28 Quotes by Sunny E Isuekebhor

28 Quotes by Sunny E Isuekebhor

Leadership is not about orders, it’s about others; it’s not about position, it’s about people – it’s not about titles, it’s about teaching.?

An Executive with whom I am acquainted has been trying to get me to give him 28 of my quotes for a project of his - I agreed but haven't found the time to put them together. However, a few hours ago, I decided to spend an hour to come up with something for him and also decided to share it with you. GO THROUGH AND LET ME KNOW WHICH QUOTES YPOU LIKE AND WHICH ONES YOU DISAGREE.

28 Quotes by Sunny E Isuekebhor; International Keynote Speaker, Leadership Coach, Project Expert, Energy Consultant and Published Author, but first, a Preacher of Jesus Christ of Nazareth.?

  1. The biggest physical problem with the world today is poor leadership. People who like the titles of leadership are plentiful and people who hanker for leadership positions without knowing what leadership is, are all about the place but true leaders are abundantly scarce.?
  2. It is very dangerous to allow a blind man to volunteer to lead another blind man.
  3. One of the biggest problems with marriages today and which is Foundation for most divorces, is that during courtship or engagement, couples focus on the strengths of one another and celebrate them openly and secretly, but sadly after marriage, the make a completely sad U-turn and begin to focus only on the flaws of each other.
  4. It is strange how people can go through life believing that there’s no God – if every manmade thing we see did not suddenly appear by some freakish explosion or evolution, but was made by a human or group of humans, then the glorious universe was Created by God – I believe in Jesus Christ of Nazareth and I cannot imagine how my life would have been without Him.
  5. Too many men and women think that parenting is only about providing food, tuition fees, clothes and housing but parenting is so much more – it is friendship, fellowship, family, fondness and understanding.?
  6. Train up a child in the way he or she should go – if you are not training them up, it means you are training them down and if you do not train them up, when they become older, they will train you and that will bring so much pain.
  7. Leadership is not about orders, it’s about others; it’s not about position, it’s about people – it’s not about titles, it’s about teaching.?
  8. When couples are having challenges in their marriages or relationships, I always tell them to make a habit of deliberately being funny – women enjoy the company of men who make them laugh and the same is true for men.
  9. The sun rises daily and sets daily – in that alone are hidden so many clues of leadership – for one, it shows that great leadership is about the enjoyment of deliberately repeating things that work.?
  10. I wouldn’t have wished I was anything else than to be a preacher – there is no greater work than telling fellow humans about the love, the cross, the blood, the sacrifice and the Name of my Savior, Lord and Master, Jesus Christ of Nazareth.?
  11. Public Speaking is not about the Speaker, it’s about the audience – it’s not necessarily about the subject or topic – it’s about the ability of the speaker to take the themselves of the subject and transfer them to the audience to the end that audience member come out of the halls of the speech as motivators, change agents and brand-new people.?
  12. When it comes to climate change, there are two extremes – those who speak as though fossil fuels is the enemy of mankind and those who don’t want to hear anything about push for renewable energy – fossil fuels is not our enemy, fossil fuels is our friend, literally every great thing that humanity has built was built using fossil fuels, It is humans who have abused fossil fuels – renewable energy push should continue but fossil fuels can be made cleaner – it will take investments but it would be worth it because it will take too long before renewable energy can run the world!
  13. When God wants to significantly improve your knowledge about something, He will inspire you to use your gift of writing to write a book about that subject or thing.?
  14. I am on a Mission to show people all over the world that great, productive, effective and robust leadership is not complicated because the Creator has surrounded His Creations with hundreds of leadership clues and we just need to pay attention in order to spot them or to hear their voices.?
  15. Effective Leadership is about Effective Project Management because leadership is either about initiating projects, inheriting project, executing projects, monitoring and controlling projects or closing projects.?
  16. Leadership is about questions – knowing what questions to ask, knowing what questions to answer, knowing what questions to refuse to answer and knowing how to answer questions that regularly bombard the minds and lives of those whom you lead, is what leadership is about.?
  17. Prayer is a powerful force – it’s the strongest symbol of humility – it says, God, I need You!
  18. I would never support the promotion of the killing of the unborn – you and I are hear today because our Mothers did not choose to kill us in the womb in the name of abortion! I love you Mom.?
  19. Do not be in a hurry to call anyone your friend; friends are not that easy to find – many of those you call friends now aren’t really your friends, they seem to be your friends now because you haven’t really needed friends – when adversity comes, your true friends will show up and refuse to leave you but the fake ones will leave and stop taking your calls.
  20. One of the biggest problems we have in this world, is politicians – many of them are aggressively dishonest and they enjoy making promises that they do not plan to keep while ensuring that they earn outrageous amounts of money and the majority of the rest of the citizens languish in avoidable poverty – there are only few honest politicians anywhere in the world but O' they are so few.
  21. Democracy is no longer the government of the people, by the people and for the people, it is now the government of the politicians by the politicians and for the politicians – what an avoidable tragedy.?
  22. Shame on those who describe evil as good and describe good as evil.
  23. Effective Leadership is about understanding the power of delegation – smart leaders delegate work that falls in the areas of their weaknesses while staying within the areas of their own strengths, those who are clueless about leadership however, they to do everything and anything and that is why many of them are hopeless micromanagers.
  24. Business is about making profits so businesses should pursue profits but those who prioritize making profits over making people happy, will eventually go out of business.?
  25. The biggest problem in the world today is sin and the only solution is the blood of Jesus.?
  26. When Television first became a thing, it was a place for the promotion of morality, education and ethics but today, it has sadly become a place for the enthronement of immortality and abominations, and a place where lies and manipulations and personal opinions are sadly broadcast as news.
  27. One of the biggest problems with the management of covid19 pandemic, was the imposition of indiscriminate lockdowns – rather than coming up with innovative solutions, governments merely copied one another and announced lockdowns.?
  28. Every Elected Government Official needs a Competent Personal Leadership Advisor who is not a politician and who has a coherent grasp of what leadership really is – being elected doesn’t make anyone a leader, it just shows that people voted for you – in the same vein, every CEO or top Corporate Executive needs Competent Personal Leadership Coach because it always helps to have an outside eye and to have an outside voice – people are not generally appointed or promoted to Executive positions because they understand leadership, they usually do because they know their jobs as an Engineer, a Doctor or a Lawyer for instance but as an Executive they’ll always need to answer leadership questions by their daily or weekly decisions, that’s why I recommend contracting a Leadership Advisor or Coach.?


Sunny E Isuekebhor is a Premium Member of The Black Speakers Network, USA.?



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