Forklift Operations and Safety Guide
A Comprehensive Guide on Improving Forklift Operations and Safety in Your Warehousing Operations
In this series, you will learn about the different aspects of
?? Forklift operations
?? Safety procedures
?? Best practices
These are critical in running safe and effective warehouse operations.
Implementing these tips will help in improving the efficiency and productivity of your warehouse.
Let's start with a video that explains the "Stability Triangle" on a forklift truck.
Understanding this will help us become better drivers. Those who are managers/supervisors will learn what to focus on when training new drivers or giving refresher inductions to their team members.
Tip #1
Focusing on Employees ???? Training
Image credit by
Forklift operations are an essential part of the Warehousing Operations for a business. Therefore, due diligence and improved safety systems must be in place to protect the following
?? People
?? Property
?? Resources
?? Machines
So many accidents and incidents happen because of:
?? Poor or no training
?? Lack of safety awareness
?? Not having the right Personal Protective Equipment (??????) and Material Handling Equipment’s (??????)
?? Outdated Safety Policies, Procedures and Practices
To minimise these accidents and incidents, I've shared some practical tips to raise awareness on these issues and to help you improve your warehousing operations.
I hope that you will find these tips helpful and easy to implement.
Forklift operators must be
(??) ??????????????
(??) ????????????????
(??) ????????????????????
If you focus on these three key elements, it will have a direct impact on minimising harm to property, people and vital resources.
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All operators must have received proper training from a registered RTO in the relative States they are residing in.
They should also receive Company and site-specific inductions.
This will ensure they have a good understanding of the environment they will be operating in on a day-to-day basis.
Photo sourced from
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All operators must have a valid license with the relevant class (such as LF/LO) to operate the forklift truck.
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Even if the operator has both training and a license, they should have authorisation from management (A team leader, supervisor, or a manager) before operating any of the forklifts.
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?? Conducting Safety Checks
Two types of safety checks need to be completed before operating any forklift.
This includes Pre-Start and Post-Start checks.
You will learn about both in more detail.
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The following video (18 min) goes into much more detail on how to do these checks.
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Before the operator turns on the forklift machine, it should be checked for key safety areas, by doing a visual inspection. This can include things such as:
?? Checking the conditions of tyres
?? Checking the condition of mast
?? Checking compliance plate
?? Filling a Logbook (if there is one in place)
?? Tagging and reporting a faulty machine
?? Informing the Safety Officer/Senior team member of any issues, after the machine is tagged out
?? Disconnecting the battery safely from the charger (if it is left on a charge from a previous shift or overnight)
?? Checking the charging area for battery leaks
?? Checking fluid levels
?? Checking seat belt for its reliability
This helps in ensuring safety for all personnel on-site and warehouse property and therefore reducing the likelihood of potential harm to people and property.
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Once the prestart checks are completed, the operator then should put the key in to start the machine and conduct post-start safety checks.
This can include checking the following
?? Horns are working
?? Lights are flashing when reversing with a beeping sound to alert people in the surrounding area
?? Left and right indicators and their corresponding lights are working
?? The mast is tilting backward and forward without any issues
?? Lifting and bringing down the forks are operating without any issues
?? Brakes are working and stopping the machine on time
By doing these simple yet effective prestarts and post-start safety checks, you are helping in ensuring a safe workplace for everyone.
A win-win for everyone at the end of the day.
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Employees Being Aware of the Visibility by Forklift Drivers
All the people on the floor should know
"That the forklift operators may not be able to see or notice them, while they are operating the forklift trucks."
There can be many reasons for that, but here are some of them:
?? ?????????? - makes it harder to notice people and other moving objects
?? ???????? ???????????????? in some areas or throughout the Warehouse or Distribution Centre (DC)
?? ?????????? ?????????? in areas such as corners, exits, staging area, big loads, narrow aisles etc - all these things affect the vision of the operator
?? If the operator is ?????????????? ?????????????????? because of carrying two pallets or driving through a slope
?? When a load is ???????????? OR ?????????? ??????????????
?? Is ?????????????? ?? ???????????? into a location OR ?????????????? ??????
?? An operator is taking a ???????? ?????? ???? ?? ??????????????????/??????????
Now that you have a better understanding of the reasons WHY an operator may not be able to see or notice you, it is time to discuss the next part, education, and training.
To raise awareness around these safety issues, you can implement many things.
I recommend taking the following two approaches to better educate your staff and help make your workplace safe for everyone.
(??) When doing ????????????????????, ????????????????, ?????? ?????????????????? ???????????????? for your team members, make sure these issues are shown to them in a visual format such as videos, pictures etc.
It helps in developing a good understanding of the risks associated with forklifts and they can walk away knowing
What they:
1. Should do
2. Should not do
?When working around forklifts.
(??) Dedicating a time to take all the team members together on a ???????????????? ???????? and showing the above aspects in action.
Combining these two approaches will ensure they develop a very good understanding of risks and hazards associated with forklift operations.
As with anything else, these training materials should be reviewed, updated, and changed regularly to accommodate the changing needs of a business and to comply with WHS standards.
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Forklift operators should wear a seat belt if one is available!
If there is no seatbelt attached to the forklift, the operator should report this to the management.
It is the management responsibility to have these issues fixed and get a forklift that has a working seat belt.
Photo sourced from
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You might not know this, but overturning and tipping over is one of the biggest risks for forklift operators. In worst cases, it has led to the death of the warehouse workers.
??. When you are wearing a seat belt, it ensures you are attached to the machine and are not falling off it.
??.You cannot jump out of the cabin when involved in an accident whether it is the forklift tipping over or overturning.
This is good because when our fear of fight or flight response is activated, we want to get out of the situation as quickly as possible (in this case from Forklift).
Therefore, reducing the chances of you getting crushed over by the machine
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? A seat belt should comply with Australian Standard to ensure the safety of the drivers
? Management should put in place safety mechanisms where the forklift should not operate unless the seat belt is fastened
? Management should enforce the policy of putting on the seat belts, where the above safety mechanism is not available
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?? Wear a seat belt every time, you get on the forklift
??Adjust the seat to your height and positioning for greater control and comfort
If unfortunately, the forklift TIPS OVER or OVERTURN, follow these safety guidelines?
?? Lean away from the point of impact
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Ensure that the area is clear of Debris ?? Obstacles and is "Well Lit"
Now we will touch on lightning and cleaning practices and how they can help in improving work health, safety, and productivity.
Photo by Tiger Lily from
??) When you have good lighting throughout the warehouse or a DC, it ensures that operators have a good line of sight.
This not only helps in reducing safety incidents but also helps in improving the quality of their work.
??) the areas where forklifts are being used must be free from the following:
??. ????????????
Managers and team members should strive to keep the warehouse floors as clean as possible.
One of the best ways to keep on top of things is to “Clean as you go”. If you see something pick it up and put it in the nearest rubbish bin.
Alternatively, if there is a dedicated cleaning team onsite, they should be regularly cleaning the floors and getting rid of these things such as plastics, broken pallets, wooden pieces etc.
By doing this, it helps in running smooth operations which can save the business money over time.
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Team members should do their best to remove unwanted pallets, types of machinery such as sweepers, trolleys etc from the areas where forklift traffic is high.
This not only saves everyone’s time but also helps in making the workplace a lot safer for everyone as there is less congestion.
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?? No one should touch the forklift, while it is in operation ??
Most people are unaware of the true power a forklift truck has.
They are very powerful machines and can cause serious damage to people, property, and other types of machinery if treated in the wrong manner.
It is, therefore, essential to inform all the people working on a warehouse floor about the power of these trucks, and the damage they can do.
Managers and supervisors should educate them on
“???????? ???? ????” and “???????? ?????? ???? ????” when around forklifts to build a greater sense of safety awareness.
One of these things that every worker should know is this:
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This helps prevent accidents and ensure people go home safely. Also, it saves time, money and helps in building a good safety culture in the team.
A Win-Win for everyone!
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Checking Maintenance and Service Schedule for Forklifts
Forklifts play an important role in daily warehousing operations.
They are used quite a lot throughout the shifts.
Therefore Managers and Supervisors need to keep tabs on the maintenance and service schedules to ensure they run smoothly and at optimum levels.
Doing this not only saves you valuable time but also helps in planning and avoiding interruptions.
It helps in ensuring the safety of people and property, as faulty forklifts can lead to accidents and incidents, that can be simply avoided by keeping an eye on this.
Managers and supervisors should have a system in place to keep this under their radar.
Having a reminder system on a WMS/ERP is a great way to get this under control and not forget about it.
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? No one should walk under a Forklift OR stand too close to it while it is in operation ?
Seems like common sense, right?
If you've worked in warehousing operations, you might have seen people taking shortcuts to save themselves a few seconds. They take a risk by either walking under a forklift or standing too close to it while it is in operation.
They forget to realise that only the truck is very powerful but also the load they are carrying can crush them in a matter of seconds.
Nothing is more important than one's safety.
Here are some guidelines to follow, to ensure everyone's safety:
?? Stand a few feet away
?? Maintain a distance of 2 - 3 pallets between you and the forklift
?? Never walk under a forklift while it is in operation, no matter how urgent the task maybe
?? If an operator gets too close, alert them of your presence either via hand gesture or a voice
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?? All employees should be aware of safety procedures around forklifts ??
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The management team needs to put a system in place that helps in educating and training employees around forklift safety.
This is to ensure they have a clear understanding of the safety guidelines and help reduce workplace accidents that occur in this industry.
Photo sourced from:
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?? Deliver regular pieces of training using videos, case studies, slides or any other visual format that easily delivers the message.
→ After the training session, engage all the members of the team through a series of questions and explain any knowledge gap they may have.
→ This may seem like a waste of time and money to some, but in the long run, it will do wonder for your warehouse and employee safety.
?? Having proper signage, markings, and safety notices/boards in place throughout the warehouse or a distribution centre, showing clear instructions on what to do and what not to do.
→ Make it easy for them to understand. Don't use jargon, that will confuse them. Simplicity is the way to go!
?? Use simple plain language so that everyone can understand the message.
→ Have visuals signs and illustrations, so even those who are not literate can understand what the sign means.
Spend more time with these people and help them understand safety in a way that makes sense to them.
?? Taking employees on a visual walk and explaining different aspects of safety around forklifts. Answering any questions, they may have during these safety walks.
?? Doing refresher training at least once a year.
→ More for new employees to ensure they understand the concepts and procedures correctly.
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?? Operators should beep the horn ?? when they're in critical areas ??
Horns are such a useful tool on a forklift truck.
?? It allows the operator to inform other workers of their presence and communicate through sound where they are operating.
?? Pickers, packers, and other workers can get distracted and might not see forklifts around them.
Photo sourced from
?? This is why operators must be trained on where and how to use horns to communicate their presence to others.
?? To reduce the likelihood of accidents and safety incidents, forklift operators should use (beep ??) their horns and slow their speed when they are in the following areas:
?? Entering aisles
?? Exiting aisles
?? At intersection
?? Crosswalks
?? High pedestrian activity
?? Blind spots in the warehouse / DC
?? When around other types of machinery
?? Reversing
?? Travelling in the backward direction due to slop or load type
?? If they see something unsafe and warn them of their action
?? If a load is falling from an aisle or something similar
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?? No one should be lifted without an approved secure cage ??
Sometimes there might be a need to lift an employee to do certain work.
Ideally, there should be a Scissor lift onsite to lift them.
If that's not available, a forklift can be used as an alternative.
Photo sourced from
Before you lift any worker, an approved work cage (platform) must be attached to the forklift truck, following all the safety instructions.
?? If you are in doubt, don't operate and see your supervisor/manager in charge of the shift.
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Managers and Supervisors should not take any unnecessary risks to get the job done, rather wait for appropriate machinery for the job and then proceed.
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If the load exceeds the capacity, do not lift, or carry it
Operators should be trained properly on how to check the capacity rating of a forklift.
If a load exceeds the capacity
They should not lift or carry the load unless they get the right kind of forklift that is fit for the job.
It may not seem like a big deal but carrying loads that are over capacity can lead to accidents.
Which can potentially harm the property, racking, materials, and even people if they are too close to it.
It is therefore essential that the management have procedures in place to deal with this kind of situation.
Never risk the ???????????? of people and property JUST to get the job done.
Play it safe!
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Walkways should be created and designed in such a way that it separates the pedestrian from the forklifts.
A simple way to reduce accidents and harm to your team members is by designing good traffic routes both for pedestrians and machines throughout your warehouse/DC.
?? This allows you to separate points of contact between the two and therefore reducing the likelihood of incidents by being nearby.
?? It is essential that the Management take this seriously and involve subject matter experts to do this effectively.
Photo sourced from
?? A good option would be to bring experts who specialise in warehouse design and workplace safety. The two goes hand in hand.
?? By utilising the knowledge of these people, you ensure you are investing to improve workplace safety and give assurance to your employees to feel safe when on site.
A win-win for everyone!
?? Remember: Your employees will be more productive and happier when they feel safe working for you.
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???? Delivering "Refresher Training and Induction"
One way to improve safety in your workplace is by having procedures in place to deliver:
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To your employees, particularly those who drive forklift trucks or other pieces of machinery.
You might ask!
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By focusing on continual education and training of your staff members, you ensure:
? They are aware of best practices
? Have a good understanding of the latest safety principles
? Help drive the continuous improvement
? Reduces safety incidents and prevents accidents from happing
? Knowledgeable works are the best asset for your organisation
? Helps build a safety-focused culture
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?? Keys should be removed after the operation is complete
It is a good practice to have the keys removed from forklift trucks after the end of the shift.
This helps in avoiding unauthorised access.
Although modern technologies such as logging in via pass help with authorisation access.
There are still a lot of forklifts that simply don't have this technology.
If that is the case, have a system in place where:
?? Operators need to put their keys in a designated location
?? Sign off on a sheet with their name and forklift number
?? Write down the time it was used (start and finish time)
Doing the above helps you manage access and track down the usage of forklifts.
????????: Managers and Supervisors need to train their team members on how to do the "above activities" correctly to ensure they understand and comply.
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?? It is important that pedestrians and warehouse workers on the floor know
? How to communicate with Forklift drivers and make them aware of their presence.
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This is essential to maintain a safe workspace for everyone involved in running the floor operations from pickers, packers, store persons, to cleaners and management staff.
Here are some easy ways to get yourself noticed
1?? ?????? ?????????????? - if they are in your line of sight, maintain eye contact and show a gesture they understand
2?? ???????????? a hand (or two) while stopping at a safe distance from them
3?? ???????? your horn, If you are a picker and using Low-Level Order Picking (LLOP) machine
4?? If it is not too noisy and they can hear you, say something like "Watch out" or "Behind you" in a ???????? ??????????
It is important you keep a safe distance from them, regardless of how you communicate
?? Note for Team Leaders and Managers ??
?? Train your staff regularly on best safety practices
?? Communicate updated work procedures ASAP
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Driving Forklifts in Reverse Direction
There are situations where operators have to drive in reverse.
Usually, it is in these situations:
?? When travelling down the slope
?? Moving down a ramp
?? When your front/forward view is obstructed
When driving in reverse, forklift operators should follow these safety guidelines to protect people, machines, and property around them:
?? Look behind and drive with extra caution
?? Beep to make others aware of their presence
?? Use flashing/warning lights if the machine has it
?? Use your rear-view mirrors
?? Use a spotter if there is one
Using the above aids will help increase the visibility of forklift trucks to people around them.
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?? Minimising presence near high pedestrian activity! ??
One of the things that forklift operators can do to make a workplace safe is by:
?? minimising or
?? avoiding altogether their presence where pedestrian activity is high
I know this is not possible in every situation, but there could be instances where this can be done.
For example:
?? Going via an alternative route
?? Using a different aisle to get to a target location
Forklift operators should take advantage of these opportunities whenever it is possible and available.
This helps in not only making their life easier but also reducing traffic congestion in the warehouse and helping build a safety-focused team culture.
A win-win for everyone!
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?? Preparing Staff For Emergency Situations!
Management should put serious efforts to train all of their warehouse floor staff, especially forklift operators on what to do if an emergency occurs.
These situations can include:
?? Spills such as oil, or other liquids
?? Electrical hazards
?? Fire or fire alarm going off (even if it is a false positive)
?? Aisle breaking down from the excessive load
?? Machine(s) malfunctioning
?? Water coming into working floor area (could be due to excessive raining from leaking holes in the roof)
Whatever the situation maybe
Everyone must be aware of
? What actions to take
? Where to go and
? Whom to report to
Although, these events might not occur for a long time, having your staff trained and ready always pays off.
Mock exercises and drills should form part of your warehouse safety plan.
????????: When doing these drills, they should be taken very seriously as if the actual event is taking place.
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?? Test and Tag procedures
Testing and tagging is a procedure where items are first tested, usually through a visual check or a physical inspection.
If the operator or inspector finds a fault then it is tagged so it can be fixed by a technician later on.
????????: Once a machine or a tool is tagged out, no one should operate it until it is fixed and the tag is removed by the technician.
For forklifts it would be typically:
?? The forklift truck itself
?? Charger/charging station
?? Cage used for lifting (whether it is regularly used or a one-off)
?? Fork attachments
It is a good practice to do refresher training on this procedure at least once a year.
By doing so you empower your team members to take appropriate safety actions and help make a safe space for everyone.
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Knowing The Safe Working limitations
Every forklift truck has its limitation in terms of how much load can it carry and lift.
They have different capacity ratings depending on their size and shape and what they are being used for.
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?? Max capacity when the mast is vertical: 1200 Kgs
Having the right kind of trucks is essential to productive warehousing operations and making the most out of these machines.
To ensure safety in the workplace
Management should put a system in place where:
? Operators should be trained on how to read and interpret the data on rated capacity
? Technologies such as digital readers/sensors should be used, which alerts the operator if they exceed the safety limit
? Machines won't operate when they pass the safety threshold. This could be achieved by using access software that comes with certain forklifts such as Crown
Using the above safety guidelines will ensure safe operations and will save valuable time and resources for your business.
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Avoiding uneven ground where possible
One of the biggest risks for forklift and its driver is driving on uneven ground.
The risks become worse when the floor surface has the following issues:
?? Rough
?? Inclined
?? Broken pieces here and there
?? Slippery
Ideally, the warehouse/distribution centre floors should be as flat as possible and free from the obstacles listed above.
This not only reduces potential safety incidents but also helps streamline operations, which in turn results in increased productivity.
Real-Life Example
I remember having worked at a DC where the area for loading and unloading was uneven, inclined and very risky, prone to accidents.
The issue could have easily been fixed by constructing a flat even surface.
Often in warehousing, the most important fixes are the simplest to fix.
More often than not, these issues are ignored until they become big or some safety incidents happen - which as the saying goes "It's too late now".
Managers should strive to take appropriate actions and make a safe workspace for everyone!
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Do not travel with the load raised
One of the ways to prevent safety accidents from happening is by training forklift operators on proper ways of lifting and carrying loads in the warehouse or distribution centres (DC).
?????? ???????????? ???? ????????????????:
?? A load should be first lowered to a safe height
?? It should be close to the ground (floor) but a few cms raised so that it does not get caught up with the items on the floor such as plastic, broken pallet pieces etc
?? When the load is lowered, the tip of the forks should be titled a little backward to prevent the load from falling/slipping forward
?? After completing the above steps, then proceed to your target location
??? Although doing this way takes a couple more seconds, but it is essential for the safety of your team members and warehouse.
It will also help you protect valuable resources, assets, reduce incidents, improve the overall operations and warehouse safety.
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Defensive driving for forklift operators
Much like driving cars, forklift operators should be trained on defensive driving, allowing them to be safer and better drivers.
How does this help? You might ask. I am glad you asked that question!
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?? They are mentally ready for the worst-case scenarios
?? They are clear on what actions to take without being paralysed out of fear (amygdala hijack happens in such stressful situations)
?? Helps them become better drivers in the process
?? Helps protect your team members in cases of emergencies
But... How do you do that?
Well quite simple!
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?? Looking up ahead and being aware of what's around you
?? Being mindful of your blind spots and check them as often as you can
?? Slowing down at intersections, exit and entry points, rough surfaces, slopes and ramps, and near high pedestrian activities zone
?? Maintaining a safe distance from other machines, people and forklifts
?? Avoiding distractions and being focused on
?? Where you are going
?? How you are going to get there
?? Using case studies, simulations, videos, presentation slides and hypothetical situations and then teaching the drivers on how they should handle such situations.
?? Doing training and inductions periodically to help them build their knowledge and keep it fresh.
Now, If a likely situation (an emergency) does happen
They are mentally ready to take appropriate actions, minimising the potential damage of an incident.
I came across this article while I was doing research for this topic and they shared this
"Top 5 Rules of Defensive Driving" linked below:
Although the article is aimed at driving a car, the same principles apply to forklift driving.
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Safe parking procedures
After you're done with your forklift whether you are going for a break or signing off from the shift, it is important to park the truck correctly.
Follow these simple guidelines:
?? After stopping in the designated parking slot, put the truck in neutral
?? Engage the parking brake
?? Lower your forks, until they touch the ground (flat), see attached photo
?? Forks should not extend into aisles or walkways
?? Switch off the machine
?? Remove the keys and put them into a designated register (if this is your work procedure in your place)
I want to thank the following website where I got the aspirations for writing these tips that I have covered in this article.
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Having The Right Kind License For The Right Job
Your team members must have the right type of license depending on what they will be operating
A) LF License for Forklift Truck
B) LO License for Load-Shifting Order-Picker
In most warehouses, you will see that the majority of the time it is the LF truck that is being used.
While in Distribution Centres (DCs) and 3PL both are used throughout the day.
What you can operate with each license is listed below:
1) ???? ?????????? License – Forklift Truck
? Counterbalanced forklift truck
? Reach forklift truck (High reach)
? Sideloading forklift truck
? All-terrain forklift truck
? Truck-mounted forklift truck
2) ???? ?????????? License – Order Picking Machine
? Order picking forklift truck or “stock pickers”
? Turret truck or “very narrow aisle truck”
To learn more about licensing, please visit:
Safe Work NSW website
Australian Forklift Training
Published on: 03/05/2021 at 7:07 AM
Last updated: 02/12/2021 at 01:07 AM
Virtual Office Assistant at IWS
2 年Thank you for this reminder! Excellent content!