Cognitive error: Fortune telling
- Tell me what makes you say that
- Tell me what makes you think that
- Tell me some examples of proof you have for this
- Tell me what form of evidence you have for this
- Tell me how you got this conclusion
- I seem to be predicting the future. But I don’t know for sure. Let me see how I can learn more about this.
- This is Fortune Telling. I can’t really predict the future. And I have no solid proof of this.
- I am actually saying what is going to happen in the future. None of us are really good at predicting the future.
Cognitive Error: Catastrophizing
- Tell me how you would advise a friend on this
- Tell me what you would tell a friend in that same situation
- If someone came to ask for your advice on something like this, tell me what you would say
- I would tell my friend she’s imagining the worst. She can go and find out more before she makes that assumption.
- This is really thinking about the worst-case scenario. I would ask them to go and find the evidence that this will be that bad before they continue to panic like this.
- It is easy to catastrophize. I would tell them to go and find information from a good source, and until then, they need to know that it is only just their thought
Cognitive Error: Emotional Reasoning
- Tell me how you can test this
- Tell me how you could test this
- Tell me how you could find out for sure
- Tell me how you could find out if this is the case or not
- Tell me how you could test this before jumping to that conclusion
- Tell me what might be a way for you to find out
- Tell me what might be a way for you to find out so you know for sure?
- I am going to test this first. Otherwise, I don’t really know for sure. Otherwise, it’s just a feeling
- I am feeling that way. But who knows for sure until I have tested it out.
- My feeling does not always tell the whole picture. Let me test this first.
- Other than relying just on my feeling, there are some ways I can test this out and know for sure.
Cognitive Error: Labeling
- Tell me what you are currently telling yourself and what error you are making
- Tell me what exactly you are trying to say
- Tell me what you think you are really saying
- I am actually labeling myself right now. There’s likely a more objective way to look at this instead of name-calling.
- I am currently calling myself names. This may be an easy way to deal with this but far from an effective one.
- I am actually reducing everything to one name. This is a grave error and it is best to rethink the whole thing.
Cognitive Error: Personalizing
- Tell me what’s another way to see/perceive/think about/feel about this;
- Tell me what’s a different way of looking at this
- Tell me what’s an alternative explanation for this
- Tell me what’s another possible explanation for this
- Tell me what other reasons why this could have happened
- Tell me what’s the alternative to this current thinking/feeling/attitude/perception/conclusion/stance
- There cannot be just one way to look at things. Let me rethink this in a way that might be less personalizing
- This is personalizing and there is likely a different way of looking at this
- I am taking this personally. Let me look at some other possible explanations for this
- This is just me taking this personal. This is a mistake and I am deciding to look for some alternative ways to think through this
?Cognitive Error: Filtering/ All or nothing
- Tell me what another way of looking at this
- Tell me what error you may be making
- Tell me you are currently telling yourself
- I am focusing just on what is not working. Let me see what may be going well right now.
- I am currently seeing this in black and white, let me look for the middle ground
- I am currently telling myself all there is in this is all bad. Let me find a more helpful way to look at this
- I cannot find anything helpful in how I am looking at this. Let me look for the middle ground instead of continuing doing all or nothing thinking.
Cognitive Error: Jumping to Conclusions/Fortune Telling/Mind Reading
- This sounds serious. Now, please give me an example of things that could be even worse than this
- Tell me what else could happen that could be even worse than this
- Tell me what else could be even worse
- Tell me what could be worse?
- This is definitely bad, but it could be even worse. So I guess I might be able to live with it if it really happens. Plus, I don’t even know for sure if it is even going to happen.
- There are so many ways to look at this. And whatever I am thinking may happen may not be as bad as I think. Many other things could be even worse than that.
- I am just choosing the part that I don’t like and giving it more weight. Plus, things could have been even worse than this. So not worth the time.
Cognitive Error: Overgeneralizing/Discounting the Positive/Magnifying
- Tell me how helpful this is
- Tell me how helpful it is to think about/feel about/perceive/look at things, like this
- Tell me if this is really helping
- Tell me how much this is really helping
- From 1 to 10, 10 being very helpful, tell me how helpful this is
- I am just overgeneralizing this, and this is far from helping because it is taking things beyond where it is really happening.
- I may be doing myself a big disservice by taking something so small and making it so big
- I may be hurting myself by just focusing on what is not working and discounting what seems to be working well