288 The One Where Celebrate What We Learned in 2022
R. Trace Blackmore CWT, LEED AP, Master Facilitator, Keynote Speaker
Owner, Blackmore Enterprises, Industrial Water Treatment Expert, Weekly host of the Scaling UP! H2O Podcast, Keynote Speaker
Listen to today's episode at scalinguph2o.com/288 or tune in wherever you get your podcasts.
What was the best thing you learned this year? What about water treatment surprised you this year? Who helped you learn this year? What did you take the time to research? What is sparking your curiosity?
In keeping with tradition, we are using the last episode of the year to encourage ALL of our listeners to reflect back on 2022 and make a plan for 2023.
Bottom line:?Trace Blackmore is going to inspire you to celebrate what you’ve learned in 2022 and make a plan to grow in 2023.
Trace Blackmore welcomes you to the last episode of 2022 [1:00]
Thinking On Water With James [17:40]
Industrial Water Week, AWT, Building a community of water treaters, Team World Vision, Sneak Peek of 2023 episodes, The Rising Tide Mastermind, and the new Scaling UP! H2O Academy [20:00]
Thinking On Water With James:
In this week’s episode, we’re thinking about evaporative condensers.?What is the difference between an open-air cooling tower and an evaporative condenser??What unique challenges do evaporative condensers present??How might system volume be different between an evaporate condenser and an open-air cooling tower??How could the water treatment need to be different in an evaporative condenser??What about antimicrobials??Why and how should an evaporative condenser be cleaned and passivated prior to starting up a new system??Could a common sump for multiple units provide any benefits??Is white rust and common coil metallurgy a consideration??Take this week to think about evaporative condensers and how they can offer their own unique challenges when treating their water.?
Be sure to follow #TOW22 and #ScalingUpH2O to share your thoughts on each week’s Thinking on Water.?I’m James McDonald, and look forward to learning more…from you.?
Wait…one last note as we bring 2022 to an end.?Together, we’ve thought about 52 Thinking on Waters with James.?We’ve covered everything from industrial water in to industrial water out and everything in between.?For being a profession that few people have heard of, there sure is a LOT to know about it to do it correctly.?I want to thank you for taking this journey with me yet again.?What will 2023 hold??More learning, I can assure you.?What format will it take??You’ll just have to wait and see…next year…drop by drop.?
“How do you know what you don’t know?” – Tim Fulton
“It’s always great to take a Victory Lap and see what life has given you as a gift but also what is life trying to teach you so you can make the next year even better.” – Trace Blackmore
I always want to be the first person to say ‘I’ll help you with that.” – Trace Blackmore
“How can you serve? Take a moment to find one thing you can do to serve other people. Line up your volunteer opportunities before the end of the year.” – Trace Blackmore
Connect with Scaling UP! H2O:
Email Executive Podcast Producer, Corrine Drury:?[email protected]
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Trace Blackmore on LinkedIn:?in/traceblackmore/
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Scaling UP! H2O on YouTube:?youtube.com/@ScalingUpH2O
Check out our Scaling UP! H2O Events Calendar where we’ve listed every event Water Treaters should be aware of by clicking?HERE?or using the dropdown menu.
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