26 Interesting facts about Cyprus!

26 Interesting facts about Cyprus!

  1. LARNAKA INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT has remained third among the European airports with passenger traffic of 5 to 10 million per year, won the first place among 500 other European airports from 45 states, at the ACI Awards and in the category of "Most Accessible Airport for People with Disabilities“,
  2. On average, Cyprus receives 40 days of rainfall each year and it is known for its sunshine, with more than 300 sunny days during the year.
  3. The island nation had seen its golden era during the Copper and Bronze Ages, when the island’s rich natural copper resources were exported to other countries and the country was the wealthiest nation in the known world.
  4. Cyprus is also the first country to be governed by a Christian, Archbishop Makarios III.
  5. The church plays a significant role in the social and political life of the island’s people. In fact, the largest bank in Cyprus is owned by the Cypriot Orthodox Church.
  6. Nicosia, the capital city of Cyprus, is divided by “The Green Line”, also known as the UN buffer zone. It is the only capital in the world that is divided between two nations.
  7. Cyprus is one of only four countries(the UK, the republic of Ireland and Malta) in the EU that drives on the left.
  8. Cyprus is the only foreign venue at which an English Royal Wedding has been hosted. The wedding happened at the Castle between King Richard and Queen Joanna on the 12th of May 1191.
  9. Some of the world’s oldest water wells can be found in Cyprus.
  10. The Neolithic settlement of Choirkoitia is one of the most important Neolithic sites in Europe and is one of the three UNESCO world heritage sights on the island.
  11. Another UNESCO world heritage sight is the 10 churches and monasteries of the former Byzantine Empire, found in the triodes mountain range

12. The remains of the oldest known pet cat, dating back 9,500 years, was found in Cyprus buried with its master. more.. https://livadhiotisdevelopers.com/index.php…


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