27 New Papers on Electromagnetic Fields and Biology or Health
February 6, 2025
I have been circulating abstracts of newly-published scientific papers on radio frequency and other non-ionizing electromagnetic fields (EMF) monthly since 2016. The complete collection of these papers contains more than 2,000 abstracts with links to the papers. Several hundred EMF scientists around the world receive these updates.
To see abstracts for the most recent papers or to download volumes 1 to 3 of this collection go to: Recent Research on Wireless Radiation and Electromagnetic Fields
The Collision between Wireless and Biology
Two letters attacking WHO-sponsored Systematic Review on RF-EMF Exposure and Cancer by Karipidis et al. (2024) and Authors' (Inadequate) Responses
The effect of exposure to radiofrequency fields on cancer risk in the general and working population: A systematic review of human observational studies – Part II: Less researched outcomes (WHO-sponsored review)
Histopathologic effects of mobile phone radiation exposure on the testes and sperm parameters: a systematic literature review of animal studies
Laptop and tablet use and their influence on total motile sperm count parameters: are laptops linked to infertility in Jamaican men?
A review of effects of electromagnetic fields on ageing and ageing dependent bioeffects of electromagnetic fields
Effects of radiofrequency electromagnetic radiation with a focus on hematology parameters: a brief review and future research needs
Waveforms of 4G and 5G Radiofrequency Signals: Are Differences Relevant to Biology or Health?
Auto-induced uplink 4G and 5G RF-EMF exposure assessment using a network monitoring application in different microenvironments across seven European countries
Electromagnetic Field-Aware Radio Resource Management for 5G and Beyond: A Survey (Review)
Measurement of Ambient Millimeter Wave Exposure Levels around Small Base Stations
Explainable Machine Learning-Based Electric Field Strength Mapping for Urban Environmental Monitoring
Effects of 5G mobile phone network electromagnetic field exposure on testicular endoplasmic reticulum stress and the protective role of coenzyme Q10 (CoQ10)
Short-term exposure of 2.4 GHz electromagnetic radiation on cellular ROS generation and apoptosis in SH-SY5Y cell line and impact on developing chick embryo brain tissue
Compound exposure of 2.8?GHz and 9.3?GHz microwave causes learning and memory impairment in rats
Measurement of non-ionizing radiation (NIR) from Wi-Fi access points and microwave ovens in residential environments
Evaluation of Population Exposure to Radiofrequency Fields in Microenvironments in the Cities of Lima, Cusco and Pucallpa in Perú, Using a Personal Exposimeter
Wireless radiation and health: making the case for proteomics research of individual sensitivity
Amelioration and Immuno-modulation by Ashwagandha on Wi-fi Induced Oxidative Stress in Regulating Reproduction Via Estrogen Receptor Alpha in Male Japanese Quail
The Development of a Reverberation Chamber for the Assessment of Biological Effects of Electromagnetic Energy Absorption in Mice
Continuous exposure to 60?Hz magnetic field at 10-14?mT promotes various human cell proliferation by activating extracellular-signal-regulated kinase
An amplification mechanism for weak ELF magnetic fields quantum-bio effects in cancer cells
Effect of terahertz radiation on cells and cellular structures (Review)
Metabolomic and gene networks approaches reveal the role of mitochondrial membrane proteins in response of human melanoma cells to THz radiation
Hidden route of protein damage through oxygen-confined photooxidation
Structural Analysis of Plasma-Induced Oxidation and Electric Field Effect on the Heat Shock Protein (Hsp60) Structure
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