// 27 Spotlight: Data Saves Lives
That may sound a little novel, but that is precisely what this newsletter seeks to do.Thanks to the 2,800+ subscribers, who I jokingly refer to as "HealthBytians," who have generously offered their opinions and suggested concepts that have additional meaning for readers.
Here's a special Spotlight issue. An attempt to highlight 9 real life examples of how data saves lives.
1// Data Saves Lives By Helping Act Upon Liver
Using health data to explore a link between Body Mass Index and non-alcoholic fatty liver disease and saving Liver : For many years, obesity was assumed to have a connection with non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NFALD), based on research involving small numbers of patients.A large-scale research confirmed the link between a rising BMI and the diagnosis of NAFLD. Moreover, it showed for which people this link is stronger.
This research studied the records of just over 2 million patients who had the necessary data recorded, and who did not have other conditions that would affect BMI or NAFLD.
Source // i-hd.eu
2// Data Saves Lives By Early Identification Of Other Diseases In A Cancer Patient
A Mayo Clinic AI study finds early adopters of artificial intelligence technology on the frontlines of healthcare have posted higher rates of successfully diagnosing certain heart conditions, even if those clinicians have less experience in dealing with complex patients, according to researchers at the Mayo Clinic.
Source // Fiercebiotech
3// Data Saves Lives By Helping The Elderly In Managing Their Day
The world of elder-care robotics is still fairly nascent in the U.S. Japan may have the largest head start in the category due, in part, to its aging population, but the concept has been growing in acceptance. A number of firms working to design more all-purpose systems have pointed to living assistance as a potential application, but currently the robotic market isn’t exactly flush with this tech.
Source: Techchrunch
4// Data Saves Lives By Sensing The Changes In Status Of Mind
Instagram photos reveal predictive markers of depression: Using Instagram data from 166 individuals, we applied machine learning tools to successfully identify markers of depression. Statistical features were computationally extracted from 43,950 participant Instagram photos, using color analysis, metadata components, and algorithmic face detection. Resulting models outperformed general practitioners’ average unassisted diagnostic success rate for depression
Source // epjdatascience
5// Data Saves Lives By Detecting Sepsis Early
Around 5.5-7 million adults worldwide pass away every year from causes that are both avoidable and easily prevented. Sepsis affects 1.7 million adults in the US alone every year, and 270,000 of them pass away (CDC).
6// Data Saves Lives By Detecting The Otherwise Missed
In a study published in partnership with Massachusetts General Hospital, Dr Mannudeep Kalra,Dr. Keith J. Dreyer,Dr Subba Diggumarthy, Dr Bernando Bizzo, Dr Parisa Kaviani and Dr Shadi Ebrahimian, Qure.ai showed that AI could detect missed radiological findings with a very high sensitivity.
Specifically, Qure.ai found 51 missed nodules among 3469 cases with a sensitivity and specificity of (96,100).
7// Data Saves Lives By Managing Chronic Conditions Better
DIABETES is a global problem, with the disease’s incidence and prevalence increasing yearly. Globally, approximately 537 million adults had diabetes in 2021, although in Australia it is the fastest-growing chronic condition, with around 1.3 million Australians living with it in 2020. Diabetes is estimated to cost almost $2.5 billion every year to the Australian health care system, and if combined with its complications, a significant $6.86 billion yearly.
Source // Insightplus
8// Data Saves Lives By Reducing Physician Burnout
Nearly two-thirds of doctors are experiencing at least one symptom of burnout, a huge increase from before the pandemic. But the situation is not irreparable, researchers say.
Source : NY Times
9// Data Saves Lives By Reducing Time To Treatment
How AI is saving lives in stroke and other neurovascular care.The technology has been proven to greatly reduce times to treatment
Source // HealthcareITNews