In Afghan, in every language, even Klingon. To logicate. Please Spock, make sense of all this. The needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few or the one. I as one. We as many. So many things to carry. Pray for sense from nonsense, war is nonsense. Nonsense, the absurd is the new sanity. Acceptance of this is normalcy. I don't have to tolerate intolerance. Walk away. Not my job, God take it to a fluffy cloud, fix it and make it all okay