What could be better than unbridled #enthusiasm to accomplish any task? While it's hard to generate that enthusiasm in a solitary task - say, writing - endeavoring to complete a task with others, such as a film, can be tremendously exciting. The enthusiasm is catching.
It's here! Just Be Cool, Mami! The short film that has been extracted from Success en tu Life the feature, which, we need to finish, lest you or your friends know and #VC #angelinvestor types that are attracted by #Hollywood glamour. Message me!
This week's missive will be brief because apart from a #videoproduction #gig that I'm doing for zenmedia , I'm starting to shoot footage for a short #documentary on the incredible #nft #poetry #online #gallery that a friend started called - and I can't think of a better name for the film than this - The Verseverse. Also, because I'm the adoring fan of her incredible memoir of her son's #epilepsy called "A Petit Mal" (which you can pre-order) and of hers, Ana María Caballero ! She has Arundhati Roy level of glorious prose. You heard it here first! I love witnessing women do cool stuff!
Speaking of which, I had a nice chat with Producer Jennelle Jordan about helping out with the Women in Film & Television - Florida (WIFT-FL) South Florida chapter. I seem delight in networking though not as an end, and have noticed that my enthusiasm tends to recruit me for things, often for things that other people don't like that I spend time on, such as #socialmedia. But toward the end of championing women's #art and #work - not just my own - I will blather on cheerfully and indefinitely.
Another great chat last week with with producer Theresa Frankel fresh off the APPLE TV LIMITED Bad Monkey #series with #VinceVaughn, and that it would be delightful to have her onboard, and that she's a huge fan of the #successentulife story, especially of the "Lunch with Momster" scene that became #JustbeCoolMami. I was actually told by the wonderful #Cuban #actress #MarielvaSieg (who so graciously plays Emi in the short) that it has an undercurrent of #FedericoGarciaLorca's #play #LaCasadeBernardaAlba, which is so cool, to echo the past without knowing it. Also, history repeats itself, or in this case, family dynamics do.
So, back to work! And if you haven't already, follow us on IG: https://www.instagram.com/isabela.productions/
And send news! I love news! :)