25 Questions to Make You Think During the Great Pause
Wayne Elsey
Social Entrepreneur | Funds2Orgs | Sneakers4Good | Fundraising | Reuse & Recycling Expert | Elsey Enterprises | Premier Brand Strategist | Author | Speaker I Top 200 Philanthropists I Forbes Contributor
During this time, more people feel stressed and uneasy. Unfortunately, when people are concerned about their futures, it affects everything in their lives. For instance, even if people have not gotten laid-off during these tough economic times, the worry inevitably drains into their outlook and perspective. In turn, the concern begins to affect relationships at the office and, most certainly, at home with partners, children, and families.
Still, during this great pause where millions of people don't know what's going to happen next week, never mind next year, because of the pandemic, you have to remember that it's all a matter of perspective. Meaning, accept the reality that is, and consider that you could use it to reflect on your life and career. Because everyone's life is disrupted to some extent, and people aren't planning or doing everything they did as recently as 2019, the pause happening and uncertainty is a time for reflection.
We all know that at some point, this too shall pass. Things will settle down in the not so distant future, and people will feel comfortable making big plans again. Therefore, the great pause that we're experiencing right now is an excellent time to prepare yourself and think of what you want to do in the coming year and years ahead for your life and career. In short, you have the power to decide how your story continues.
You could ask yourself plenty of questions to help you assess your values and priorities, but the following are just 25 questions of many to help you think. There are no right or wrong answers, as you know. As you reflect on the past and philosophical life questions, you'll have the chance to come face to face with where you're at during this stage in life. Write down your answers and reflect on what you write. Sit with it for a bit and then make the decisions to make sure that when the great pause ends, you'll have a sharper focus on where you want to go on your journey.
1. As a kid, before you had all of the responsibilities, what made you happy? What did you enjoy doing?
2. If there were a disaster in your home, what would be the first things you would want to make sure you rescue? The answer will inform you about what you prioritize and value.
3. Do you find that you worry more about doing things right or doing the right thing, and why?
4. As far as your life and career are concerned, what's worse, failing or never trying, and why?
5. What is your biggest fear in life, and how could you overcome it?
6. Who are the people you most cherish in your life, and who's not there that you'd like to have present in your life?
7. Do you believe that you live your life and career authentically and are true to yourself?
8. Sometimes we don’t want to know truths. So, is there anything in your life that you’re pretending not to know or want to ignore to make it easier for you? Why?
9. What is one thing you have always wanted to do but haven't done yet, and why?
10. Lots of people talk about living a happy life. But, in reality, what you want to do is live a joyful experience. Here’s the difference. Do you live life joyfully?
11. What are deal breakers in your life and your career? If there are dealbreakers, are you putting up with them because you feel you have no choice?
12. Do you share your life with others, be it your time, resources, or talents?
13. What advice would you give your younger self?
14. Where do you see your life 3, 5, and 10 years from now, and how do you get there from here?
15. If you had all the money in the world, how would you spend it? Again, this will enlighten you as to your values and priorities.
16. What kind of person have you been both in your career and also in your personal life?
17. Do you feel that you make your own decisions or that life is happening to you instead of you directing it and accepting the consequences of your choices?
18. What was your biggest “failure†that ultimately changed the course of your life for the better?
19. What was one tough challenge you faced, and how did you overcome it? What were the lessons you learned?
20. When was the last time you were at your happiest? Who was with you?
21. If you had less than a year to live, what would you do with your remaining days, and who would you want with you?
22. What do you have to lose if you chase your dreams?
23. What is one thing you would like to change about yourself now that you think could improve your life?
24. As far as your career is concerned, what do you enjoy doing over and over again? The answer could point you to your next job.
25. Do you spend time thinking and doing things for others, or is your life all about you? For instance, do you do anything for social good? Research shows that people who see their lives beyond just themselves live more fulfilling lives.
? 2020 Wayne Elsey. All Rights Reserved.