250,000 dodgy breath tests – Corrupt behavior?
The startling inaccuracy in the number of actual Breath Tests conducted in Victoria has every Victorian rightly concerned about just what is going on with Victoria Police that this sort of activity can fester and grow.
It is very encouraging that the new head of Police Ethical standards is looking at the management processes that failed to identify or manage this problem rather than the Police on the street who felt pressured to undertake rorting the system for which their only benefit may be avoiding a bollicking for not meeting quotas.
Perhaps Assistant Commissioner Barrett should look at the relationship between VicPol and TAC. TAC presumably is the instrument of government that negotiates on their behalf the quotas of Breath Tests or targets but Vicpol seems to accept the conditions of the negotiating without due consideration of the organisations capacity to deliver and the negative impact these quotas will have on the organisations capacity to deliver an overall effective Police service.
Largess offered and accepted by Vicpol executives from TAC may be the root cause. Accepting any gratuity from an opposing entity in negotiation a contract puts you at a disadvantage.
Overreach by VicPol to reward TAC for their generosity they may have provided, is corrupt behavior.
HSE Manager CTC Electrical & CTC Civlec.
6 年Repeatedly we see examples around Police falsifying records/statistics, the base question is Why? Is it lazy Policing or to meet unobtainable quotas or to create a case for introduction of laws to make their job easier? The last option ultimately leads back to the first option. I repeatedly refer back to the Fitzgerald Report, this shows the endemic problems within the Police culture. We need a strong INDEPENDENT #ICAC in each state properly funded, along with supporting Whistleblower legislation, that actually protects & encourages Whistleblowers. The quota case is always denied by Police services, but have a yarn to your local copper at the footy or pub and there's definitely an 'implied' quota. Police need to be supported to focus on crime, the need to secure a conviction is paramount, but must never be at the cost of 'at any cost' the prosecutors job is to secure the truth, not a conviction with no regard to the truth.
Senior Cultural Change Management Consultant
6 年Corrupt behaviour might be a bit strong. I would guess that it might be more attributable to coping behaviour.