25 Ways To Be Unstoppable
Take a bow. Daily. Then Do Some Work...

25 Ways To Be Unstoppable

1) Never grow old.

  • Always stay young.
  • Always keep believing, improving and perceiving.

2) Ignore the news (only BAD news sells).

3) Create a mastermind of 7 people.

  • Make sure those seven are of a higher calibre, bigger achievers and richer than you.
  • If you want to grow.

4) Take risks.

5) Avoid negative people, negative thoughts and negative relationships.

6) Question everything.

  • Qualify everybody.
  • Quantify your involvement.

7) Stop doing things that don't serve you.

  • Start doing things that truly challenge you.

8) Pick up the phone and talk to people instead of 'messaging them'.

9) Set goals.

  • Make a vision board.
  • Put it everywhere (phone, tablet, laptop, wallet, mirror, wall, picture frame, screen savers, social media backgrounds etc).
  • Study it daily.
  • Several times daily.
  • Before bedtime.
  • After you wake.
  • Program your reticular activation system (Google this).

10) Take risks.

11) Declare war on an injustice.

  • Make it personal.
  • Make it bigger than yourself.
  • Rack the shotgun.
  • See who responds.
  • Build your tribe.
  • Nurture, stimulate and rally them to your cause.


13) Enjoy your discomfort zone.

14) Love your family.

  • Distance from the toxic ones who take too much and give too little.
  • Help those who need it.
  • Who also appreciate it.
  • Teach them to fish, not just to eat.

15) Punch above your weight.

  • Get slapped down.
  • Keep getting up again and again until their hand gets tired or they learn THEIR lesson.
  • Get back up ONE MORE TIME than they can hit you.
  • Watch them admire you.
  • Watch them follow you.

16) Take risks.

  • Set objectives.
  • Create a road map.
  • Assume your end result is already here.
  • Act as if it's 100% true but the rest of the world doesn't know it yet.
  • Don't fit into anybody else's view of the world if it makes yours smaller.

17) Work smarter NOT harder.

  • Then work harder.
  • Outwork your competition.
  • Outsmart your industry.
  • Outthink the decision makers.
  • Outshine your peers.
  • Enjoy the view from the top.

18) Understand work life balance.

  • Work to live AND live to work.
  • Put the extra hours in now.
  • Navigate alone.
  • Drive solo.
  • Meet them at the finishing line.

19) Expect the unexpected.

  • It keeps you smart, hungry and better than the obstacles yet to come.

20) Take risks.

21) Smile and laugh more (it freaks them out and chills you out).

22) Never compromise, sell yourself short or ask for permission.

  • Do negotiate a 'Win-Win', use a freemium business model and apologise afterwards.
  • Confront the status quo but choose your battles.
  • Dead soldiers never sip champagne.
  • Smart ninjas never get seen.
  • Smarter ninjas have watertight alibis and were witnessed in plain sight all the time.
  • Or so it seemed (nobody can prove otherwise).

23) Love many.

  • Trust few.
  • Always paddle your own canoe (my Mum gave me this one).

24) Now ask yourself...

Could you ever really work with someone who doesn't believe in all the above too?

Of course not.

Not now you know better.

That's when you become an entrepreneur and launch your own small business.

It's an itch that won't scratch itself.

It starts as a thought.

Then a conversation.

Then a tsunami.

25) Realise there was no risk.

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That's how I can help you...


Dave Crane recently won the Al Arouwad/ MTV award as the best motivational speaker in the MENA region. His events include 17 years hosting Emirates Airline Dubai Rugby Sevens .

He is also an award-winning broadcaster, NLP hypnotherapist, author and speaker coach. In his career, he’s run radio stations, coached many of the world’s favourite brands and worked alongside some of the biggest names in entertainment and sports.

Connect with Dave directly and watch his online motivational TV show ‘Turbo Charge Your Brand TV’ for business tips and interviews with Jack Canfield, Brian Tracy and Dr John Grey.

Find out about Dave’s Comedy Stage Hypnosis Show too.


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