25 Film Freeway Awards
Subject: UPDATED: Film Freeway: 25 Awards (12/20 5/23).
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Film Freeway: 25 Awards (12/20-5/23).??
Awards as Short Film(s):
from Sophocles' THE WOMEN OF TRACHIS
SACCO & VANZETTI: BURN. !!!?8 Awards 2020-22)
11 BOOK AWARDS: (2022-23) on Film Freeway.
EXITS & ENTRANCES (AuthorHouse.com) Memoir 2 Awards
"Newark, Italy and me" (Lulu.com)?4 Awards Best Script.
AMERICAN PHANTASMAGORIA (Lulu.com)?3 Awards Winner.
"organized labor" (AuthorHouse.com)?2 Awards Best book.
Outstanding Achievement-
Honorable Mention-
Selected in Rome, Napoli; Philadelphia; Milan, Seattle; Berlin, New Orleans, Paris, Anatolia, Turkey, Kurdistan, Iraq, Sweden, BALI, Los Angeles; Vienna; Dallas, India, NYC..?
ArtsPRunlimited,Inc., 973-482-0747?
351 Broad St., B-1702, Newark, NJ 07104-3304
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IIn review my Film Freeway site, I just noticed that my submissions were upgraded to 25 Awards.
FF does a long review process as Not Accepted or Selection.
Then it Selected it may receive a Nomination for an Honorable Mention, Semi-Finalist, Finalist or a Certificate of Excellence and move on to the Final Category as a Award Winner.