#27 Band aid social fixes
Photo by Diana Polekhina on Unsplash

#27 Band aid social fixes

Disclaimer: This article may hit you hard.

I'm afraid that our addiction to instant gratification has the ability to affect the way we impact society. We're trying to get instantly gratified even when doing a social cause. Let me give you an example. If you bring food to the homeless for a meal, have you ever thought of what will he do for tomorrow? If yes, do you have a plan to have a long term impact on his/her life rather than doing short term?

For a long time, I was doing short term fixes for the people around me. Recently I studied a book called Impact by Christen Brandt and Tammy Tibbets, founders of She's the first. It's a wake-up call for me. They call these kinds of fixes band-aids. I thought as long as you're doing good to society, it is good. Actually, it's not.

I'm also not saying that you've to focus on every issue that is happening worldwide. Some may have a feeling that I'm gonna help the stray dogs. Does that mean that you're abandoning the issues happening to humans? No!! Everyone has their own cause in this world, which they call your North Star. If you focus on a single issue, you can see a larger impact on society in the long term. If you want, you can passively help on the other issues while actively involving in your North Star. Finding your North Star is the first step when you're trying to impact society.

But involving in long term cause is a time-consuming one you can't do alone. You need a support group that can inspire and motivate you when you do not feel like doing it. You can gather the resources which can support you along the way, it can be a podcast, content, influencers or your friends or friends of friends.

The concepts mentioned were just a fraction of what I've learnt in the book. If you are really thinking of impacting society, I highly suggest you order the book.

My North Star is a happy and purposeful work-life for everyone, bringing the reason they wake up in the morning.

I hope you liked this article. If you want to join me on my beautiful journey, comment below this article or ping me personally. Let's do some good deeds for society.


