Lorraine Weselby
Empowering people to "BE ALL YOU CAN BE" Helping people to change their lives /upgrade their health/finances/mindset/community/time freedom . G100 Scotland Chair for Healthcare & Wellness. WBL Santander Awarded Mentor
After Christmas in 2019, a whopping 277,00 miles of wrapping paper in the UK alone were sent to landfill !
Not sure how many of you have read the book “The Compound Effect” by Darren Hardy but the message is small consistent changes done daily can amount to a lot and be life changing.
So imagine if everyone of us either used fabric gift bags which are re-useable or fancy boxes that people can keep to put other useful items in what a difference it would make.
Since I was little I was always fascinated with gorgeous wrappings and so I have always re used them. With some close friends/family I have special decorative finishings that once given - I ask could you make sure I get them back either on some other gift or when I next see you.
Many ancient cultures celebrated various holidays that involved the giving of gifts.
The desire to hide the identity of a gift until just the right moment led people to wrap gifts long, long ago.
Historians believe wrapping gifts in paper probably started not long after paper was invented thousands of years ago.
The use of wrapping paper is first documented in ancient China, where paper was invented in 2nd century BC.
In the Southern Song dynasty, monetary gifts were wrapped with paper, forming an envelope known as a “chih pao”.
Interestingly “Gift Bags” were invented by Francis Wolle. He was messing around when he had an idea. He started folding paper into a bag shape using origami.
This year please Gift Mindfully !
As a B Corporation and green company my business has put our festive range in lovely reusable fabric bags – if you are looking for ideas and inspiration – www.lorraineweselby.arbonne.com