26. Training Output : What it should be
Chanakya Joshi
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CLO (knocking his CEO’s cabin) : May I come in?
CEO : Of course, Thanks for guiding us on "How to track the Effectiveness of your trainings" last time. It was really helpful. What's the Gyaan for the day?
CLO : Yes, Let's go to the ultimate thing that we all expect from any training program -
Training Output : What it should be
A training is useless if a participant doesn't add anything to his/her TO DO list after the training. There has to be some practical implementation that the participant should work upon.
While this is the ultimate expectation, there are some other BEST Practices related to what outputs one should expect from any training. Let's break this into parts to understand it better.
1. Assessment Criteria - Tests/Quizzes/Implementations :
Every training must have an assessment criteria. The assessment criteria is the measure of the success of training delivery.
Mostly it is Tests/Quizzes. Most of the LMSs will take care of this aspect automatically whereby a certificate will be delivered automatically if the participant passes the test.
But having only Tests/Quizzes as a qualifying criteria is not going to help you as a company. What is going to add value is the practical implementations from the learnings. Ideally we should measure and precisely track the practical outcome from trainings. Everyone who attends the training has to implement the learnings on the job, through some project. L&D team/relevant function should actively track this.
2. Sharing of BEST Practices :
This covers the horizontal deployment of the learnings from the trainings to all the organization. It covers sharing of best outcomes/learnings/ideas/projects implemented after the trainings across the organization.
3. Motivation to the people involved :
We should have a process in place to motivate the employees who implemented the training outcomes/learnings/ideas/projects effectively.
4. Creation of Trainers :
"When the student is ready, the teacher will appear. When the student is truly ready, the teacher will disappear." - Tao Te Ching (A Chinese proverb)
This is the real ideal output of any training. In the context of organization set up, it is all about creating internal trainers or mentors. The more quality mentors we have in an organization, the better it is.
CEO : That is nice. Let's focus on Quality Tests at the end of the trainings, must to implement Practical Projects from all the trainings that we plan, Share the BEST practices learnt across the organization and Motivate people who are making this successful and let us see that they become Mentors for what they learnt.
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