26. "Effective Internal Knowledge Management and their BPS's"
Βασ?λειο? Ι. Ιωανν?δη? Ph.D. / CHRO-CHRBP / [ψ]
Head of HR & Organizational Ψ (OOP) | The Science of Happy Employees - "Great Vision needs Great People"
How to you Manage your Companies Internal Knowledge and therefore the Companies Legacy?
The absence of efficient knowledge management techniques in enterprises has proved to be another critical issue based on my experience on the corporate field as HR and Occupational Psychiatrist. In an organization, recognizing, capturing, and disseminating information is referred to as knowledge management. This is a task that many times falls on the shoulder of HR as it is assigned to them to collect data, structure knowledge and then create proper Departmental and Company training program when onboarding. Therefore the effective knowledge management is essential for every organization's success and according to basic logic it is needed for the survival and further development of the "Companies Legacy". It makes it possible for staff members to have the knowledge and training they need to do their jobs well, which may enhance their work satisfaction, productivity, and organizational performance, further developing internal Best Practice Scripts (BPS) and many, many more aspects.
The issue
Knowledge management is a difficulty that many firms in Cyprus face, which may cause a number of issues. Employee productivity may suffer, for instance, if they spend time looking for data that has previously been gathered or improperly copied. Moreover, when people leave the company or retire, they could lose important information and experience.
An important factor in this issue is the absence of established knowledge management procedures. The knowledge that has to be recorded and communicated, as well as the best methods for doing so, may not be clearly understood by many businesses. The management and sharing of information across many teams and departments may become inconsistent as a result.
Lack of a technology foundation to assist knowledge management is another problem. Many businesses might not be equipped with the tools or procedures needed to successfully gather and exchange information. Employees may find it challenging to obtain the data they require as a result, which may result in the loss of important knowledge and skills.
How to tackle
HR professionals in Cyprus can take a number of actions to solve these problems. They should start by developing precise knowledge management practices and guidelines. This may entail determining the categories of knowledge that must be recorded and disseminated, as well as creating methods and procedures for doing so.
Second, HR experts may make investments in infrastructure and technology to enhance knowledge management. Implementing knowledge management software, creating databases and information repositories, and teaching staff members on how to utilize these tools successfully are a few examples of how to do this.
Third, HR experts may endeavor to foster a culture of information sharing inside the company. Incentives like recognition programs or awards for contributions to knowledge management projects can be used to encourage staff members to share their knowledge and skills.
In closing
A growing problem for HR professionals in Cyprus is the absence of efficient knowledge management. HR professionals may support their businesses' ability to efficiently collect, share, and exploit information by developing clear knowledge management processes and procedures, investing in technology and infrastructure, and promoting a culture of knowledge sharing.
Thank you!
- International Journal of Knowledge Management. (2019). Knowledge Management Practices in Cyprus Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs): A Case Study Approach. Retrieved from https://www.igi-global.com/article/knowledge-management-practices-in-cyprus-small-and-medium-enterprises-smes/231120
- Journal of Knowledge Management. (2018). Knowledge Management Practices and Performance in the Cypriot Hotel Industry. Retrieved from https://www.emerald.com/insight/content/doi/10.1108/JKM-01-2018-0001/full/html
- International Journal of Knowledge Management Studies. (2017). Knowledge Management and Innovation in the Cypriot Hospitality Industry. Retrieved from https://www.inderscience.com/info/inarticle.php?artid=84363
Next up, part?27:?"Employers guide: External Recruitment Agencies"