26th Session of ICUMSA
26th Session of ICUSMA
October 1-3, 2008
Marriott Beach Hotel, Delray Beach, Florida, USA
International Commission of Uniform Methods for Sugar Analysis – ICUMSA
?The International Commission for Uniform?Methods of Sugar Analysis? Ltd. (ICUMSA) is a world-wide body which?brings together the activities of the National Committees?for Sugar Analysis in more than twenty member countries.
Work is carried out under various Subjects each headed?by a Referee.
ICUMSA is the only international organization concerned?solely with analytical methods for the sugar industry. In?addition to use by that industry, ICUMSA methods are?recognized by authorities such as the Codex Alimentarius? Commission, the OIML, the EU, and the US Food?Chemicals Codex.
Methods are recommended for Tentative (T) approval by ICUMSA in the first instance. Upon meeting all the Commission’s requirements, methods are accorded?Official (O) status. Methods which are demonstrably?useful and have found an established application, or which do not lend themselves to collaborative testing, are given?an Accepted (A) status. Details of how the status of Methods has been?established may be obtained by?reading the relevant Proceedings.
Wednesday, October 1, 2008
SPRI Technical Tour – Okeelanta Corporation/Florida Crystals
All ICUMSA Delegates are invited to attend the technical tour followed by the SPRI Conference. Buses leave the hotel lobby at 9:00am. Lunch will be at Florida Crystals. Buses return to the hotel 3:00pm.
Wednesday, October 1, 2008
Early Registration – Ocean Room Ballroom Foyer
2:00 p.m. – 6:00 p.m.
Thursday, October 2, 2008
Late Registration – Ocean Room Foyer
7:30 a.m. – 5:30 p.m.
Thursday, October 2, 2008
Technical Session all day – Ocean Room Ballroom
8:30 a.m. – 5:30 p.m.
Thursday, October 2, 2008
Lunch – Delray Beach Hotel Restaurant
12:00 p.m - 2:00 p.m.
Thursday, October 2, 2008
Coral Reef Salon I Foyer
Cocktails: 7:00 p.m. – 8:00 p.m.
Coral Reef Room
Dinner: 8:00 p.m. – 10:00 p.m.
Friday, October 3, 2008
Technical Session all day – Ocean Room Ballroom
8:30 a.m. – 4:00 p.m.
Friday, October 3, 2008
Lunch – Delray Beach Hotel Restaurant
12:00 p.m. - 2:00 p.m.
Friday, October 3, 2008
ICUMSA Executive Committee Meeting – Intracoastal Meeting Room
4:00 p.m. - 5:30 p.m.
Friday, October 3, 2008
Trip along the Intracoastal ?Beach Front Dock. Tour starts a 7:00 p.m.
Exhibitor’s Session:
Thursday, October 2, 2008, ?All day – Ocean Ballroom Corridor
26 th ICUMSA Guest Program
Wednesday, October 1, 2008, Guests are invited to attend the SPRI Conference Technical Tour of – Okeelanta Corporation/Florida Crystals.
Hotel Lobby - 9:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m.
Thursday, October 2, 2008
West Palm Beach City Tour
Learn about early Florida, when Henry Flagler’s railroads and luxury hotels established tourism and agriculture as the foundation of Florida’s economy. The Flager Museum one of the greatest Gilded Age mansions in the world and recognized as one of Florida’s most intriguing museums and the state’s grandest residence ever built in America.
Lunch: Charley’s Crab, Palm Beach
Rated as one of Palm Beach, Florida’s 10 best restaurants Charley’s Crab will be memorable. No matter which of the dining rooms you sit in, you will be delighted by the incredible food served at Charley’s Crab.? Situated just across from the beach, the restaurant offers ocean views from the lounge and delicious seafood throughout. The menu changes frequently, capitalizing on what the freshest. The catch of the day can be grilled, blackened, broiled, or sauteed, and the raw bar offers oysters, clams, and crab claws. You will also find terrific Dover sole, filet mignon, broiled lobster, and Maryland crab cakes. At lunch, a selection of sandwiches, salads, and pastas figures more prominently, and there will even a bento box available. The well-stocked bar offers great wines, single-malt scotches, and cognacs.
Trip to Worth Avenue
The Worth Avenue experience has been treasured for half a century by visitors the world over-an opportunity to shop legendary international boutiques as well as unique specialty stores found only on the Avenue. It is an experience distinguished by an Old-World interpretation of quality and hospitality, integrity and taste.
The more than 250 merchants here are committed to making your visit to the Avenue as memorable as it is rewarding, to showing you that the heart of our boulevard is based on the enduring distinction of fine customer service.
Thursday, October 2, 2008
Coral Reef Salon I Foyer
Cocktails: 7:00 p.m. – 8:00 p.m.
Coral Reef Room
Dinner: 8:00 p.m. – 10:00 p.m.
Thursday, October 2, 2008
Technical Sessions – Ocean Room Ballroom
8:30am – 9:00 am?? Welcome from the United States xu-National Committee and Introductory speech by the president
9:00am – 10:30am? Report presentations and discussion
General Subject – 1 (GS1) – Raw Sugar – Referee’s Report – R.M. Urquhart (Australia)
General Subject – 2 (GS2) - ?White Sugar – Referee’s Report – K.E. Pardoe (UK)
General Subject -3 (GS3) – Specialty Sugar – Referee’s Report - G. Negbenebor (UK)
10:30am – 11:00am – Coffee Break and poster presentations, Exhibit tables (Intracoastal Room and Foyer
11:00am – 12:00pm – Report presentations and discussion
General Subject -4 (GS4) – Molasses – Referee’s Report - G. Eggleston (USA)
General Subject 5 (GS5) - ?Cane – Referee’s Report - ?G. S. C. Rao (India)
General Subject 6- (GS6) – Beet – Referee’s Report - D. Martin (Germany)
12:00pm – 2:00pm Lunch – Hotel Restaurant
2:00pm – 3:30pm Report presentations and discussion
General Subject 7 (GS7) – Cane Processing – Referee’s Report - S. S. Nimbalkar (India)
General Subject 8 (GS8) – Beet Processing – Referee’s report - ?J. M. Huet (France),?supplemented by R. Lemmes (Germany)
General Subject 9 (GS9) – Plantation White Sugar - V. S. Keskar (India)
3:30pm- 4:00pm Coffee Break and poster presentations, exhibits – Ocean Room Ballroom Foyer
4:00pm – 5:00pm? Report presentations and discussion
Subject 1 (S1) – Articles of Association and By-Laws – No Report just reading the By-Laws - Referee: G. Parkin (UK)
Subject 2 (S2) – Oligosaccharides and Polysaccharides – Referee: M. Wojtczak (Poland)
Subject 3 (S3) – Colour, Turbidity and Reflectance Measurement – Referee’s Report - – Referee: M. A. Godshall (USA)
5:00pm – 5:30pm Preliminary meeting of the Executive Committee – Board Room
Closing Reception, 7:00pm – 10:00pm – Coral Reef Salon I Foyer
Cocktails: 7:00 p.m. – 8:00 p.m., Coral Reef Room, Dinner: 8:00 p.m. – 10:00 p.m.
Friday, October 3, 2008 – Technical Sessions
Ocean Room Ballroom
8:30am – 10:30am? Report presentations and discussion
Subject 4 (S4) – Density, Optical Rotation and Refractive Index – Referee: M. Kuchejda (Germany)
Subject 5 (S5) – Dry Substance – Referee: S. K. Gupta (India)
Subject 6 (S6) – Indirect Methods of Analysis – Referee: L. A. Edye (Australia)
Subject 7 (S7) – Colour, Turbidity and Reflectance Measurement – Referee: C. Lakenbrink (Germany)?presented by H. Puke (Germany)
10:30am – 11:00am? Coffee and poster presentations – Ballroom Foyer
11:00am – 1:00 pm – Report presentations and discussion
Subject 8/9 – (S 8/9) - Chromatographic Techniques – Referee: B. White (USA)
Subject 10 (S10) - Enzymatic and Immunological Methods – Referee: L. Corcodel (La Réunion)
Subject 12 (S12) Microbiology – Referee: M. Jacobs (Germany),?presented by M. Bruhns (Germany)
Subject 13 (S13) - Reducing Sugars – Referee: G. Sezer (Turkey),?presented by H. Puke (Germany)
Subject 14 (S14) - ?Ash – Referee: J.-P. Ducatillon (France)
1:00pm – 2:30pm? Lunch – Hotel Restaurant
2:30pm – 3:30pm Presentation of the decisions of the Executive Committee – Intracoastal Room
3:30pm – 4:00pm Coffee Break – Ballroom Foyer
4:00pm?– 4:45pm ?Wrap up and Closing Remarks
Cultural Night – Trip on the Intracoastal, 7:30 pm
Final Recommendations
GS1 Raw Sugar – Referee: R. M. Urquhart (Australia)
1.?? The starch method GS1-16 to be modified (see Appendix 2) to include the use a 100ml Kohlrausch flask, duplicate determinations on the moisture in the potato starch, a change to the source of the potato starch and inclusion of the precision data obtained in the collaborative trial.
2.?? Method GS1-16 be given Official status for the analysis of starch in raw sugar.
3.?? Work should proceed on collaborative testing a method for the analysis of fine grain, mean aperture (MA) and coefficient of variation CV in raw sugar. This could include collaborative testing of the tentative method GS1- 20 or another method.
4.?? Make the corrections to various GS1 Methods as outlined in Appendix 2.
GS2 White Sugar – Referee: K. E. Pardoe (UK)
1.?? ICUMSA Draft Method No. 7 (2006), The Determination of Arsenic, Cadmium, Copper and Iron in White Sugar by Atomic Absorption Spectroscopy cannot be adopted without further testing to prove its utility. The requirement for use of air, as part of the furnace program, restricts the use of this method to very few laboratories. Further testing of analysis of white sugar by HGA should involve the use of the digestion procedure used in Method GS2/3-24 (1998) and the target metals cadmium, copper, iron and lead.
2.?? The Analysis of Arsenic in White Sugar by hydride generation should be developed and collaboratively tested.
3.?? Investigate the effect of cell path length and type on the turbidity of White Sugar using Method GS2/3-18 (The Determination of Turbidity of White Sugar Solutions).
GS3 Specialty Sugars – Referee: G. Negbenebor (UK)
1.?? ICUMSA Method GS4/3-13, The Determination of Refractometric Dry Substance (RDS %) of Molasses and Very Pure Syrups (Liquid Sugars), should be officially adopted for GS3 liquid sucrose refractometric dry substance determinations.
GS4 Molasses – Referee: G. Eggleston (USA)
1.?? Continue studies on the Draft Method 8 “The Determination of Apparent Total Sucrose from Sucrose, Glucose, and Fructose in Molasses by an Enzymatic Method.” Improve the stability and shelf-life of the enzymes.
2.?? Investigate the possible use of NIR spectroscopy for routine monitoring of molasses.? Intra-laboratory studies need to be investigated with Subject 6 “Indirect Methods of Analysis” as inter-laboratory, collaborative studies would be difficult.
GS5 Cane – Referee: G. S. C. Rao (India)
not present
No Report, No Recommendations
GS6 Beet – Referee: D. Martin (Germany)
1.?? All Recommendations were implemented and currently no further working program has been identified. Therefore the Referee suggests keeping GS 6 in dormant condition until new proposals have been submitted.
GS7 Cane Sugar Processing – Referee: M. B. Londhe (India),
not present, presented by S. S. Nimbalkar (India)
1.?? The work on use of NIR polarimetric techniques for determination of polarisation is to be expedited
2.?? The proposed method for MA& CV in massecuite sample is to be further studied for replacement of methanol.
3.?? It is recommended to extend the scope of method GS1/3-7 (2002) for cane sugar processing products making necessary changes in sample preparation after further collaborative studies.
4.?? Editorial changes in sample preparation of method GS2/1/7-33 is to be done for cane juice and syrups – 1 to 5g instead of 5g sample and status of the method shall be continued as ‘Accepted’.
GS8 Beet Sugar Processing – Referee: J. M. Huet (France),?supplemented by R. Lemmes (Germany)
1.?? The method GS 8-19 (2008): “The determination of Higher Molecular Mass Substances in Beet Raw Juice and Thick Juice by a modified Alcohol Haze Method”, should be adopted with the status “Tentative Method”.
2.?? Draft Method No. 3 (2007) “The determination of starch in Cane Sugar Products and Beet Juices – VSI method” should not be applied to beet juices analysis.
3.?? Draft method: “The Determination of Mannitol in Beet Juices, Thin Juices and Syrups by an Enzymatic Method” – (2008) should be adopted with the status “Tentative Method”.
4.?? Study further oxalic acid content measurements in thin juices, syrups and thick juices by an enzymatic or complexometric method.
5.?? The applicability of the existing ICUMSA Method GS4/3-13 (2007) “The Determination of Refractometric Dry Substance (RDS %) of Molasses and Very Pure Syrups (Liquid Sugars)” should be extended to thick juice and run-off syrups as an Official method. Precision data obtained in the study described here should be added to the Method description. It should be noted, that the Method has Accepted Status for Molasses and Official Status for Very Pure Syrups.
6.?? Based on a comparison of the precision data, it is recommended to give the proposed method for polarisation measurement applying Carrez clarification (modification of the raw sugar polarisation method GS1/2/3/9-1 (2007)) official status for beet sugar juices.
7.?? The influence of clarification on the trueness of results should be further studied.
GS9 Plantation White Sugar – Referee: V. S. Keskar (India)
1.?? Based on the Results of the studies shown in the Report, it is recommended to re-validate Method GS2/3/7/8 with the proposed modifications for white sugar, specialty sugars, and PWS.
2.?? Studies on the modification on GS2/3–29 should be continued to accommodate Plantation White Sugar with appropriate sample preparation procedure.
3.?? Editorial changes in Method no. GS 2/1/7-33 should be done to accommodate Plantation White Sugar.
4.?? Editorial changes in Method no. GS 2/3-17 should be done to accommodate Plantation White Sugar.
S1 Constitution and by Laws – Referee: G. Parkin (UK)
1.?? The revised text of clause 1 of Article I of the By-Laws, as described during Subject 1 Report of the 25th?Session, shall be put before the Executive Committee Meeting and voted upon.
2.?? The revised text of clause 5 of Article III of the Constitution, as specified in this Report, shall be put before the Executive Committee Meeting and voted upon.
S2 Oligosaccharides and Polysaccharides – Referee: M. Wojtczak (Poland)
1.?? Method GS1/2/9-15 should be rewritten with the proper precision data for white sugar and plantation white sugar, given in Table 1 of this report.
2.?? The four methods for the determination of starch (GS1-16, GS1-17, Draft No 3 and Draft No 4) should be tested together in one collaborative test to choose the best one.
3.?? The study of the method for the determination of mannitol in beet brei and beet juices by HPAEC method (Draft No 1) should be continued in Subject 2.
S3 Method Format, Collaborative Testing and Statistical Treatment of Data – Referee: M. A. Godshall (USA)
No Report, No Recommendations
S4 Density, Optical Rotation and Refractive Index – Referee: M. Kuchejda (Germany)
1.?? SPS-1, 3.3 should be amended as follows: For quartz wedge instruments the effective wavelengths have been fixed at 587.000 nm or/and 882.600 nm.
S5 Dry Substance – Referee: S. K. Gupta (India),?not present
Report not presented, no Recommendations adopted
S6 Indirect Methods of Analysis – Referee: L. A. Edye (Australia), not present
No Report, No Recommendations
S7 Colour, Turbidity and Reflectance Measurement – Referee: C. Lakenbrink (Germany)?presented by H. Puke (Germany)
1.?? It is recommended to verify the adapted reflectance ratios for the ceramic tiles given in Table 1 of this report by a further collaborative test so that calibration of reflexometers with ceramic tiles will yield comparable results for the colour-type of sugar samples as the calibration with sugar standards.
2.?? It is recommended to approach the PTB with the aim to nominate the PTB in ICUMSA Method GS2-13 as independent institution for calibration of the ceramic tile standards.
3.?? Additional Recommendation given by the Indian National Committee:
????? It is recommended to conduct an international collaborative study on the method proposed by INC at pH 6.4 with MOPS buffer along with existing colour method GS9/1/2/3-8 with white sugar, plantation white sugar and other types of sugars with wide colour range.
S8/9 Chromatographic Techniques – Referee: B. White (USA),?not present
No Report, No Recommendations
S10 Enzymatic and Immunological Methods – Referee: L. Corcodel (La Réunion)
1.?? Continue the work conduct on enzymatic measurement in other General Subjects.
S12 Microbiology – Referee: M. Jacobs (Germany),?presented by M. Bruhns (Germany)
1.?? The determination of osmotolerant yeasts should be collaboratively tested with a homogeneously contaminated sugar sample.
S13 Reducing Sugars – Referee: G. Sezer (Turkey),?presented by H. Puke (Germany)
No Recommendations
S14 Ash – Referee: J.-P. Ducatillon (France),?not present
No Report, No Recommendations
ICUMSA?26th?Session – Presidents Message
As stated in?ICUMSA?News number 61, the date for the forthcoming Session is 2nd?to 3rd?October 2008 and the venue is the Marriott Delray Beach Hotel, Florida, USA. The SPRI meeting is scheduled between 28th?and 30th?September, with a joint visit planned for 1st?October. This follows the format of the previous two meetings held in 2006 and 2004. Registration details are now available and can be obtained from SPRI via their website?www.spriinc.org
Referees’s Reports
Referee’s reports have started to arrive and can be viewed on the?ICUMSA?website in the Members’ Section. I would like to thank those Referee’s that have sent their reports early and would encourage all others to do the same. This allows everyone to read the reports prior to the meeting, especially where translation is required and allows for a more productive session to take place.
Address Data Base
In order to keep the address data base up to date, which is provided on the?ICUMSA?website, all members of?ICUMSA?are urged to inform the General Secretary on all changes in their coordinates. The Chairmen of the National Committees are asked to provide a yearly updated members list. The General Secretary will forward this information to Bartens for updating.
SUPS – Sugar Proficiency Testing Scheme
This scheme is now running well with participants receiving monthly reports on their results for colour, ash and turbidity measurement of white sugar. A copy of the latest report can be viewed on the?ICUMSA?website and I would encourage anyone interested to read this to understand the quality of the information the scheme provides.
The first SUPS microbiology round has also recently taken place with samples measured for aerobic mesophiles, yeasts, moulds and osmophilic yeasts and moulds. This represents the first stage of the development of the scheme to include further parameters and samples. Plans are being developed to increase the range of analytes for testing on white sugar and also to start a molasses sample type in the scheme.
Further details of the scheme, and the plans for its development, will be presented at the forthcoming meeting.
Geoff Parkin
SUPS Sugar Proficiency Testing Scheme
Report published on 06 June 2008
Recent developments in white sugar solution colorimetry
Kaman Singh , Babasaheb Bhimrao Ambedkar University (A Central University) ,
Sudhanshu Mohan,? NATIONAL SUGAR INSTITUTE, KANPUR, Vimalesh Singh, Dr. Ambedkar Govt. P.G. college Unchahar Raebareli Uttar Pradesh, Ram Bharose
Abstract and Figures
Colour is especially important in the sugar trade, for control of operation and for maintenance of quality of the product. Several procedures have been developed for sugar solution colour measurement, but as yet no one method has received general acceptance in the industry. Thus, the associated problems have received adequate attention. Some recent developments in sugar solution colorimetry are reported in this paper.
Analysis of Mannitol, as Tracer of Bacterial Infections in Cane and Beet Sugar Factories Gillian Eggleston – USDA-ARS-Southern Regional Research Center, New Orleans, USA
Mannitol, formed mainly by Leuconostoc mesenteroides bacteria, is a sensitive marker of sugarcane and sugar beet deterioration that can predict multiple processing problems. The delivery of consignments of deteriorated sugarcane or sugar beets to factories can detrimentally affect multiple process units, and even lead to a factory shut-down. An enzymatic factory method that is rapid, simple, and inexpensive is now available to measure mannitol in consignment juices at both sugarcane and sugar beet factories. This will allow factory staff to know which consignments of sugarcane or sugar beet will affect processing negatively or reject consignments that will cause unacceptable processing problems. Mannitol is directly measured on a spectrophotometer using mannitol dehydrogenase as the enzyme. The stability of the reagents, limited juice preparation, and linearity are described. The method is accurate compared to ion chromatography and precise, although precision decreases for both sugarcane and sugarbeet juices with low mannitol concentrations. A strong polynomial relationship (R2 = 0.912) existed between mannitol and haze dextran (α-(1→6)-α-D-glucan) in juices obtained across a 3-month processing season at a sugarcane factory. Mannitol concentrations are usually higher than concentrations of monoclonal antibody dextran and other specific measures of dextran, which indicates (I) the usefulness and sensitivity of mannitol to predict sugarcane deterioration from Leuconostoc and other bacteria, and (II) the underestimation by sugar industry personnel of the relatively large amounts of mannitol present in deteriorated sugarcane. Greater than ~250-500 ppm/Brix of mannitol in sugarcane juice predicts downstream processing problems, but this threshold value may vary from region to region. The increasing awareness of how mannitol detrimentally effects processing, e.g., its contribution to the Louisiana hard-to-boil massecuite phenomenon, is also fully discussed.
The Determination of Mannitol in Beet Juices, Thin Juices and Syrups by an Enzymatic Method
Gillian Eggleston, USDA-ARS-SRRC, New Orleans, LA, USA
The method is suitable to determine mannitol content in beet sugar products to follow the extent of deterioration due to the activity of Leuconostoc species during long periods of beet storage or during beet sugar processing.
This method is applicable to beet juices, raw juices, thin juices and syrups.
Precision has not yet been determined in international collaborative studies.
A national collaborative study yielded the following results.
The mean repeatability limit (P = 95%) which can be expected for raw juice mannitol contents above 20 mg/L has been estimated to be 7 mg/L.
The mean repeatability limit (P = 95%) which can be expected for thin juice mannitol contents above 20 mg/L has been estimated to 6 mg/L.
Reproducibility has been estimated to be 8 mg/L for raw juices, it should be better for thin juices.
The determination of Higher Molecular Mass Substances in Beet Raw Juice and Thick Juice by a modified Alcohol Haze Method - J. M. Huet (France)
This method measures the haze formed by dextran-like polysaccharides when alcohol is added to a juice or a diluted thick juice.
Dextran in beet raw juice causes severe processing problems, especially in filtration. This method may be used to follow the dextran development during the beet processing or in thick juices storage.
This Method is applicable to beet raw juices and thick juices.? Repeatability and reproducibility values have not yet been formally established.