27 distinct categories of emotion
Muthukrishnan Ramakrishnan
For those of you, who think that there are only two emotions (disgust and disappointment), a study just published in the Proceedings of National Academy of Sciences says otherwise. In fact, Alan S.Cowen and Dacher Keltner, PhD from the University of California, Berkeley, identified 27distinct categories of emotions. And here they are, by alphabetical order and not desirability or importance:
- Admiration
- Adoration
- Aesthetic Appreciation
- Amusement
- Anxiety
- Awe
- Awkwardness
- Boredom
- Calmness
- Confusion
- Craving
- Disgust
- Empathetic pain
- Entrancement
- Envy
- Excitement
- Fear
- Horror
- Interest
- Joy
- Nostalgia
- Romance
- Sadness
- Satisfaction
- Sexual desire
- Sympathy
- Triumph