28 lessons every entrepreneur should live by
28 lessons every entrepreneur should live by

28 lessons every entrepreneur should live by

Your starting point is 100x better than those who started 20 years ago when only big companies could afford technology

If you can interact with clients digitally instead of face to face, you will have more time to grow your business

Always remember that you must treat those that work in your business with love and kindness because if they leave, you will have lost a diamond

In order to disrupt an industry, you must believe that you were put onto this earth to solve problems

Use your time wisely while working for others to become an observer of the industry

It is better to start a business with paper and a pen instead of buying fancy software

The consortium business model is the future of work. Try to understand how it works

Rather spend your 20s being social and partying so when you get to your 30s you won’t mind sitting at home and working all the time

The corporate brand world is the past. The You-as-a-brand world is the future

The only person who will understand your business is you. Do not rely on other people to promote your business

If you hire young people in your business, expect them to leave at any moment, no matter what you give them

Never settle for how things are done. If you are not happy with the arrangement, walk away

If you run a business, do not show weakness. Those who work in your business expect you to be super human

Don’t be in a rush to open a business. Rather spend 15 years learning and making mistakes while working for other people, no matter how good you think your idea is

Learn to do it yourself. Lazy people get others to do the difficult stuff

Become an expert on the phone by spending all day on the phone for 10 years. Most people are scared of using the phone. Do not be one of those people

If your online photo looks sexy, change it immediately

Learn how to load a computer from scratch including sourcing drivers online and loading all the programs needed

Make sure the business icon you choose to emulate leads a clean and sober life

Learn how to be your own advertising agency. Rather use the money to place ads instead of paying double for someone else to do it for you

The way to beat procrastination is to do the things you know will only take one minute to do. Do those things as soon as you become aware they need to be done

If your email address does not match your website, you look unprofessional 

Spend 80% of your time on getting clients and 20% on everything else

Never ever look at what the competition is doing. Come up with your own ideas

Never settle for anything longer that getting paid 7 days after invoice

Interact with industry colleagues online by commenting on their posts or creating your own posts. If you are just the observer, no one will ever know about your business or what you stand for

Learn how to get your business’ story into magazines. If your story is not one of a startup changing the world, find a new story to tell

Never allow someone else’s criticism of your business to have any value, no matter how successful they are. Their point of view is wrong, and it will demotivate you from breaking through walls

Thebe Dikobo

BSc Actuarial Science graduate| Independent Actuarial Consultant | ASSA Student Sub Comm-Transformation member.

3 年

This is concise. Thank you Adi

Tsietsi Ngobese

Chief Executive Officer at Wesolve4x Consultancy (Pty) Ltd

3 年

The hard core truth about being an entrepreuner, Solving the woeld"s problem one equation at a time.i have one question. How does brand position for my company have to aligine with my personal brand?

Thabiso Mvundla Bhengu

Data+ Storytelling = Winning Strategy!

3 年


love how all your advice is to the point! Thank you for this



