£276k in 4 weeks

£276k in 4 weeks

T.E.A Break - 016

In the first four weeks of working with us, we’ve made our newest client £276,476 in additional revenue.

In this, the last T.E.A. Break of 2024, I’ll tell you how we’ve done it, so keep reading.

It all started back in October when Luke, the Chief Executive of Valentte, applied to come on our Grow with Evergreen Podcast.

Valentte is a £15m turnover brand that sells reed diffusers, candles, and wax melts.

In his application, Luke said:

“In the last 12 months I have spent more than 80% of my time on operations and far less than 20% of my time growing Valentte. In 2025 I want to reverse that split. I would love Aaron’s and The Evergreen Agency's help in achieving that.”

I read his application, looked over his website and said to my PA…

“I’d love to help Luke, let’s get him booked on”

Skip forward to early November and it was the day of the recording. Luke opted to do the podcast in person (we give all of our podcast guests the option to do it in-person and about 1 in 3 say yes. I personally love the in-person ones).

Having read his marketing challenges and reviewed his website, I had some ideas of how I could help him grow this business.

Little did I know, what was in store...

Luke’s business has grown so fast, so rapidly, that they’ve struggled to keep up.

From £500k turnover in 2020 to £15m+ in 2024 (yes, you read that right).

It’s an unbelievable trajectory.

A huge part of how they’ve achieved this was through email marketing and Meta Ads.

By Luke’s own admission they’d become addicted to these marketing tactics. They are now spending around £3 million a year on Meta Ads.

“It’s like a drug”, Luke commented on the podcast.

Now, while these lofty turnover numbers all sound great, I saw a big problem.

This business was massively reliant on Meta Ads and that’s an issue.

My entire career, I’ve advocated that every business needs balance.

You don’t want to be overly reliant on any single channel or platform.

You never want all of your eggs in one basket.

Back to the podcast, we then got onto Google Ads and this was the jaw-dropper moment for me.

They were spending £3 million on Meta Ads.

Yet, only £70k on Google Ads.

They were only targeting brand traffic.

Nothing else.

What on earth? Why?

As I said on the podcast, to not be leveraging Google Shopping Ads was “INSANE”.

For so many reasons, Google Ads would be a no-brainer for Valentte, I told Luke on the episode.

I asked why they hadn’t focused more on Google like they had Meta?

His reply “we’ve just always done what we’ve always known”.

He went on to say "we did try Google Ads briefly, but we couldn't get it to work, so we stopped".

Madness! I knew for a fact that Luke was leaving millions on the table.

If Meta Ads were good, Google Ads, particularly Shopping Ads would be GREAT for this business.


Because it’s a product thousands of people search for every single day.

At this point, steam nearly started coming out of my ears.

Suffice to say, the podcast recording was certainly memorable, you can watch it back on YouTube or listen on Spotify. See the links below, as it’s featured as part of this week’s content round up.

Anyway, within days, Luke, having been so impressed by what he heard, signed up as a client.

It was mid-November, Black Friday was fast approaching and so I said to Luke, we’d put together a ‘quick shopping campaign’ without all the bells and whistles just to ‘test the water’ over Black Friday.

I asked for a £20k budget to spend; Luke agreed.

Skip forward four weeks and the Valentte data shows £275,476 in additional Google Ads revenue from Shopping Ads (excluding brand).


A one hour podcast recording has opened up a 7-figure a year revenue stream for this fantastic business that they didn’t know existed.

If that doesn’t show the incredible power of our Grow with Evergreen Podcast, then I don’t know what will.

Brands both big and small get used to what they know and just keep doing it, but as Albert Einstein once famously said:

“The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results” - Albert Einstein

That’s why getting outside help, advice and expertise is invaluable.

What gold mine might you be sitting on? If you fancy a chat with me, we’re booking guests to join us on our podcast in 2025. Apply now.

In the meantime, let's get into this week’s content:

T.E.A Talks: How We Cater Creative to Clients

"We create ads in a variety of different ways depending on how a business is set up. Some have showrooms, others have retail stores, while many transact online only. How do you get the best possible creative regardless of your business type? Find out in our latest T.E.A Talk, where Darren shares his top tips."

Available now on YouTube, Spotify, Apple Podcasts, as well as our blog.

Grow with Evergreen: £15m Fragrance Brand is Spending £3m on Meta & Only £70k on Google

"This podcast episode is our 'Christmas Special' for no other reason than it was so much fun to create. Some truly jaw-dropping moments as you've read above. The result of this one-hour recording has had a dramatic impact on this business and it's a great listen/watch, so please be my guest and enjoy over the festive period."

Available on YouTube, Spotify and Apple Podcasts, as well as our blog.

Evergreen Uncut: Behind The Scenes of Our Christmas Ad

"We recently created a Christmas ad and in our last Evergreen Uncut of 2024, you get to come behind the scenes as we take the idea, and turn it into our Christmas masterpiece.

Available now on our website and on YouTube."

You can watch the full Christmas ad on YouTube and LinkedIn now.

That's a wrap. I'd like to finish the last T.E.A Break of 2024 by saying a HUGE thank you for watching and engaging with our content this year, we hope you've learned a lot and enjoyed watching it, as much as we've enjoying making it.

We've got even more exciting plans for 2025 and you'll be the first to hear about what we're up to via my weekly newsletter.

Wishing you and yours a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year.


PS. I have one favour to ask. Please share this newsletter link with one person you think will benefit from reading this - thank you.


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