25 Powerful Insights After 25+ Years in Business

25 Powerful Insights After 25+ Years in Business

I've been in business for over 25 years and here's what I've learned.

1.??????? No one is coming to save you.

2.??????? People don’t work for companies. They work for people.

3.??????? If you don’t manage up, you won’t have to worry about managing down.

4.??????? Thinking about taking action, and actually acting, are not one and the same.

5.??????? It’s our behaviors that matter. Not our intentions.

6.??????? The people who say money doesn’t matter have money.

7.??????? People deserve to earn a livable wage.

8.??????? Don’t wait for your employer to train you. Start figuring stuff out on your own.

9.??????? Don’t look for bargains. Look for value.

10.? Do what you say you’re going to do.

11.? Stop blaming others and start taking responsibility for your actions.

12.? You can’t ‘hope’ your way to a great job or a successful business.

13.? Build your network when you don’t need anything from anyone.

14.? Stop ghosting people. It’s impolite and will come back to haunt you.

15.? Be generous.

16.? Don’t look back. You’re not heading that way.

17.? Hope is not a strategy.

18.? Do better.

19.? Stop trying to keep up with the Jones’s. They’re in debt.

20.? Don’t be conned by promises that sound too good to be true.

21.? Make the best use of the time you’re given.

22.? Say yes to whatever comes your way.

23.? Arguing on social media is a waste of energy.

24.? Your 100% responsible for your future.

25.? Stop trying to cut your way to growth. Instead, invest in yourself and your business.

Do what you will with these pieces of advice. However, I encourage you to consider the one or two statements that have struck a chord with you and begin to create a better life for yourself and those who work for you.?

If you think these tips are worth sharing then please do so.

What lessons have you learned that would be helpful for others to learn as well? Place your comments in the comment section below.

Brian Trexel, PMP, MS

Sr. Technical Program Manager, Project Kuiper at Amazon

7 个月

Take risks - especially early in your career. Make decisions quickly & take action. Move-on quickly when career promises don't materialize. Enjoy the journey & don't focus everything on some pot of gold at the end of the rainbow. Truly care about your people & be authentic.

Wow! Well said. I sure hope that all new entrepreneurs read this!

Brant Wilson

Transformational Advisor | Master Listener | Story Capturer

8 个月

Roberta Matuson All are good, but 1,2,5, 9,11, 19 & 24 are some of my favorites!


OK Bo?tjan Dolin?ek



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