25 Social Media Marketing Podcasts to make you a Pro!
“Your winning social media strategy will not last forever! ” - Charles Darwin
Seth says Darwin wrote the forward for his book!
I giggle in amusement.Two old men in the front turn to stare at me. I apologize ( shouldn’t have!)
As the conversation continues Seth adds "the short term-thinker always thinks you're an idiot because you're not trading.”
I say out loud "Yea, that's true", nodding my head approvingly.
A mother with a toddler in her arms looks at me.
Gary won't let Seth talk, agitating Seth slightly.
This time, I laugh aloud.
The mother moves to another seat!I take off my earphones.
Now I see why people were being so strange. My hair hid the earphones and my phone was in my pocket.
I must have looked like a lunatic talking to myself (although, I must admit I do talk to myself sometimes)
So, what was I listening to, you ask? A podcast, a very funny one. On this episode, the mighty Seth Godin joins Gary Vee to answer questions on the #AskGaryVee show. You can tell that Seth and Gary have a great camaraderie. Gary doesn’t shy away from fooling around in front of Seth. Yes, this episode was entertaining yet very insightful.My takeaways from the show? Here you go....
- Seth says that it’s all about trust and attention when it comes to marketing. You get there by being generous and providing value. This earns trust and directs the right kind of attention towards you.
- You can’t wait for the next big thing to happen. Make the most of what’s happening right now, focus on the now. There have been huge milestones on the Internet since the nineties and things will continue to change. This doesn’t mean that you sit around and do nothing. Keep doing what you’re doing and with time you’ll be able to adapt to the changes.
- Emotional intelligence is an important quality to have. It helps you connect to other people.
- The word “No” is of paramount importance. You have to say no to a few things to be able to devote all your attention to the things that matter.
- Self-awareness is key. Know yourself - know what environment you work best in, what drives you. All this will make you a more productive person.
I subscribed to Seth’s blog right away after this episode. I listen to podcasts every time I travel. If you're in the marketing business like me then you know how fast everything is changing, especially with the social media. For instance, Instagram is now testing a new algorithm that has sent many marketers into a tizzy. Everyone around now seems to be obsessed with Snapchat marketing, phew..Too many happenings to keep up with!So, here's presenting my personal list of 25 social media marketing podcasts:
1. The #AskGaryVee Show with Gary Vynerchuck
“Relationships are leverage. If you give value to someone else first, you have leverage.”– Gary Vaynerchuk
The benefits of the one-to-one paradigm are not linear, they are exponential. By focusing on adding value to people privately, they are more likely to be loyal, share their experiences publicly through their social media, or endorse you on a reputation platform. Social psychology research shows that a key to deep relationships is perceived partner responsiveness, which consists of being understanding, validating, and caring when listening to others. All of these are best communicated through one-on-one interactions.All of this is good, but isn’t it time-consuming and non-scalable?
Let’s #AskGaryVee
If there is one person in the world who understands how to scale the unscalable, it is Gary Vaynerchuk. Over the years, he has dedicated his life to this one concept. He has prided himself on being available for others’ questions, which means hundreds of thousands of one-on-one messages sent including 109,000+ on Twitter alone. It would be easy to dismiss Gary’s unique approach if he hadn’t created incredible success in a very short period of time.In this podcast, Gary convinces us to look at social media as a conversation vehicle rather than as a mere distribution channel.
About the Podcast
Have a burning marketing question you need answered? Simply tweet him with #AskGaryVee and you may be on the next show!If you want to keep up with the fast changing landscape of social media then The #AskGaryVee Show should be top of your list.Gary and his team (400 employees at his social-media agency!) are constantly testing new social media strategies, experimenting with new post types or platforms, to find out what works.With frequent updates to the Facebook’s algorithm, the social media space is becoming increasingly competitive and engaging with your audience can be a challenge. This podcast will keep you updated on the latest social media trends and best practices.
About the Podcaster
In the last 10 years, Gary has written 3 New York Times bestselling books, scaled a 400-person advertising agency from scratch, continued the growth of his family’s $60 million wine business, and hosts one of the most popular podcasts on the Internet today. A serial entrepreneur and an investor, Gary has been running his creative agency, Vaynermedia, since early 2009 with a focus on social media and digital advertising.
Why you’ll love it
Each episode of The #AskGaryVee Show is packed with useful advice in a Q&A format. His episodes range from 1 minute to an hour - they can be a burst of wisdom from just one question, or an episode where he answers 24 questions in a lightning round. Insightful, actionable and absolutely entertaining, this podcast is perfect for morning commutes! :) (Instantly make your day)
Insight / Lessons
Always be on the lookout because the next big social network or other adopter opportunity could be just around the corner. Often huge benefits can be had by getting on to a growing platform early when there’s less competition.The biggest lesson I’ve learned from this podcast is to adopt this mindset and react fast to social media changes.
Topics: Social Media, Digital Advertising
Frequency : Usually twice per week
Length: 10 - 25 minutes
Subscribe: itunes, sticher, soundcloud
2. Social Pros Podcast with Jay Baer & Adam Brown
“Nobody should “own” social media strategy in your organization. Social impacts all corners of the company, and should be more like air (everywhere) than like water (you have to go get it).” – Jay Baer
You should focus more on how to be social, and less on how to do social media. With all the new tools and platforms constantly emerging, it’s very easy to fall into the trap of thinking about social media through a tactical prism instead of a strategic one. The best social media strategic plans are always tools-agnostic, and set forth objectives and metrics that supersede any particular social venue.In practice, all of this boils down to two simple rules:
Rule 1: Act like a person, not an entity
Rule 2: Appeal to the heart of your audience, rather than the head (be passionate)Of course, how you “appeal to the heart of your audience” would vary depending on your domain and business objectives. Which is exactly what you get from this podcast. Whatever be your marketing objective, awareness? sales? loyalty and retention? In this podcast, Jay Baer tells you how to use social media to accomplish these objectives.
About the Podcast
Social Pros Podcast is hosted by Jay Baer & Adam Brown, both of whom are great at storytelling. So obviously, the podcast is going to be entertaining (mote than just being informative). Social Pros features social media practitioners, people doing the real work for real companies. Each episode includes insights from a leading social media strategist plus current trends and ideas in the social media industry, discussed and ratified or debunked by Jay Baer of Convince & Convert and Adam Brown of Salesforce. Each episode ends with the guest giving rapid-fire answers to two marketing questions.
About the Podcaster (s)
Jay Baer
Jay is a highly sought-after keynote speaker, podcaster, angel investor, new media personality, and restless entrepreneur who can’t help but add just one more project to his portfolio. He is the founder of Convince & Convert (Inc.'s 2015 5000 list), a strategy consulting firm that helps prominent companies through the smart intersection of technology and customer service. His Convince & Convert Media division owns the world's #1 content marketing blog, multiple podcasts - including Social Pros, Content Pros, InfluencePros, Business of Story, and Marketing Marvels - and many other education resources for business owners and executives.
Adam Brown
Adam Brown is Executive Strategist for Salesforce ExactTarget Marketing Cloud. He and his team deliver integrated social marketing strategy to customers and work with product teams to develop marketing products and solutions.
Why you’ll love it
Listening to the latest social media statistics and case studies, from people who are actually doing social media work for real companies, is exciting! Hearing how a brand’s strategy was created and executed first-hand will definitely help you up your game!
Insight / Lessons
Insight / LessonsThe fact is that almost every person that is on Twitter or Instagram or Pinterest or any other social network is also on Facebook. So if you’re playing the same cards on Facebook that you’re playing elsewhere, you’re just wasting time and money. For each and every social network, you need to understand what audience you want to engage with; your content plan and editorial calendar; necessary resources; and how you’ll measure the success of that specific presence.
Topics: Social Media, Digital Advertising
Frequency : Once a week
Length: 30 - 40 minutes
Subscribe: itunes, sticher, podbean
3. Social Media Marketing with Michael Stelzner
“Great Content + Social Media Evangelists - Marketing Messages = Growth” – Michael Stelzner
You need to first realize that it’s not about the sale, rethink your marketing objectives. Instead of spurring people to buy or get into a lead funnel, you need to spur people to become evangelists for your company, community, and products. It’s just as valuable to have people that never buy, as it is to have customers. If you can empower an evangelist, that person can reach people you can never reach. Only a subset of your audience will become customers, but many may become evangelists. More than your customers, your social media evangelists will give you the rocket growth you are looking for.
And how do get people to become your evangelists?
Create useful content and give it away as a free gift. When people perceive it as a gift, they will in return love you, and that will take you places. Instead of giving to get, just give, and watch what happens. You will have really loyal fans and followers that will help you at least drive more people back to your content. Most of them will never buy from you, but you don’t need a lot of people to buy from you, you just need a small sub-segment to buy from you! It is never about you. It is about embracing others.Understand the science and practice of Growth, with Michael Stelzner in his weekly Social Media Marketing Podcast!
About the Podcast
Michael Stelzner invites new experts each week to talk about how successful businesses are using new social media marketing strategies, tactics and best practices. And it’s not just straightforward social media best practices. It’s more advice for social media marketers, than advice about social media marketing i.e. they talk about the larger industry and driving forces behind social, such as capturing attention, as well as more tactical topics like Twitter marketing and Facebook groups. This weekly show goes pretty in depth, clocking in as one of the longer podcasts on the list.
About the Podcaster
“A rocket ship ride into outer space!”
If you were to describe the growth trajectory of Social Media Examiner, this is how you would put it. And the man behind this super growth is Michael Stelzner, a self-made millionaire during the Great Recession. From a humble beginning in 2009, Social Media Examiner, today, has evolved into a huge digital media house with over 435,000 email subscribers and millions of site visits. Along with a weekly podcast he now hosts two large conferences as well. Mike accumulated all that experience into his book,"Launch: How to Quickly Propel Your Business Beyond the Competition", a ‘Must Read’ for all SMMs and Content Marketers. More than just a social media evangelist, he is a living case study of Growth & Success.
Why you’ll love it
Michael discusses a different element of social media every week and gives his expert advice on the topic. Plus he gets the top talent to chat with on his show. So if you want to know what the “stars” of social media are doing and how they’re doing it, this is the podcast to listen to. Mike often asks his guests questions that most of us would ask given the chance to have a sit down with these luminaries. This podcast is designed to help busy marketers and business owners discover what works with social media marketing.
Insight / Lessons
Most people are repelled by marketing messages, they don’t like to be marketed to. You should instead focus on the needs of people, and if you can figure out how to provide what people want for free and can figure out how to scale that by hundreds or thousands or millions of people, then you can rapidly grow a following upon which you can grow a business.
Topics: Social Media, Content Marketing
Frequency : Once a week
Length: 30 - 60 minutes
4. The Marketing Companion with Mark Schaefer & Tom Webster
“The key to finding your remarkability is to think about what makes you surprising, interesting, or novel.” ― Mark Schaefer
About the Podcast
Listeners say that this show is "Snicker's bar wrapped in bacon". Hosted by Mark Schaefer and Tom Webster who have more than 50 years of marketing experience between them, the marketing companion is an absolute delight. If you're interested in innovation and the many different ways data can be put to good use then this show is for you. Expect great insights, great ideas from two fearless hosts. With each episode they ask some hard-hitting questions about the current state of events in the industry. They show never takes itself too seriously despite tackling some heavy weight issues. It is all done in good humor.
About the Podcaster
Mark W.Schaefer is a superstar in every sense. He’s an author, speaker, educator and a business consultant. The Tao of Twitter written by him has become the best-selling book on Twitter in the world. Out of the five best-selling books that he has written, The Content Code was named by INC magazine as one of the top five marketing books of the year. His clients include Pfizer, Dell, Adidas and the US Air Force. He has appeared as a guest on media channels such as CNN, The Wall Street Journal, The New York Times and CBS News.Tom Webster has almost 20 years of experience researching consumer usage of technology, new media and social networking. He is the co-author of The Infinite Dial, America’s longest running research series on digital media consumption. He is the principal author of a number of widely-cited studies including The Social Habit and Twitter Users in America. Webster is also a popular keynote speaker on data and consumer.
Why you’ll love it
Having foresight in this business could be a game-changer. You’ll benefit from the years of experience both Schaefer and Webster have. They talk about the future of digital marketing, the future of sales and what it’s going to look like in the next few months. They’re not afraid to ask bold and daring questions. Sometimes they even have opinions that are not in tandem with the majority. They stand by what they say and they’re not afraid to be wrong.Their friendship is so endearing. Webster is the joker while Schaefer is the calm one. Webster isn’t afraid to speak his mind. Schaefer does his best to analyse and understand Webster’s opinions while raising questions of his own. Listening to these guys is like hanging out with two best friends who are very welcoming of you. Even if you don’t have much to add to the conversation, you’ll still have fun watching these guys interact with each other.
Insight / Lessons
Sometimes what happens on facebook is that the facebook page of a company becomes a place where the customers complain. This could infact be used in the company’s favor. By responding to their customers on such a public platform, the company would be making a case for transparency. Also everyone else is watching here - the competitors and more importantly other potential customers. To the potential customers, it would be sending out a positive message that your organization cares about its customers and their grievances.
Topics: Social media, content marketing
Frequency: Bi-weekly or more
Duration: 30 - 40 minutes
5. The Social Media Examiner show
About the Podcast
You could call this show, the 'baby brother' of social media marketing podcast. Social Media examiner show will help you discover quick tips for marketing for your business. This daily dose of marketing vitamin will equip you to take your social media skills to an entirely new level.
Why you’ll love it
The duration of these daily episodes span from 5 to 10 minutes but pack a lot of information. They have everything you need to know about a topic within that time frame. This should be on top of your “must follow” podcasts because you can spare five to ten minutes even on days when you’re too busy or too tired.
Insight / Lessons
To target a niche group of people on facebook, speak their language. For instance, look up hipster slang on google and organize your posts accordingly. Having a niche audience will help you gain more channels of traffic that might result in more revenue.
Topics: Social Media
Frequency: Daily
Duration: 5 – 10 minutes
Subscribe: itunes, stitcher, podbean
6. Social Business Enginewith Bernie Borges
"Employee advocacy is not a marketing strategy, it is a business strategy." - Bernie Borges
About the Podcast
Each episode has Bernie interviewing eminent social business leaders, mostly from enterprises. Here these leaders share their experiences with various subjects - content marketing, social media,social selling, advocacy and influencer marketing. You get to learn about the different ways social media is used across a business to deliver results. Brands showcased include Dell, Discover Card, Humana, LinkedIn, Oracle, Safeway, SAP, U.S. Marines, Walmart, Whole Foods and others. Although, these podcasts would mostly benefit big enterprise marketers, there is still something for everyone here. The underlying principles can be of use to any marketer.
About the Podcaster
Bernie Borges is the CEO of Find and Convert, he has helped many brands get business results through social media. He is also an author, podcaster, blogger, speaker and trainer. He is passionate about evangelizing the potential of social business outcomes. In addition to being included on many lists of marketers to follow, he is an IBM Futurist and Dell Social Business Influencer.
Why you’ll love it
A recurring theme in this podcast is about influencer marketing and advocates. This is an uncharted territory for most podcasts making Social Business Engine a great resource. Consumer are vary of brands and logos. People respond to what other people are saying. There's a lot of talk about advocates and influencers now. Advocates are people who love your brand and influencers are people with a much a wider reach that could profit your brand. You can listen to the episode below where they talk about converting advocates in to influencers.There are many such episodes where he interviews people and talks in detail about this concept. If not for anything else, listen to this podcast to be able to explore this idea.
Insight / Lessons
In 2016, we need to stop relying so much on free social media tools because increasingly everything is getting monetized. Always try to be helpful to the end user in terms of the content you produce. In an episode with the social media expert Charlene Li, she talks about how important it is for leaders to get out of their comfort zones to be engaged. Digital isn't what one person or a department does. Also, aligning your engagement plan with one core strategic goal could prove to be very beneficial.
Topics: Social media, marketing trends
No. of episodes : 100
length: 30 - 50 minutes
7. The Social ToolkitWith Jason Keath and Jason Yarborough
"You don’t get from napkin to novel without a few hundred hours of hard work." – Jason Keath
About the Podcast
The two Jasons(Jason Keath and Jason Yarborough) at the Social Toolkit interview the best minds in marketing and social to talk about the tools, sites and software they’re using. Both the presenters have great chemistry and it’s really fun to listen to each podcast. This podcast is a treasure trove if you’re a social media marketer. There is so much information about all the tools that the bigwigs are using.
About the Podcaster
Jason Keath founded Social Fresh in 2009, a social media training and education company. Jason is also the founder and CEO of Social Fresh Conference where he curates some of the smartest voices in online marketing. Jason is a keynote speaker, presenting to thousands on digital marketing, creativity, and how to make organizations more innovative. Jason has consulted with Fortune 500 and Inc 5000 companies on social media strategy and development. He is routinely quoted by media in the NY Times, USA Today, MSNBC, the LA Times, AdAge, the Washington Post and other outlets. His roots are in the creative arts, he thrives on ideas and inspiring others to build something new, to take chances.Jason Yarborough or Yarby as he is lovingly called is the Event Director of the Social Fresh conferences. He has developed, executed and led social media and marketing campaigns for nonprofits, churches and corporations.
Why you’ll love it
Insight / Lessons
The best part about the podcast is the fact that both these guys always go in-depth with their expert guests. “How” and “why” are the words you will constantly hear. The biggest accomplishment of this podcast is that when you tune in, it's almost as if you’re listening to a conversation between close friends. They’re not afraid to ask why something didn’t work or how something could have been done better. Something they have in common with the guys at The Marketing Companion.You get to learn about the best tools in the market. You learn about what worked/what didn’t for the big time marketers. Not just social, whatever part of digital marketing you hail from, this podcast will be beneficial to you. I personally loved the episode about Buffer’s blogging secrets. I also found an app called Twitcher thanks to these guys. This app allows you to switch between your different twitter accounts.
Topics: Social Media, Content Marketing
Frequency : Once a month
length: 30 - 60 minutes
Subscribe: itunes, stitcher, podbean
8. The Art of Paid Traffic by Rick Mulready
“I believe that social media marketing, specifically Facebook, is a skill that entrepreneurs and online marketers who want to thrive in today’s marketplace NEED to master” - Rick Mulready
About the Podcast
The Art of Paid Traffic podcast is all about the different ways you can use paid traffic to grow your business. Since Rick is a Facebook ads expert, there's obviously a lot of time spent discussing the various tactics concerning Facebook alone. However, Rick branches out to other avenues such as YouTube ads, to Twitter ads, Google Adwords, retargeting, native advertising, Instagram and LinkedIn ads. He even discusses banner ads, ad networks...anything under the sun that has to do with paid traffic.
About the Podcaster
Rick has more than 15 years of experience in digital advertising. He has been teaching himself about facebook ads since 2006. Today, Rick creates training programs for entrepreneurs and online marketers that help them make the best out of the social media scene, especially Facebook advertising. Just listening to the podcasts, you can tell how passionate Rick is about all this. Like us, he's also a student when it comes to other aspects of social media marketing. When he's talking to experts on this show, I can relate to the questions Rick asks.
Why you’ll love it
The Art of Paid Traffic reveals the best paid traffic tips, tactics and strategies for generating leads and sales for your business on autopilot. You can see that Rick loves talking about this because paid traffic allows you to create freedom in your business by automating your leads and sales. It gives you peace of mind by your knowing exactly where your next lead and sale is going to come from.
Insight / Lessons
Rick talks a lot about having the right mindset and believing in your work. Also, keep it simple. Keep it simple by looking at the one metric that tells you how well your ads are doing based on the objective you have chosen.
Topics: Facebook ads, social media
Frequency: Weekly
Length: 20 - 40 minutes
9. Inside Socialwith Rick Mulready
"When you model and apply the strategies of the most successful brands in the world to your own business, that’s when the breakthroughs happen." - Rick Mulready
About the Podcast
Rick Mulready from RickMulready.com discusses social media, social media marketing, content marketing and business marketing strategies, bringing you the latest tips and tricks in growing your business through digital marketing. Learn how the most successful brands in the world are using social media and how you can model their social marketing strategies for your own small business with little to no budget. Rick’s “Inside Social Media” podcast features heads of social media from the biggest brands in the world as well as the brightest influencers in the social media space. The discussions revolve around real world case studies, strategies, what works (and what doesn’t) and "how-to" social media and how you can model these insights for your own business growth. Among other digital marketing strategies, you’ll learn how to leverage social platforms like Twitter, Facebook, Google+, YouTube, Instagram, Pinterest and Vine.
Why you’ll love it
This podcast brings the heads of the most successful brands today such a Ford, Whole Foods and redbull to share their social media strategies. They talk about the models and principles that worked for them and how you can apply the same models and principles to your small business.In one episode, Rick interviews Ford’s global head of Social Media, Scott Monty. They talk about how important it is to keep your eyes and ears open in this business. Scott tells Rick about an incident when Jimmy Fallon had mentioned on his show that he wanted to buy a truck. Scott was the only automobile manufacturer who reached out to Jimmy on Twitter. This conversation led to other events that culminated in Jimmy finally buying a truck from Ford. Small businesses could take a cue from this. Rick always ensures to extract valuable tidbits from his hot shot guests for business all of scales and sizes to apply.
Insight / Lessons
Just understand how people actually use different forms of social media. Ask your customers where they hang out online. Then go about building a good social media strategy. Be authentic in your approach. I found out about mention.com through this podcast. It helps marketers monitor and engage with the social community.
Topics: Social media
Frequency: Weekly
Duration: 10 - 50 minutes
10. All the Social Ladies with Carrie Kerpen
“Focus on the present, it's the best gift you can give yourself” - Carrie Kerpen
About the podcast
Carrie Kerpen interviews women who “run the world” - entrepreneurs, business leaders, CEOs, CMOs who belong to social media marketing. We learn about how they managed to transform their businesses and what role social media played in it. Each episode feels like a casual chat and is also very informative at the same time.
About the podcaster
In my opinion, there could not have been a better person to host this show. Why? Read on……. Carrie is a self-described (Non)trepreneur, author, keynote speaker, and social media expert who brings reckless passion to every part of her life. As CEO and co-founder of social media agency Likeable Media, Carrie grew her company from a husband-and-wife consulting firm into an award-winning, global agency that works with Fortune 500 clients. A regular columnist for Inc. and Forbes, Carrie provides a behind the scenes look at what it means to succeed-- both as a female entrepreneur and for brands using social media. Through candid storytelling, Carrie removes the pretense of the "highlight reel", and provides audiences with an entertaining and realistic look at how they can get the best results.
Why you’ll love it
Yes, the main theme of the show is social media and you will get to learn a lot about how it can used to benefit your business. My favorite part of the show however, is when Carrie asks her guests about their beginnings, how they found their passion and what work went into making them the very accomplished individuals that they are today. The guests talk about the challenges they have faced as women and how they strike a work/life balance.
Insight / Lessons
The episode with Amy Vale, the CMO at charity water made me look at marketing a little differently. I realized that marketing can also be used for the greater good. So this organization provides clean water to those in need. Amy talks about how generosity and kindness is a great way to connect passionate souls. In another episode the CEO and Founder of Finepoint Meredith Fineman talks about the importance of self-promotion for entrepreneurs. Again I’ve always been wary of self-promotions, just feels very vain to me, something people do to show off. “Everybody has to be their own best PR person.” she elaborates by saying that people are able to trust entrepreneurs who have more visibility.
Topics: social media, life lessons
Frequency: Weekly
length: 20 - 40 minutes
11. Social Media Social Hour Podcast with Tyler Anderson
“You can achieve excellence without perfection” – Tyler Anderson
About the Podcast
Tyler Anderson, a social media entrepreneur, gets up close and personal with top influencers each week to discuss social media marketing, online marketing, and content marketing tactics that work. Discover what is working and what is not working across social networks, Learn actionable content marketing strategies and tips to improve your social media marketing. Tyler manages to extract actionable tips and strategies from his interviewees that can be employed with meaningful results.
About the Podcaster
Tyler Anderson is the founder and CEO of Casual Fridays. Casual Fridays is a social media and content marketing agency,Casual Fridays was one of the first social media agencies in San Diego. In February 2013, Tyler co-founded Scoreboard Social to provide competitive social media performance reporting and benchmarking across Facebook, Twitter and Instagram. In January 2014, Casual Fridays acquired Scoreboard Social.Tyler also is the host/organizer of Social Media Day San Diego, which was an officially proclaimed day by the city in 2012. He has assembled an extensive resume of achievements in advertising, marketing and public relations over the past eleven years, including management at Clear Channel Radio and media/public relations for Super Bowl XXXVII in San Diego.
Why you’ll love it
Tyler wears many hats – he’s pretty accomplished for his age. He knows what he’s talking about and knows what he wants from his guests. The attitude on the show is very casual making it very easy on the ears. I like how much attention he pays to details – we get to learn about what tools, apps, methodologies his guests are using. At the end of each interview Tyler asks some fun questions to his guests, for instance – their favorite food or if they’ve ever sky-dived. I haven’t seen many other podcasters do this. Introducing a fun element lightens the mood of the show and you get to know the guest on a more personal level. This is in fact my favorite part of the show.
Insight / Lessons
Many episodes on the show focus on creating great content. I listened to an episode on writing skills( guess why?). The guest said that approach writing like teaching. I’ve been a teacher previously so it immediately struck a chord. All you want to do with your writing is be clear and understandable.Another thing I learned was customer building. You need to be able to communicate with people offline, i.e face to face. This is how you make real relationships. Find create ways to get to know their pain-points. You have to put in that effort.
Topics: Social Media, Content Marketing
Frequency: Weekly
length: 20 - 50 minutes
12. Social Media Pubcast with Jon Loomer
“Getting the Like is easy. It's a light action. Anything else requires trust.” Jon Loomer
About the Podcast
Jon Loomer aims to teach you new ways to optimize and improve your Facebook advertising. In each episode, Jon talks about his road down entrepreneurship, challenges faced and mistakes made along the way. You can improve both your facebook advertising and your business ventures. Jon is always very upfront about the mistakes he's made so that you can avoid going down that road.
About the Podcaster
Jon Loomer is a Facebook marketing coach, author, speaker and strategist. He has used Facebook for business purposes for more than five years, the first time while with a major sports league in 2007. He has consistently been on social media examiner's yearly "top ten social media blogs" series for the past 3 years.
Why you’ll love it
The podcast is very laidback and relaxed. This casual approach is actually quite refreshing. He conducts several experiments that he himself calls "geeky". Jon guides you through these case studies in a very natural and conversational tone. So yeah that's the thing, you feel like you're listening to a friend when you hear Jon speak.
Insight / Lessons
The podcast is very laidback and relaxed. This casual approach is actually quite refreshing. He conducts several experiments that he himself calls "geeky". Jon guides you through these case studies in a very natural and conversational tone. So yeah that's the thing, you feel like you're listening to a friend when you hear Jon speak.
Topics: Facebook , entrepreneurial lessons
Frequency: Weekly
length: 10 - 40 minutes
13. Online Marketing Made Easy with Amy Porterfield
“Everyone thinks free traffic is the sexiest thing ever, but you know what is sexier than free? Results! Learn from those that are getting results and model what's already working.” - Amy Porterfield
About the Podcast
With Online Marketing made Easy, Amy Porterfield shows you exactly how to monetize your online marketing and blogging efforts. She imparts tested, actionable lead generation strategies so you can successfully launch and promote a new program, grow your email list, get more leads, build your authority, and turn your customers into raving advocates. From creating an online course to teaching you the ins-and-outs of social media, Amy reveals what works and what doesn’t.
About the Podcaster
Amy is a Tony Robbins alumni and you can get a feel of that in all of her podcasts. She brings the same energy, the same positivity to every topic she talks about. She is a renowned social media expert who realised over the years that she really loves helping small business owners . What she does is that she breaks down big, poweful strategies into step-by-step actions so you can see powerful results fast. She is the co-author of Facebook marketing all in one for dummies, ), she teaches entrepreneurs how to refine their social media marketing strategy by discussing promotion on Facebook and Twitter, video marketing on YouTube, and many other topics.
Why you’ll love it
Amy Porterfield is a Social Media Strategy expert but she brings so much more to the table. She often goes beyond the marketing realm and talks about all things big and small pertaining to life and well-being in general. With every episode she provides a corresponding blog post on the episode’s topic and a free resource to download. She provides very realistic attainable tips to grow your social media business. You might also help your personal well-being if you start listening to her podcasts regularly.
Insight / Lessons
Facebook advertising can be very confusing. You need to put it inside a sales funnel making the approach more holistc. Make sure what you offer your fans on facebook is valuable. The number one thing on Facebook is to turn fans into email subscribers. You should never be spending more money on facebook than it's making you.
Topics: Facebook advertising, other social media, motivational and self-help
Frequency: Submits twice per month
length: 20 - 60 minutes
14. Oh so pinteresting with Cynthia Sanchez
"Pinterest drives more referral traffic than google+, youtube and linkedin combined" - Cynthia Sanchez
About the Podcast
Pinterest has the reputation of being just a lifestyle website where people go to look for fashion inspiration or to find food recipes. With this podcast, Cynthia convinces us about the the different ways in which Pinterest can be used to promote a business. Some episodes are interviews with marketers who've been successful at using Pinterest and others are solo broadcasts where Cynthia provides tips and techniques to optimize your business on pinterest.
About the Podcaster
Cynthia Sanchez is a speaker and trainer who specializes in helping people learn how to promote their blog or business with Pinterest and use Pinterest as a tool in everyday life. Her consulting website, Oh So Pinteresting, offers training and consulting services for businesses trying to launch or refine their social media presence.
Why you’ll love it
Cynthia makes you look at pinterest in a completely differently light. In one of the episodes, she talks about how Pinterest is a great tool for SEO. It had never occurred to me that Pinterest is infact a search engine of sorts. In the same episode, she talks about a company named Santa Cruz construction guild. When you google Santa cruz remodeling, their pinterest board shows up first. It's been more than a year now and they still hold that position.What I like the most is how detailed the information is in these podcasts. Cynthia gives you tips on how you can go about your adventures on pinterest - For instance - what image styles to use and how to promote videos.
Insight / Lessons
Your product/service has to be worth buying. Know what you want from pinterest, look at how similar products are doing. There's no instant gratification with pinterest, you're pins are always there. You can look at them as assets that pay long term dividends. Also, quantity here is as important as quality.
Topics: Pinterest
No. of episodes : 100
length: 30 - 50 minutes
15. Social Media Marketing Happy Hour Podcast With Dawn Marrs Ortiz & Traci Reuter
“ There is no faster way to succeed than to give yourself the gift of a community who understands your entrepreneurial goals and links arms with you to succeed.”
Hosted by two very smart women Traci Reuter & Dawn Marrs Ortiz , this podcast is targeted at entrepreneurs of all types. You get the inside information on how to leverage social media marketing sites like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and more from the social media experts at Happy Hour Hangouts. They discuss everything from how social media impacts your website to best practices. And the tips are simple yet well thought out.
About the podcast
If you're running short of time, then these podcasts are for you. Usually 15 to 20 minutes long(which is a rarity in the world of marketing podcasts), they provide information on how to leverage social media platforms and you also get tidbits from the experts who appear on the show. The happy hour hangouts is mainly designed for a small business owner, entrepreneur, mompreneur and the likes. The goal here is to empower entrepreneurs by teaching them how to use social media to grow their business. The good news is that there's a new episode everyday. You can also get your questions answered by simply tweeting using the #AskHappyHour.
About the podcaster
Dawn Marrs Ortiz is a blogger and online marketing enthusiast. Traci Reuter is a success coach and a network marketing/ MLM social media trainer.
Why you’ll love it
Not only are these two ladies smart and very passionate about educating themselves and others, they are also super positive and funny. They both work from home so if you happen to be a homentrepreneur, give this show a listen and I am sure you won’t regret it. You will also absorb a lot of information in a very short period of time. So if you are not the type that enjoys 45 minutes or even hour long podcast episodes, this might be the perfect podcast for you.
Insight / Lessons
You need to create a stable relationships first and foremost. In the beginning, you provide value for free, start a relationship. Then you let the other person decide if they want to take it to the next level. Even if they don’t buy from you, you’ll always have customer loyalty. If you have a quality product, there will always be people who are ready to convert.
Topics: Social media, Content marketing
Frequency : Five days a week
length: 15 - 40 minutes
Subscribe: itunes, stitcher, podbean
16. Manly Pinterest Tipswith Jeff Sieh
"When I launched the podcast, I wanted to do everything I could do to ensure success. I used to tell friends and family, If I was going to fail, I was going to fail spectacularly!”- Jeff Sieh
Here are a few Manly Pinterest Guy Tips:-When you follow people on Pinterest, you don’t have to follow all of their boards. Be specific about the boards you are interested in. That way you don’t get overwhelmed.-Don’t just think images. Pinterest allows you to share audio and video.-Make sure that your pins reflect your brand.-85-90% of all Pinterest traffic, Sieh says, is coming from mobile devices. Think about how your pins and shares will look on a smaller screen.-Make sure you are very descriptive with your boards.Interview with inspiredmedia360
About the Podcast
Pinterest is no longer just about cupcakes and braids. There’s an incredible amount of potential for entrepreneurs to improve their business on this platform and Jeff Sieh does everything in his power to prove this point. The Manly Pinterest Tips Podcast is a show created to help you succeed on Pinterest. If you have content and products you want your clients or customers to see, there is no social media platform like Pinterest.
About the Podcaster
It all started in 2013 when Jeff Sieh started an experiment on social branding. His claim to fame was a post he wrote called “Manly Pinterest Tips #1 – Sharing A Secret Board With Your Daughter”. Not long after that, he was talked into hosting a Live Google Hangout show with 4 other guys called “Manly Pinterest Tips.”In 2015, he released the “Manly Pinterest Tips” as a podcast. Things really changed when he was a featured guest for Michael Stelzner’s Social Media’s marketing podcast. Today, he not only runs their pinterest account but also their instagram account.
Why you’ll love it
Can I just say how much I love the intro of this podcast. The super-hero movie voiceover instantly brings a smile to my face. Jeff interviews some very seasoned Pinterest experts who provide valuable information on how to take your business to the next level through this platform. And it’s not just about pinterest, Jeff talks about other media sites too, especially instagram. Listen to this podcast because Pinterest might just be the next big thing if it isn’t already.
Insight / Lessons
Pinterest has more longevity than other social media sites like facebook. Knowing the importance of authenticity and getting to know your followers in order to put out content that resonates with them. Jeff talks a lot about repurposing. Learning skills to help you repurpose your content. For example repurposing your blog article into some sort of video. He emphasizes on spending money and time to improve your own brand image and of the services you provide. This he says yields extraordinary results in the long-term.
Topics: Pinterest, Instagram
Frequency : Weekly
length: 30 - 60 minutes
17. #Twitter Smarter with Madalyn Sklar
“There is no quick formula for Twitter success. It takes time, consistency and a plan of action.” - Madalyn Sklar
About the Podcast
Twitter Smarter was launched in June, 2015. Each week Madalyn Sklar interviews amazing movers and shakers in the world of social media and online marketing like Pat Flynn, Mari Smith, Kim Garst, Mark Schaefer, Peg Fitzpatrick, Pam Moore and many more. She asks them one simple question ““What are your best Twitter tips?”. Here you’ll get the best Twitter information and resources that you can use right now.
About the Podcaster
It all began in 1996 for Madalyn Sklar when she founded GoGirlsMusic.com, an online community of female musicians. She left web designing after 11 years to be a full-time business coach and consultant. In 2005, Madalyn fell in love with emerging rise of social media. She started a new company called Social networks for musicians. Today, Madalyn Sklar is a social media power influencer, blogger, podcaster and business coach who is known for her Twitter expertise. She has been named #3 Social Media Power Influencer in Houston, she blogs about social media and technology.
Why you’ll love it
If you have never used Twitter for business before then let’s face it, Twitter can be quite confusing. The guests on the show are people who have found success on this platform. What I love is that each episode is filled with loads of actionable tips. Madalyn and her guests don’t get into the science of it all. What you’ll get are easy to follow tips that have been tried and tested.
Insight / Lessons
Use Twitter to promote your business and connect with customers. Add them to a prospect list then build relationships by tweeting them and sharing content.Many companies lack their own social media management team so they’re not able to pay attention to customer complaints. Attract customers using social media to answer their pain points.Have a really good header and change it from time to time based on the season or promotions.Create a good profile image. Go for a face behind the brand.Control your first tweet by having a pinned tweet. It can be a call-to-action, a promotion, or about anything that has to do with your brand.Cross promote across other social medial channels.
Topics: Twitter, other social media
Frequency: twice weekly
Duration: 20 - 40 minutesSubscribe: itunes, stitcher, podbay
18. Social Media Podcast for Social Business with Shane Gibson
“Always be closing. … That doesn’t mean you’re always closing the deal, but it does mean that you need to be always closing on the next step in the process.” - Shane Gibson
About the Podcast
How to profit and prosper with social media marketing, social selling and time tested winning sales strategies. In 2005 author and professional speaker Shane Gibson established this sales, social selling and leadership podcast focused on senior business leaders. Guests on this show include Guy Kawasaki, Bruce Philp, and leading marketers such as Danny Brown and Jessica Northey.
About the Podcaster
Shane Gibson is an international speaker, sales trainer, and author on social media marketing, social selling and sales performance. He is #5 on the Forbes.com list of the Top 30 Social Sales People in the World. Shane is also Canada’s only Guerrilla Marketing Master Trainer.Blogging since 2002, and podcasting since 2004 ,Shane is a veteran in the social selling arena and cited as an expert in the use of social media platforms, and channels.
Why you’ll love it
Shane brings his excellent public speaking expertise to this podcast. I like that all his episodes, especially the solo ones are straight to the point. He has some episodes that are as short as five minutes that provide tips and pointers. One such episode is where he talks about building your online persona. He provides three simple tips that I’m sure I’m personally going to apply. He says a)Be consistent b)Understand your niche and customize your content and c)Connection is the key.If you like short and informative podcasts, this one is for you.
Insight / Lessons
Curiosity is the hallmark of a good social salesperson. They look at obstacles as challenges and are curious about solving them. They’re also great collaborators. I found out about an app called hootsuite in an episode. This app helps you manage and schedule posts to multiple social media profiles. Visual content is the content that goes viral i.e, video or pictures. Infographics are a great form of visual content too.
Topics: social media, sales
Frequency: two or more episodes per month
Length: 30 - 40 minutes
19. Social Zoom Factor with Pam Moore
“The goal for businesses, and the people within them, is not to do social but to be social. Even “being social” is often not enough. We must be socially relevant.”- Pam Moore
Social Media tips, tools and techniques is all fine, but first get your basics right! Most of the businesses, no matter the size, tend to struggle with it. People tend to forget Marketing and Business 101 when they hop on to Twitter or Facebook. They get all caught up & excited and can waste months without any ROI.Get rid of RAMs (random acts of marketing) and start with a basic marketing strategy. Which is simple, every marketing activity you do needs to be guided by these 4 questions:
- Who is your audience?
- What objectives does your audience have?
- What is your audience trying to achieve?
- How are you helping them achieve those goals?
Your Social Media activity needs to be aligned to these goals. Pam Moore is all about strategy. “Strategy begins with your audience”, she says. You need to understand who you are connecting with, their needs and what you want to achieve together. Don’t just hop on Twitter and start talking about “Me, me, me.”
About the Podcast
Social Zoom Factor is a podcast created especially for business and marketing leaders. For leaders looking to learn about social media, content marketing, the latest technology and more, Pam’s podcast is a goldmine. Each episode brings you actionable tactics and strategies you can implement today for real business results.
About the Podcaster
Pam is the founder, CEO and partner of Marketing Nutz, a Social Media Branding Agency. She is ranked by Forbes as a Top 10 Social Media Power Influencer. Pam is an avid international keynote speaker, trainer, best selling author, consultant and strategist.Pam spent 15+ years working in corporate marketing and product management for organizations such as Hitachi Data Systems, GE Capital, Sun Microsystems, Storagetek, and IBM as a digital marketing and change agent helping organizations integrate new technologies and media to better excel in the digital online world. Her methodologies have been adopted by brands around the globe.
Why you’ll love it
Instead of the regular social media tips & tools, Pam goes straight to the strategy.
Insight / Lessons
Inspire – Connect – Achieve! Inspire your audiences to connect with you. Help them achieve their goals and you will achieve yours. Remember, don’t just do social or be social… be socially relevant!
Topics: Social Media Strategy
Frequency : 1-4 times per week
Length: 15 minutes
20. The Marketing Book Podcast with Douglas Burdett
“Certainly, there are other networks that make business sense for B2B marketers. But until you have these first three (linkedIn, Google+, Twitter) nailed, remember that it’s more effective to have a strong presence on a few networks than a weak presence on many.”- Douglas Burdett
About the Podcast
Douglas Burdett interviews best-selling authors for the smartest thinking on social media, digital marketing, sales, B2B marketing, content marketing, inbound marketing and more. The Marketing Book Podcast helps you discover new ideas about what’s working in the quickly-changing field of modern marketing. Each weekly episode interviews authors to give you practical marketing insights, tips, and tactics to help you become a smarter, more successful marketer.
About the Podcaster
The host is Douglas Burdett, a marketing agency principal, former artillery officer, Madison Avenue ad man, and a stand-up comedian. B2B Marketing Insider has listed his company’s blog, The Forward Observer, as “One of The Best B2B Marketing Blogs” and listed Douglas as one of the “Top 50 B2B Marketing Influencers On Twitter.” In 2014 Douglas was named to Inside View’s Top 25 Marketing Influencers list. Before starting his business career, Douglas graduated from Virginia Military Institute, served as a U.S. Army artillery officer in Germany for three years and then earned an MBA.He then started working in New York City on Madison Avenue for 10 years at ad industry giants J. Walter Thompson and Grey Advertising.
Why you’ll love it
Douglas has this ability to personally connect with his guests. The interviews feel a little more intimate because of that. He mostly begins the interviews by asking his guests about something they’re passionate about or something light-hearted. Also, if his guests have written a book, he ensures to read those books beforehand. He also asks the guests for their book recommendations. I always make it a point to note down the names of these books. You gain insights into what has shaped these really talented people.
Insight / Lessons
Social skills can be learned. It’s like going to the gym. If you don’t go regularly you can’t stay in shape. It’s not technical knowledge, it’s all emotional. You have to tap into someone’s emotions. Try to be helpful in some way and show someone that you value their time. You gotta go out there and start building these relationships. Start practicing these skill sets and invest in your future.
Topics: Digital marketing, Sales, social media
Frequency: Weekly
Duration: 30 – 50 minutes
21. Brian Carter's Brain
“You cannot get anybody to do something if they’re not paying attention to you.” – Brian Carter
About the Podcast
The host Brian Carter interviews interesting people and expounds on digital marketing and social media with a focus on Facebook and bottom-line results. There are also shorter episodes that contain little tidbits from the very accomplished host himself.
About the Podcaster
Brian Carter is an American author, speaker, marketer and comedian. He also is the CEO of The Carter Group, a digital marketing and advertising agency. At the Brian Carter Group, Brian pioneers and executes results-focused strategies and tactics. He has keynoted and developed marketing programs and strategies for companies of all sizes, including top 50 companies in the Fortune 500. He has written for marketing blogs including Social Media Examiner, Mashable, Convince & Convert, Search Engine Journal and AllFacebook
For live events, Brian incorporates his business expertise along with his background in improv and stand-up comedy. As impressed I am by his persona, I have to admit that I was a bit let down when I heard him as a podcaster. His energy levels seem low, there’s a lack of enthusiasm in his voice and the humor very seldom works for me. Brian is a great presenter but somehow those skills don’t seem to transfer behind the mike.
Why you’ll love it
Brian may not be a great podcast host but he’s managed to put together a show with good quality content. Whether you’re an entrepreneur or a corporate marketer, you’ll find this podcast helpful. The episodes are not just industry oriented. There are episodes where Brian talks to experts about creativity and success. Even if you’re an outsider to this business, you’ll find this podcast entertaining. The show’s tagline is marketing, humor and innovation - through this it caters to a much broader audience.
Insight from an episode or Lessons that I learned
The episode about mobile marketing with Jamie Turner was very informative. I learned that mobile is good for local where people are nearby and good at moment of low-cost purchases.
In another episode about creativity, I found a suggested exercise really interesting. You can try this yourself – pick any three random words and images from different sources and weave them together in some way. There’s always a connection – it might not be a logical one but it’ll be creative.
Topics: Social Media, digital marketing, life lessons
Frequency: No fixed timings
Duration: 20 - 50 minutes
22. The Marketing Huddle
with Stan Smith and Laura Click
"I’m stunned by how quickly one voice can be amplified into a torrent of action. All you need to do is act. If you have something important to say or do, then a well planned and executed content strategy can elevate your podium above the crowd."– Stan Smith
About the podcast
This relatively new podcast is full of great marketing advice from marketing experts that actually do the work. Together, Stan and Laura have more than 20 years of experience working with Fortune 100 businesses, startups and nonprofits to deliver the practical marketing playbook you need to succeed. There's no theory, no fluff just marketing advice that actually works.
About the podcaster(s)
Laura Click is founder and CEO of Blue Kite Marketing, a Nashville-based digital marketing agency that builds and implements integrated marketing strategies to help businesses reach new heights.
Stan Smith is Managing Director at Pushing Social where he helps busy professionals create more leads and sign new customers with proven content marketing strategy and implementation services. He helps business to solve content marketing and social media problems. His blog was named one of the top 10 social media blogs by Social Media Examiner.
Why you’ll love it
They not only share valuable information and their experience with you, but they always recommend great tools and companies that do marketing right so you can get inspired, improve your marketing and grow. It also helps that both Laura and Stan are incredibly funny, they keep it real which is why I love listening to them.
Insight / Lessons
Laura says in one of the podcasts “Bring your best, be remarkably curious”, in a business like marketing that’s constantly changing, you need to be curious. In the same episode, Stan says “If something doesn't align with your core value then don't do it”. Your clients will eventually understand but there’s no need to do something you’re not completely sure of. In another episode, he says as marketers we need to do what’s urgent first in order to be more productive.
Topics: Marketing tips and strategies
Frequency: weekly - monthly
Length: 15 - 60 minutes
23. Business growth Time
with Janet E Johnson
“Social Media takes time…compare it to fishing." - Janet E Johnson
About the Podcast
This podcast features Janet E Johnson and a puppet(yes, you read that right) named Kimmy. They interview experts on social media, internet marketing and software that help businesses get more customers. You’ll find many episodes with tips, tricks and hacks to grow your business by merging the power of social with business acumen. These episodes are very informative and entertaining, Janet has a great personality. However, I have a problem with the puppet. Puppets just don’t have a place on podcasts. It just feels very childish and gimmicky to me. In an episode we hear Lisa Saline(who voices the puppet) speak and she’s actually a delight to listen to. I’d much prefer the show with Janet and Saline minus the puppet act.
About the Podcaster
Janet E Johnson has over 14 years of experience with online marketing. When she found success on Facebook for her husband’s business way back in 2007, she realized other businesses could benefit from social media at large. Steadily, she made her foray into consulting and managing national brands.
Today she helps business owners grow their business with strategies from branding and optimization of their social media. She’ll help you convert the customer from a fan or connection to a sale. On a lighter note, she believes humor and fun help in life and in business.
Why you’ll love it
Experts open up to Bonnie and talk to her about what really worked for them. An expert on the podcast once spoke about how people are afraid to share their knowledge for free. What we need to keep in mind is this very thing builds integrity and trust. I had never thought about that before.
Insight / Lessons
You gotta add a little humor to your posts on facebook. Don’t be afraid to be funny on social media. For instance, if you’re a hair salon then put up pictures of iconic bad haircuts once in awhile.
Stay away from negativity – don’t be negative and don’t be around negativity.
Also as a business, post a little bit more on facebook. Experiment with more posts and see how much engagement you get.
Be smart on social media, be careful about the content you share but also don’t be paranoid.
Frequency: Weekly
Topics: Social media
Duration: 10 – 50 minutes
Subscribe: iTunes
24. Hit the Mic
with Stacey Harris
If you’re using social media for your business, then consistently engage with your audience and make sure that they truly feel a part of your community. - Stacey Harris
About the Podcast
Hit the Mic with The Stacey Harris is the must hear podcast for entrepreneurs ready to get their message out online. Stacey talks about marketing, social media, business, and making it all work in your life. The episodes are short, easily digestible capsules containing the tips and tricks of the business. This show is especially valuable for budding entrepreneurs as Stacey talks a lot about the common mistakes that businesses make.
About the Podcaster
The image on the podcast is of a pink haired, smiling Stacey wearing a leather jacket. Her passion for rock stars goes way back. In fact, she has a degree in audio engineering. She wanted to make records for a living. Today she is a powerhouse online entrepreneur helping her clients reaches rock star status with communities full of raving fans who follow them anywhere. She has a passion for building and being active in communities and teaching folks to use networking to build relationships that grow businesses. Now returning to her web radio roots Stacey is the host of this show.
Why you’ll love it
Being the badass that she is, Stacey doesn’t beat around the bush. The episodes are short yet extremely informative. I admire her honest approach to podcasting, she doesn’t believe in being politically correct. Some of the episodes are even marked “explicit” on itunes! Every episode I tuned into, I learned something from. It was like having my own personal advisor talking to me. That’s the thing, Stacey genuinely cares about her audience and it shows.
Insight from an episode or Lessons that I learned
Don’t try to be perfect with your social media marketing. Marketers are increasingly humanizing their campaigns because people want to buy from people. They want to see some vulnerability. Don’t be a part of more than 8 to 10 groups on facebook, just be in groups where you’re actively marketing your business where you can add something of value.
Learn to make time for yourself. Make sure you have some creative outlets other than your work. Do something you love or enjoy regularly. PS: The book “Miracle Morning” is on top of my reading list now because Stacey raved about it so much.
Topics: Social Media, Digital
Frequency: twice per week, sometimes more
Duration: 12 – 20 minutes
25. Build your tribe
with Chalene Johnson
“After a few months of talking with people and observing them, I realized that the traits of the successful fitness enthusiasts had everything in common with those of the high achievers I had spent years studying in business.” - Chalene Johnson
About the Podcast
Host Chalene Johnson dishes out tribe-building advice for online business owners interested in growing a devoted following of their own. You’ll learn how to create influence that matters and content that creates conversion. The podcast also features interviews and practical strategies from top internet influencers on how to build your email list, create a virtual community, strengthen a tribe and bring a powerful group of like-minded people together. Chalene guides you through the best practices to cultivate, build and care for customers, community and tribe.
About the Podcaster
Chalene is a highly sought after motivational speaker that is adept at a variety of topics ranging from relationships, to life balance, to business management. She’s a celebrity fitness expert and is passionate about helping people achieve their full potential. Chalene combined both of her passions that culminated in the New York Times Best-Seller Push: 30 Days to Turbocharged Habits, a Bangin’ Body, and the Life You Deserve. The first female to host two #1 infomercials, Chalene has sold over 10 million DVDs.
Chalene has built herself a loyal community base of over 900,000 followers on both facebook and Twitter. Her speaking engagements and her annual seminars are sell outs. We can safely say that she’s the right person to host this show.
Why you’ll love it
Chalene is a motivational speaker and life coach. The episodes on this podcast go beyond marketing or social media. In an episode she talks about how important it is to dream big. If you dream big then what you accomplish will at least be somewhere close to the target. If your dreams are not big enough then the results will be mediocre at best.
Insight from an episode or Lessons that I learned
In one episode, Chalene speaks about the benefits of a live video. The beauty of live video is that you don’t have to sell. All you have to do is know your audience and master your message. After watching the video, people either buy or don’t buy. It’s that simple.
She also advises taking breaks from social media once a while. Don’t approach everything from the point of view of networking. It’s more important to connect to people.
Topics: Digital Marketing, Social media
Frequency: several episodes per month
Duration: 15 – 40 minutes
Subscribe: itunes, stitcher, podbay
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